How can a non Jew become an Israeli citizen and how hard would it be

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convert to judaism
it's hard though. You'll need to know more about judaism than most jews

>tfw have both jordanian and israeli citizenships

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I think they only let ethnic jews in nowadays

not really

spotted the diaspora

My ancestors have been here since the XVII century. Not really diaspora then

Convert then ask to come to Israel.
Why would you want that tho?

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Just wondering

I want to shoot some Palestinian children

My grandmother was a Jew. Can I get a Israeli passport?

Why do you want to live in that shithole ?

If you can prove it and it's on your mother's side then you can ask for it yes.

Do l have to be converted into a Jew or can I stay a Christian?

Just wondering if it’s possible

so have mine but your people keep telling me to go back to europe

You have to convert with an Orthodox Rabbi, but don't have to be ethnic.

Hmmm I don't think you do but maybe it changed, if you tell them you're Jewish they'll believe it it's not like you're going to church or something nobody does that nowadays anyways.

You can convert with a reformist, you only need an orthodox to be registered as Jewish which is recommended but not necessary, will probably matter if you want to marry.

do you need to have you foreskin cut to become a jew ?

Not really nobody's going to check but reformists don't have it as something you have to do so nobody will even ask you about it there.

By halachaic law you a jew if your mom is jewish, no matter what you personally believe. Lots of Russians immigrated even if they were atheist or orthodox because of that rule.

not to be rude but why would anyone convert to judaism? most jews don't even believe in the religion. at least with christianity you get to go to heaven, judaism doesnt get anything but a plot of desert.

Nah like half the people here believe in Judaism and new Judaism has heaven and hell etc because rabbis wanted to give people stuff to work for.
Original Judaism didn't have those only a "good people will come back to to life at the end of days" which still applies tho which is why some pay huge sums of money to be buried closer to a certain spot to be resurrected first.

And secular Jews are only people born Jews converts are usually somewhat religious, it's like in Europe or the US or everywhere else lots of people don't go to church or pray often.