no, we will never be european.
yes, we will always be an islamic shithole.
yes,I'm going to kill myself in this fucking country
No, we will never be european
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Come to Kazakhstan
Not to my shithole, we suck too but different level
Do a Reconquista like Spain lol, jokes aside why don't you just emigrate to Europe tho
kendimi öldürmek daha cazip geliyor
Come on Mehmet it could be worse
do like ikibey, become greek
the thing is I don't think about myself I think aboıut my country. people in my area not islamist, but people in general are
Come to Spain black brother
No offense but the people of your country has chosen already no? Maybe nor those around your area but you already know what do they say. The democracy is the tyranny of the majority.
You can always try to change it but I doubt you will be able to.
>The democracy is the tyranny of the majority.
That is such a bourgeois quote
I just don't understand why they can't see the only reason we are not like syria,ıraq is secularism. why are they wanna be like middle easterners so much? what is so attractive about them?
Imagine if Turkey had been taken over by the Soviets after WW2. Communism and state atheism could probably have eradicated the last traces of Islam in your country. Instead you were weak and allowed the poison to grow unchecked
But you have to admit, your origin story is pretty cool.
Fuck off
At least you're not surrounded by fucking NIGGERS
I can't take it anymore.
I hate this country goddamned country
You can always become Greek not even joking
It's because you didn't manage to kill all armenians, your country would be SO much more european and better if you succeeded in all your goals. I am sorry for ruining Turkey, please kill me and my entire family, let's the least I can do!
Yes you should kys, kurd.
kürt değilim amk almancısı
Do you guys have any other purpose in life besides shilling for your genocide?
Circumcision is genital mutilation
Turks were nothing before Islam
It was only under Islam turks took over constantople and half of europe the middle east
The ottoman empire was fueled entirely by Muslim Zeal
Allah bless MOhammad fatih 1
turkey is a shithole but not just because of the islamists. kemalists are equally if not more shit people. turkey should be divided in half with the western part given to greece and the eastern to armenia
Yes, producing big booty pawgs for their black overlords
Under secularism Turkey is weak and poor especially compared to the ottoman empire
yes, defending Karabakh
why is middle east shit then? arent they muslims? I know you are not serious but still
Serious answer, Secularists/Kemalists should try to dispel the myth that the Ottomans were these religious fanatics. Islamists in Turkey have this romantic view of the Ottomans being these extremely religious powerful Empire which is bullshit, it's up to the Kemalists to prove them otherwise.
islamism doesnt have public support in turkey, ignore this autist.
yeah it seems like an odd timing to make this thread when Erdogan literally lost all the big cities to CHP
Sorry man, but I just came for my flat chested, aquiline nose, hairy turkish GF.
>Thailand muslims
AHAHAHA i really hope the trannys piss them off even more lmao
It does, you western bootlicker posting propaganda
If there was a referendum in Turkey for the state to turn into a islamic one with sharia law, 80% would agree, the rest are (((kemalists)))
15 temmuzda ortaya çıkan tipler kimdi o zaman? hiç de az değiller
Turk diaspora here really want Gulen style sharia law to rule Turkey though and the Almancis are all Erdogan muslim brotherhood lovers
Middle east is shit because the French/British colonial powers drew country borders at random with zero regards which people live where
if you get conscripted in the army, you will actually suicide.
it's only 6 months and all you do clean toilets, cut potato, drive officer's car. actual soldiering is done by career soldiers. turkish army is semi-professional.
that's why you will suicide you will get abused by officers and career soldiers, there was report that turkey's army was number 7 by suicide rates.
move to greece
mobbing is significantly less common in army compared to 15-20 years ago.
annenin tokmakçılarıydı onlar
no wonder afghanistan is such a shithole
oh well there was no fixing that country anyways
why would you even want to be a euro? you guys have always pushed their shit in. join your brothers in europe and fulfill your destiny by further humiliating those effeminate euro "men", my turkish friend.
being european is gay. now every Jow Forumscel wanna be black
Well, what can you do to make your country as a whole less islamist?
People usually turn to tradition and religion when they are unsatisfied with life or they are were raised up in it. It's kind of like binge eating in America.
Right now your country is going through a recession. if you can convince the populace that financial literacy is associated with secular liberty then it may be possible to sway the youth brought up in religion
Would you rather be a western shithole with feminism, homos and trannies?
What shocks me is that we import this sharia loving crap while our politicians pretend that democracy will help them see the light. I don't understand how one can be so delusional.
I guess you never met your average Spanish/Italian/Greek in general. Don't compare us with the Anglo eurocucks
i think yall islam shit hole lack a role modle country you know?
it was suppose to be you, turey, but you blow it so theres no hope for you guys unless theres another coup
End your misery,you can’t live a life with this intensity of inferiority complex,stop ruining the image of KARA BOĞA. And what’s wrong with Islam? The thing you disgust is ar*b culture,not Islam. Tell me the truth,have you ever read Kur’an completely once in your lifetime?
>islam good
>arab culture bad
Based retard
why dont you move to finland to acquire easy pussy
Yes, we are a european country. Yes we are fully secular and yes I will kill myself in this suicial country.
>The thing you disgust is ar*b culture,not Islam. Tell me the truth,have you ever read Kur’an completely
not him but i read it. it basically collection of 7th century Arabic traditions. islam is nothing but tool of arabic imperialism.
Retard anandır. Read the Kur’an,later judge it. You can’t blame a based teaching which is filled with high quality expostulations, due to fallacies of humans,
too expensive. we usually go ukraine for that.
I see, you didn’t read it. Stop making things out of your ass.
fair enough
notice how the higher the % the shittier the country really makes you think
Fuck, i you’d myself.
I see, you didn’t read it. Stop making things out of your ass.
get rid off all the African scum in your country, that 's a beginning.
You are white European and have nothing in common with the Arab barbarians to the south. The Ottoman empire was revered with high culture while the Arabs managed to create nothing of worth
islamı araplardan iyi biliyosun yani? onlar bilmiyo ama sen biliyosun demi amınakoduğumun salağı.
all*hınızıda at*piçinizide sikeyim orul orul orospu çocuğu t*rk piçleri sizi.
bugün ülkende bomba patlatıp kafa kesmiyolarsa atatürk sayesinde amınakodumun gerizekalısı gram beynininiz yok. derdin ne nasıl olmamızı istersin? kürtsen falan bişey demiyorum umrumda değil
>bomba patlatıp kafa kesmiyolarsa
15 temmuz
>derdin ne nasıl olmamızı istersin?
bütün t*rklerin + k*rtlerin + ar*pların ölmesini isterim. tiradını raporladım bu arada.
Godspeed roachfriend, if there is such thing as reincarnation Jesus will make sure you're reborn as a western white in Europe.
I wanna be Albanian in my next life
Arapların islamı bildiğini nerden çıkardın? Kendini müslüman olarak tanıtan insanların neredeyse %99’u putperest. Hiçbirinin senden farkı yok emin ol,kitaptan haberleri yok çünkü. Kitap var içindeki anlaşılsın diye ama okumaz,maddi kitabın kendisini putlaştırılar; Hz.Muhammed’in yüzünün resmedilmesi yasaklanır sırf yücelik atamasınlar diye, bu sefer onun soyut fikrini putlaştırırlar. Git sende birilerini veya dejenereliği putlaştır. Allah akıl fikir versin ne diyeyim.
kelly you are shitskin, I am really sorry for you
orospu ananın folloş amından çıkardım zamkito
That would be a punishment,not a reward. I can’t even imagine calling myself wh*Te or gr*ek.
I must have been a pretty good person in my previous life, so God made me 6'3" blond and good looking, and he made you into a turk. But if you kill yourself in public taking as many other muslims with you, I'm sure God will show mercy and make you into a white in your next life. At least eastern euro white. but It's a step forward away from the sand.
Praise our Lord Jesus.
yikes haha, that's hardly an upgrade from a sandnigger
amın evladı adamların kendi dilinde yazılı çünkü
öyle mi yaptım gerçekten
really? don't you wish for once you would open Jow Forums and not get called a no good shitskin turkroach? I mean let's face it, if there's a heaven and hell, we're living in them, and the big ass double fence between our countries is the middle ground. Go with Christ , praise the Lord.
Senin dilinde de yazılı ama açıp okudun mu bi kere? Hayır. Kitap okuyan falan yok dostum,hacı hocaları putlaştırıyor onlar,iş ne gelirse ahlakı da iyiliği de kötülüğü de hamur gibi yoğuruyorlar. Şeriat kurallarını yazan imamları belirtiyorsan da onların hali de aynı,her koyun kendi bacağından asılacak en sonunda zaten, bir şey diyemem.
Güzel Çanakkalemde islamcı orospu çocukları yok neyse ki. Buraya taşın bence