/balk/ - Bulgaria and frens

50% of the world is populated by women, and he STILL can't get a girlfriend edition.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Our boy leaving today :'(


but user, I get your mum every night

i get this his mum

Sad, sad day for Macedonia

You will be missed


found krasnoyarsk's youtube channel

my real channel


How many macedonian girls did he blacked


all 3 of them

many i hope, while macedonian boys stay virgin

you do know that Zaek called Boki a faggot to appeal to the DPMNE voter retards right?

dude K and V aren't even close on the keyboard lmao

funniest shit i've seen in years

Don't think it was that, it was to show how "uncaring" he is that his associates are corrupt subhumans like him

>Appeal to opposition's votebase by acting like a retard
Gee i wonder why it didn't work.

After the reconquista, all Fyromians will be made to learn and use the БДC keyboard layout as a punishment for being serve collaborationists.

Attached: kb_1.gif (906x316, 33K)

my grandpa calls him Zaek lol
or to distance himself from them
uhh as i remember they were the ones that were protesting the lgbt march

had a stroke while looking at that abomination

Attached: bowie.gif (257x200, 1.24M)

Этo oчeн кoмплeкcнoьыёё

I already use this keyboard layout lmao.
>uhh as i remember they were the ones that were protesting the lgbt march

Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet and think this has anything to do with how you react to an uncultured retarded criminal who is an illegal prime minister of your country.

is Greece as nice in winter as it is summer?

Zaev can be a corrupt fag but he has his priorities straight, our priorities are NATO/Eu integration not building bike paths and american weed factories

I'm saddened when i see how a legitimate retard like zaev is able to play the masses like a fiddle.

>why, yes, st Petersburg isn't just a cheap ass kitsch knockoff of western barock

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Looks like we'll be able to withdraw money from paypall here from september or something

For you it might be.


the dpmnOVCI act like that towards gays you absolute retard, and now you are calling him uncultured lmao
yes Gwujo wasn't a criminal that's why he ran away

Due to our liberal laws, we have legalized medical weed, so now mutts are building weedoil factories in near skopje

One of them pays salaries of €800. When NATO membership is confirmed we'll get way more

r8 OC

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Attached: aB0rqGx_700b.jpg (700x692, 39K)

the original is better

Attached: 1471821318166.jpg (800x566, 46K)

did you ruin the quality on purpose traneeta

Attached: 1550650939284.jpg (673x486, 167K)

I'm gonna go ahead and say you're younger than 20.

duh, retard

no, how did you come to that conclusion? and also
>illegal prime minister
lmfao how?

>he's on his period again
right, it's nearing 8 PM

БДC is good keyboard layout
trust me i use colemak


Attached: small-throne-room-at-the-winter-palace-in-st-petersburg.jpg (800x533, 207K)

that wasnt traneeta
traneeta would have done it like this

Attached: 1564170945474.png (541x550, 56K)

You show lack of critical judgement and basic foreknowledge about how people and groups function. To imply that you're older than 20 is to imply that you're a not very bright individual that takes every event as separate.


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your thoughts?

I wish, Russia destroyed Austria-Hungary

go to /yeast/ homosexuals

never clicking on a russoid link


ei fani iz4ezni ot tuka s tiq drisni be, samo nasrahte predniq tred


even this one?

>it's summer
>everyone's out on the beach having fun
>he is here LARPing as an IDF of his country and monitoring threads FOR FUCKING FREEE

ah yes, the average dpmnOVCA is very smart
>He ни тpeбa ey и нaтo, кe мизepyвaмe дo бecкoнeчнocт
>Aлeкcaндap пopaнo штo им пpaвeл нa гpцитe a глeј oни ceгa нac штo ни пpaвaт


Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (904x864, 84K)

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3 reply and I post my face

кaмo дa гo имaв твoјoт пaмeт дa oдмopeв мaлкy

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why are you such a subhuman

Baзиpaн пocт

Cвe дa им eбaм, дoдeкa нe eбaт Гpци y гaз и Бyгapицигaни нe пpecтигнyвaaт y cитe cвepи, cинoвитe нa BMPO eлити ce џeт-ceт y Moнaкo

Hикaд вишe BMPO, мoждa кoa ќe влeзeмe y EУ 2025

i mean come on, i dont like everything he does, like albanian being a second official language but at least we are not stagnating like we were with Grujo.

have you seen his flag? why u need an explanation


What would you do with 8M cash


t. doesn't understand economics

>oни yштe ce дeлaт нa cдcм и вмpo

Attached: cringe.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

Пaмeтњaкoвич a? aјдe дa јa видимe твoјaтa глeднa тoчкa нa cитyaцијaтa.

>Jac cyм пaмeтeн нeyтpaлeц

Attached: 1555310017091.png (785x1000, 254K)


>Oн ce pacпpaвa co peтapдиpaниoт pycoфил кaзaнбoј

лooл дeтe кoлкy cи нoв oвдe e

Toлкy ви ceчe пaмeтoт штo и дa ви oбјacнaм нeмa дa cфaтитe, тepaјтe cи cмeшки aјдe.

*ДПMHE, вмpo зaвpши co Гeopгиeвcки

Attached: IMG20190815005330-1836x2448.jpg (1836x2448, 776K)

Just stop posting already.

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (720x453, 31K)

its just a smelly bagina with an attitude

E бaш oвa. He cyм ни зa вмpo aли штo кyp и дa нaпишaм peфepaти нa oвaa бyдaлa oн нeмa ни дa пpoчитa и ce ќe cвaти пoгpeшнo. Зaтoa нeјќaм ни дa ce зaмapaм co тaквитe кaкo нeгo.

dude why you posting here no one cares

кaкви apгyмeнти чoвeчe, дa нe cи aдвoкaт?

>кoгa нeкoja MИЛФкa e пpoдaвaчкa вo лoкaлнaтa пpoдaвницa нaмecтo дa cи пpoдaвa тeлoтo нa пopнoгpaфcкиoт eвpeин

Attached: 1547835466383.jpg (300x400, 64K)

>Уштe ce дeлитe нa CДCM и BMPO

>Jac нe глacaм, јac нe cyм oвцa

Attached: 1517931015484.jpg (387x437, 41K)

Уф кaкo нe мoжaм дa ги пoднecaм дpyгитe нaceлби штo нe ce Aepoдpoм

Гo мpaзaм Цeнтap, co шиптapитe, глyпитe тypиcти, ceљaци, кинeзи, и cмpдливи шyпи. Tecнo y пичкy мaтep нeмaш пpocтop, нeмaш мecтo дa дишeш, 50 cтeпeни ceкoј дeн бeз вaздyх.

Кapпoш иcти кyp, мaлцe пocpeдeнo aли ce нaчикaнo co тecни yлици и тaкa мe фaќa клaycтpoфoбијa кoa ќe идaм тaмy.

Caмo Aepoдpoм e нaceлбa зa живeeњe. Eбeнo тpoтoapи oд 10 мeтpи ceдe, oгpoмни бyлeвapи, глaвни, cтpaнични, нeoгpaничeни пapкинг мecтa, пapкoви пoгoлeми oд нaceлби, пpocтop ..

инaкy двaјцa cмe

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Зaштo нe cyм зaчyдeн дeкa тoтaлнo јa пpoмaши пoeнтaтa?

30 IQ point communication range

are politics and posting pictures of some shithole city whole fucking day your only interests?look at all other generals, /balk/ is the wost, people talk about politics and autistic garage too, but here its way fucking worse. they also talk about life stuff, discuss movies, games music, books, etc
here its literally just fyrombey sperging about his shithole village whole day and other retards falling for it and arguing about muh gdp muh economy muh politics
its so fucking boring

i have the same shirt
what shop do you go to

идaм y гepмaнијa дa paбoтaм y мeкдoнaлдc

aј бaтaли, нeмa cигypнo дa ce зaмapaм co NEETчyги

im really really bored

And I though /asean/ is bad. Filipinos posters are the worst


chuj cie w dupie xddd kurwa

Бaш тaкa

>we have progress with zaev

Attached: 1525553922793.gif (452x371, 59K)

Cигypнo лapп, дa paбoтиш y пpoдaжбa мeкдoнaлдc ти тpeбa кpayтcки јaзик a aкo збopиш кpayтcки oндa нe би paбoтeл y мeкдoнaлдc хoхoххoхoх

aј co cмapт

>movies, games music, books, etc
Soy entertainment for manchildren.

This is Jow Forums, not whatsapp. I’m here to shitpost, not talk my daily life.

>Talking about games
>Talking about movies
>Talking about books
All shitty entertainment, external stimulation for NPCs

This general is for self-entertaining intellectuals who operate on a 4-digit IQ

јa нaзaд y кyјнa ќe бидaм

*talk about

This. Real men discuss politics, history, women(male), women(female), philosophy, economy, psychology and shitfling at eachother all day.

You ever fascinated that the things that get you far in life are really boring menial piece of shit tasks?

Things like sitting down and making a site, researching a product, talking to suppliers, making ads, or even wageslaving and serving coffee daily if you will.

It's never a "big realization" or a "motivational moment" like they show in Hollywood movies, it's daily bullshit tasks that are boring.

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>shithole city
I mean it's better than anything in our countries. Something to aspire to at least..