This Italian men was born 250 years ago. The French say he's French

This Italian men was born 250 years ago. The French say he's French.

Say something nice about him.

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literally worse than hitler


>Ajaccio has given us Napoleon and Alizee

Truly, a blessed Island.

Why did the (((Rothschilds))) hate him?

They hate freedom

That is some good fucking tastes

They actually funded him

so which one is it?

Why did you post a painting of Napon Boneparre

IIRC he grew up hating the French for conquering Corsica, but grew to love the country while in school.

Give us back that island

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Napoléon was the greatest man who ever lived.

>He wrecked Spanish and Portuguese empires into irrelevance
>Liberalize Europe
>Lead to the creation of Germany and Italy
>made the Anglo more powerful
Well are these good or bad things Portuguese boy ?

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i thought they were just the same?

>thinks his food is the best
>criticises his own country, insults others who do so
>hates americans

Una faccia una razzia

Not exactly
Italians look like arabs while French are literal arabs

The French are discount Italians

>made the Anglo more powerful
That's a good thing for the whole world

Napoleon's father betrayed the Corsican independance fighters in exchange for a cosy military job in France. Regardless of his ethnicity (there isn't much difference anyway), he chose France over an independant Corsica.
Even though Bonaparte was born in Corsica, he spent all his youth in a military college in France.

And Nizza

Very good opinion.

Ah yes, the 'anybody who wanna be french is french' thing


both. As all jews, they're backstabbing assholes. While the french people stood with Napoleon until the end like the honourable people that they're, the fucking Rotschilds decided to side with the british/austrians when they saw the tides of war shifting.

No wonder no one trusts a jew. They change sides like someone changes a shirt

Garibaldi was french though

>conquering Corsica
They autoproclamed themselves "independant" for 10 years or so before Genoa decide to give it to France for free because it was a clusterfuck anyway.

>He wrecked Spanish and Portuguese empires into irrelevance
This was a mistake though. The Peninsular War cost him way too much resources.

Genoa sold corsica to france
And napoleon unironically didn't manage to conquer sardinia

A French speaking, northern Italian man betrays his country in favor of France, and his son, who barely saw the place where he was born, becomes a major French historical figure. You can argue he was Italian if you want, but you'll look like a fool.

It belonged to Genoa lmao

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I know an Italian, he is arrogant like fuck.

Do you know where genoa is?

Why is Italy even unified yet?
How similar a genoese is to, let's say, a sicilian or a calabrese?

Yes I took a ferry from here to Corsica.

Very little but is the same for a moskovite and a tatar. Our history is very troubled

>una razzia

You guys should recreate the maritime republics. It would make Italy more intersting

Would be pointless in modern times


cringe and bluepilled but kek

that makes him even more italian

Corsicans aren't northern Italians.

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The Bonapartes came from Genoa

He is one of the main reason why the Jews are so influential these days.


Like shitalians then

>worse than Hitler
>implying Hitler did something wrong

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