Buy a house

>buy a house
>still have to pay rent in form of property tax
how is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what is hawaii
>what is alabama
>feels good paying less than 1% property tax

you are a serf, get over it

will you just shut up? we need people "achieving" the American Dream so they can go broke from not understanding math so that we can swoop in and buy their failures at a massive discount

Oy vey goyim. Taxes are needed for your own good. Stop questioning it or you'll find yourself audited. Now back to work for Mr. Shekelstein!

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only pedophiles are charged property tax

Just get an allodial title

buy a ford f350 and a luxury fifth wheel RV. i've got a toy hauler and i use the "garage" area (which is also air conditioned) as my office.

property tax free and innawoods ready.

>save up for massive down payment
>paying expensive mortgage but it'll be cheaper than rent increasing every year heh heh
>$6,000 tax bill. Every. Fucking. Year.
But but my calculations...

You don’t really own anything as long as there’s a government. If they can take anything of “yours” without recourse, you’ll always be a renter.

Crypto may be the one possession I have that could genuinely be considered my property because Uncle Sam can’t take it.

You've done well.

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Thanks for the info will save for later date. Not OP

Somebody actually said that to me.
"That's how we pay for the roads and the schools user. Everybody pitches in."
I'm already pitching in half my paycheck fuck you

It's even worse when you realize that those property taxes are used overwhelmingly to fund pro-government propaganda public "education".

It's not "your" house you are just renting from the government

Oh yes, the roads. They LITERALLY only can be built with taxes. Ah, yes, you can't forget all the free and unbiased education that the government offers to you. It's a privilege! And don't let me start about the FREE healthcare. Free things are great, goyim. Socialism and increased taxes is the only way towards prosperity!

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Pay property tax for a house that you don't actually own

I don't have any kids. I hate children. Everyone should pay for private.
Has an old boomer ever shot up a school I wonder. Little brats

Precious metals aren't bad either, but they are more difficult to transport between countries. A small pouch of platinum coins is extremely easy to hide.

So you have to live in deep shitholes to be able to stop paying rent?

even brits dont have to pay property tax

it's your fucking house! jeez land of the free....

yes you do.. its called council tax

what does it matter if you never have to go outside?

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Taxes are bad. The HOA is worse and I'm not sure how they are allowed to exist.

Can anyone who owns a house get the allodial title to that home?

What if you have debt owed on that property?

You have to show proof of ownership so you'd couldn't get an allodial title without the property deed from the bank

I looked into this out of curiosity and in all the places where it exists it seemed like you needed to pre-pay property taxes basically in order to get it. what's the point or is that just wrong?

You have to pay around 8 years worth of taxes, in return you never have to pay taxes on your property again

hey wait... you're right wtf governments suck

(although i believe council tax can be wavered if you're under certain income)

>I hate paved roads
>I hate drainage systems
>I hate sidewalks
>I hate my town having parks
>I hate the fire department
>hurr durr
You have to be 18 to post here.

>I'm not sure how they are allowed to exist
USA was founded by con artists and the conned. Americans will literally pay top dollar for trash, thinking it's a good thing.

Why do you think education is so expensive? They need stupid people.

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The reckoning will come one day and you will hang :)

>i dont like being strawmanned this hard

Then what the fuck does federal income tax pay for if property tax pays for all that?

Federal income tax is a SCAM, property tax is the only thing that makes sense.

I've got a 160k condo in the suburbs (MA is where bad people go when they die) and between taxes and HOA I pay $600 per month before even paying for the mortgage.

You have to be 18 to post here but its recommend you are older than 25.

*crack* *sip* *ahhh*
Yep, freedom isn't free kid. You have pull your bootstraps up and do what needs to be done. You work hard, pay your taxes and climb your way up the ladder. That's the problem with these kids today. They are lazy. Ah well, off to enjoy early retirement. And no, the dollar could never collapse and we aren't being sold out to communists.

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this is how it is in any average US city. HOA+condos are the biggest ponzi scheme ever.

People think "oh, I'll jus airbnb it and make $$" not realizing HOAs enforce strict bans against airbnb.

Not only do they force you to pay top $$ for a mediocre properly, you can't even use it to your economic advantage.

HOAs are literally are keeping you poor lmao

Free college soon right Bernie
Pls die

It's MA mate, the houses are all $700,000 for a mediocre new-ish one and $400,000 for a 100 year old one with bad insulation. If you want an affordable one you have to live in our isolated Diversity™ zones like Springfield, Fitchberg, or Fall River.

The property tax is one of the most progressive taxes

Property taxes should be increased dramatically and use the revenue to lower other taxes that are more harmful

the idea is that the people who live there think the units will be more valuable if the building isn't treated like a hotel. allowing airbnb opens the common area up to increased wear and is a security concern for other residents relative to a long term tenant or the homeowner. the only valid criticism in your scenario would be the buyer, who couldn't read and understand a simple document before choosing to buy a unit in that HOA. of course, you can always go to the meetings and change things. I'm talking about voluntary HOAs that basically exist before anyone buys in. If they force you to join an HOA in your existing neighborhood somehow (dont know if this even happens) that would be bad

This escape is an imaginary carrot,homelessness lack of medical access and ghetto violence and scumbaggery are a stick. You pay taxes, rent, interest and die.Time to wake up op. There is no freedom. There never was and there never will be.Cheer youself up by laughing at more menial slaves

and who's wood are you going to park your constantly decaying evental pile of rust in ? Cletus wants your squeal.

Property taxes are so retarded. It doesn’t even generate that much revenue for the state

>>I hate paved roads
>>I hate drainage systems
>>I hate sidewalks
>>I hate my town having parks
>>I hate the fire department
>>hurr durr
>You have to be 18 to post here.

Yes you do.Government did not institute any of those things.Please leave.No one gives a fuck your mommy was a thieving civil servent kneepad girl for rick the city planner who lives fucking things up free markets and demand supplies better.

what are toll roads
what are private schools

no one wants yoyr shitty energy drink ad fucking dose petrol on ypurself and strike a match.Forced meme energy drink cancer

You’re always welcome to provide your own army, police force, healthcare, roads, education, social security, etc etc

based and redpilled

Property tax doesn't pay for healthcare commie
Let me buy guns and I won't need the police
Yes I already pay massive income tax for the military that's why USA is frightening powerful you pleb

My mom's been paying into a HOA for 17 years. Past 5 years one corner of the basement gets slight flooding because they built the entire community ontop of a lake that was filled. We keep trying to get them to fix the issue but it's literally like pulling teeth. I want the house fixed asap so she could sell but she's being emotionally retarded cuz i grew up there since i was 10 and spent almost two decades here, she's now widowed. She won't take my advice even though im almost 30 but I'm always a baby in her mind. Ffs

>No one gives a fuck your mommy was a thieving civil servent kneepad girl for rick the city planner who lives fucking things up free markets and demand supplies better.

Thats an oddly specific dig. Got a story to share with the class?

Is this some next level satire of American teenager?

It's an incentive to put it to productive use instead of hoarding land.

>let me buy guns and I won’t need the police

*10 gang bangers rush you at once*

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Yea tell that to silkroad

What states don't have a property tax on vehicles?

That looks more like a rent controlled neighborhood fren

Shouldn't the government just give us all jobs, living wages, and educations, and assign us into couples so we have waifus too. Couldn't the rich take advantage of us when we have too much freedom? The goverment should be in charge

>gang bangers in property tax free area
Theres no need for them to be in gangs when theres no culture of poverty from the food stamps and its possible to live on a piece of land indefinitely without needing to strap on your workboots.

the US military requires a shitting fuckton of resources to upkeep and advance

>Own 500k house
>pay 5k
>rent same house
>pay 8k

wew I just saved some money but wait! I have to maintain and upkeep the house, all things that happen I have to pay for. When I rent I dont, everything gets fixed.

You get jewed, either way. Owning is better but you wont escape the usurper's will, ((they)) will never let you

just live in an apartment wtf is this so hard to grasp

Stop wanting different things. The State will decide where you live.

Brainlet here, why not just buy the land your house is on?

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>The government is supposed to provide...
let me stop you right there
it is only providing internal and external protection everything is trickery

That’s what you usually do when you buy a house...the land comes with it bro. You still need to bend over for Uncle Sam every year either way

I'll pay tax on MY property every year but I demand prima nocta with Melania

Eh. If this were true, literally any nation in the EU would be a superpower and the US wouldn't. But of course it's the other way around. Socialism breeds mediocrity, and individualism breeds entrepreneurship.

Your land isn't allodial title. It's fee simple, issued to you by the "crown," and you have whatever rights over it they allow you. With eminent domain even your ownership of it isn't assured. This is feudalism, and as with feudalism those with a legal monopoly on force are those with a legal monopoly on land.