Are they first world?

Are they first world?

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Yeah because they're in NATO pact

They are african

American education

Some parts are. Western Turkey is probably more developed than all of the Balkans, except for Greece

how new are you?

I don't know, you tell me

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second at best

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Yeah Western Turkey like Thrace and the Agean coast is really developed but the south east side of the country is really shitty rural villages

i don't think a country's GDP is a good measurement of its standard of living

It's literally the middle east with arabs pretending to be turkish

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>It's literally the middle east with arabs pretending to be turkish

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Turk is a nationality, not an ethnicity

Overall they are still quite corrupt and their dollar is weak but I agree

>Turk is not an ethnicity

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Somewhere in between I guess. Not as good as western euro countries but not as bad as other countries either. Turkey looks dangerous and poor as fuck when you look at the charts but that is mostly because of the eastern part. Our currency is very shitty now too so if it ever goes back to the normal levels, everything will be a lot better too

reads like roach propaganda lmaoo

>norf Estonia is first world
>souf Estonia is second world
unironically true

No they are worse off then countries like Slovenia.

The fuck is wrong with Solvenia?

no idea, only been in the west part, and it was jihad central, so I don't about the rest of it

Nothing, but no one would consider them First World

Reminder that this user is the most butthurt guy in the world. If you call him names, he argues with you for hours.

but plenty of European ghettos where muslims live looked like it, even ghettos in Athens, it had that foul stench sandpeople have, you know what I'm talking about

How's that cup of coffee going Kelly? been drinking it for the past 2 hours or so

Is (former) East Germany first world Johann?

>Turk is a nationality, not an ethnicity

and most of the land was never ruled by arabs.

no. they are africa tier.

Leave it to Burger Education, They still think Yugoslavia exists

I wouldn't call it arguing, just shitting really, and not just anyone, just sandniggers, they're the funnest part of Jow Forums, shit can't even remember the last time I replied to a white.

it's alright, Freddo Espresso with one sugar, have you guys ever drank freddo espresso?

I mean I can't even remember a single time I posted something useful info to back one of shittings, it's strange, most posters reply to me with carefully picked pics, graphs, researches. They seem to put a real effort in it.

Yes. People claim “muh west turkey” but that’s just because of Eskisehir and Izmir netcels who propagate for their hood. The entire country is developed and nice. Yes the southeast is more rural but it’s still nice. The cities there are great but it’s ancient (literally the first cities ever are in this exact area — Gobekli Tepe) and very mountainous so small communities dot the landscape.

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Based Devshirmeh blond Gayreek
It’s good he will make a good jannisary

what's with the jihad name calling, hope you didn't call for a jihad on me

Why can't 3rd worlders handle a bit of banter?

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well, I think it's the what you call it, inferiority complex, I mean a western white would never bother with shit like that trying to prove to someone you consider inferior anything, so I couldn't give a shit less about graphs, charts whatever. but mudslimes are like the definition of human genetic failure they'll grab on whatever they can

Your aggression will serve the Sultan well, Jeniceri

Second world

again, what's with the shitskin terminology? I mean if you're gonna talk allah at least give the definition in some parenthesis lol. why do you assume a white man would know jihadu?

Nah man, even their richest regions around Istanbul can't compare to poorest parts of Slovenia in terms of living standard, safety, freedom etc. Western Turkey is not that poor in terms of GDP, but it's dangerous and islamic i.e. backward.

No such thing as second world, it stopped existing 30 years ago. Turkey is third world

>it's dangerous and islamic i.e. backward.
It's definetely not.

I know it's secular but doesn't erdogan want to make a caliphate out of it?

Attached: meanwhileInTurkey.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

Athen is a shithole compared to Ankara or Istanbul

We don't stone women in Athens though

He can't. Most of Istanbul is a shithile. It's infested with Kurds and Syrians (there are very good places tho) I live in Çanakkale province and there is nothing Islamic and backwards here. Our birth rate is very low, IQ level is high. If I go out now I will see a lot of women wearing skirts or shorts. People are western minded etc.

No idea but they have cheap and good food (really good food, they don't seem to be able to run out of herd animals) and they have good booze.

I think the best places in Turkey are in the northern mid-west (near Black Sea) and south-west.

>Our birth rate is very low
how is this a good thing?

thoughts on the roachbro in Australia that snapped, killed a white blond blue eyed hooker and then started running amok in the streets of Sydneys waving a bigass knife screaming allah akbar?

most have been an Jow Forums regular lol

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Its western

Okay Bilal

>Our birth rate is very low
You mean by sandnigger standards? like only 5-6 offsprings per family, when the regular is over 12?

It means we are developed. Only people who live in undeveloped areas breed like rabbits. It's like this everywhere around the world.

He was blue eyed as well, if he had a baby with her would the baby have blond hair?

how did you learn to speak English? who taught you?

Your mom

you mean if she kept the rapeseed? I don't know, I'm not a biologist. wonder if it was one of the roachbros I used to shit on regularly here, I've seen plenty of muds snap over the years.

haha classic stereotypical shitskin humor

I mean I always thought if one was to go on a rampage and kill people it would be the self hating depressed shitskin from Germany called ikibey, that out of his hate for turks used to larp as Greek all day.

Ask a decent question and you'll get a decent answer kellyfag

what is that? an apache firing at a crowd? why

how more decent can it get? was it one of the missionaries that taught you English? I know that we send lots of missionaries all over the third world trying to teach people how to communicate

what do you mean why? turkish coup night lol, it was a blast watching them kill each other all night long

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I will always respect Turkish people

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that coup was a falseflag by erdogan to gain more support

Last time I checked speaking English was a normal and expected thing. Anyway I learned English by watching movies, tv shows and playing video games. How did you?

what do you want me to do about it? it was the greatest moment in Jow Forums's history, watching turkish posters lose their shit till their internet went off and they could no longer post, it was FUCKING epic. best night by far.

you must be a smart one, you must be like a doctor or a nuclear scientist in turkey, or probably the village's magician

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I support Turkey

Just saying but they have lower GDP per capita than China

I've shit things more developed than the balkans.

No. Honour killing is HUGE in turkey, and in the regions that aren’t inhabited by Kurds even more common. I think this fact makes it already non-first world. Aside from this, whatever developed you see was made by the Europeans and nothing by Turks but we still say Algeria is third world so...they’re not Europeans, they’re third world but with a thick crusty layer of superiority.

Life is bretty nice in edrine to when i go vist the senpai their i always go out and fuck greek and bulgar rosties

If your'e educated life can be great but if you are some anatolian pesent who moved to a big citty you wil get fucked

HAHAHA asielzoeker kurd found honour killings only exist the kurdish regions.
This is what i mean the anatolian pesent is a small minded subhuman

What did he mean by this?
