>"We will still make our own recertification service, but we'd like to have others (reputation providers) create their own as well. They can use ours as a basis, but if an entity is going to track reputation in their own reputation contract, as reputation providers will do, then they will need their own certification service specific to their reputation contract if they want to provide that service."

Mainnet can go live without the Chainlink dev team completing their own reputation contract because entities within the network can create their own reputation contracts. This means that the reputation contract used for mainnet could be outsourced.

Is there anyone within the Accord Project or Consensys that might fit the bill?

Attached: reputation.png (765x241, 42K)

They still need a "basis" made by the Chainlink devs as Thomas said.

delusional stinkies BTFO

Attached: 9daf0f5e-558f-4b86-9381-a2184902b785.jpg (640x1136, 68K)

It's her special day today so I dedicate this the thread for the best sniper in the universe Sinon/Asada Shino.

Happy Birthday!

Attached: IMG_2667.jpg (4093x2894, 1.23M)

that would mean that only big companies will be able to use the network in the beginning because they will have their own reputation systems and their own nodes

Read the OP, your pic doesn't say who should make the reputation contracts.
And Thomas is telling us external parties should be making the reputation contracts, which makes perfect sense because decentralizing reputation contracts are going to be MUCH better against Sybil attacks than if Chainlink itself exclusively did the reputation contracts centrally.

bullish af

people are so impatient seriously take a step back and chill the fuck out. Ffs capital gains tax is a bitch

Some of us bought ChainLink almost a year ago

Attached: clmainnet.png (490x189, 21K)

Some of us aren't selling until 2020.

a year is a stupid short return time to expect out of one investment. Imagine selling your Facebook or Google stock a year after purchase, hell fuckin Btc at $20. I'm glad most of you fucks will sell early

This. If you even consider selling a single LINK before 2020 you are utterly insane.

This deserves a new thread

I'm selling 1k-2k when we hit $20. God I hope it happens this year...

Good, stay poor.

>t. 5k stack lmao

>Didn't buy right around ICO time

I will start selling @$100.
And will keep 1k Link to give to my kids when I die.

thomas in the discord debunking fud rn
nolinkers, get fucked

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at 5.03.01 PM.png (1444x1060, 343K)

post link pls, I'm in every group except the discord

It makes sense to have different rating systems for different uses. Why would an insurance company want to solely trust how well an oracle delivers data to BIM contracts, for instance?

My sell strat
500 link - $2.00 ($1,000)
500 link - $4.00 ($2,000)
500 link - $8.00 ($4,000)
1000 link - $16.00 ($16,000)
1000 link - $32.00 ($32,000)
1000 link - $64.00 ($64,000)
2000 link - $128.00 ($256,000)
2000 link - $256.00 ($512,000)
2000 link - $512.00 ($1,024,000)

10,500 link = $1,911,000
10,500 link = $5,376,000

Suck it nolinkers

Attached: 55A6BCE9-2AD0-4FDA-86D6-3E961B6DB409.png (750x1334, 385K)

What discord what the fuck

>He doesn't know about the ultra secret whale discord server

Attached: Screenshot_20180907-153328.png (1080x1920, 278K)

Why would you sell at $4 or even $8 unless you were trying to swing? If it gets that high, it means that it has practical value, which means it'll probably go a lot higher. Wasted gains to sell that early.

Rep is being confirmed as a third party institution, means that all they really need to complete is service agreements to have a functional skeleton main net, prove me wrong.

I believe so

Rep will be from third party providers, plural. It's not one institution.

Why 2020, is something happening with link in that year?