Why are racist people so ugly?
Why are racist people so ugly?
He's beautiful, you leftist bigot.
>He's beautiful, you leftist bigot.
he looks gay but fine
>He's beautiful, you leftist bigot.
We all da same humans not different at all :)
Why are you posting socialists?
As oppose to non racists who are all beautiful right?
Why is it that the biggest naziboo faggots fail to properly pick up any actual German culture and just use random German words to get a "German name"?
Weebs at least autistically catalogize their shows and mangas.
If he was sexually attractive he would not be a racist
they are beautiful, you nazi bigot
Are tou trying to speak german?
but its always educated people who look like aspie like Zackerburg
>Why are you posting socialists?
In the Netherlands dumb people and smart people go to different schools.
And those people unironically slowly start to look like two different races.
With the smarter ones being more attractive on average.
Why do racist "men" use eyeliner
Herr Durr
Because literally their entire obsession is based off of world war II so all they need to know is certain phrases used during WWII
This guy looks like Takashi Miike
You choose just one photo and cherrypicked basing on this. Typical pathetic libtard.
>You choose just one photo and cherrypicked basing on this. Typical pathetic libtard.
How about six?
somebody post handsome racists
>You choose just one photo and cherrypicked basing on this. Typical pathetic libtard.
A few of them could be racist...
don't forget to yell at gays at the next gay parade lmao
I'm not a racist, I just don't like 'em
guy would probably look fine if he were not fat
likewise lauren southern would look like shit if she didn't spend an hour in the gym every day
I am racist and I'd say I am quite handsome.
most people that care too much about political shit are ugly
because americans are retarded
LMAO what did the Mosque defender do to him?
>youre racist if you are a trump supporter
why do retards do this
what is a minster?
Minister. All Nazi's speak fluent German.
another proof to support the shoe horse theory
horse shoe*
dammit i was too slow to cancel the post
nice hairline lmao
>Harry Potter and the final solution
>With painting swastika
Where's the freedom of speech?
its a joke toothpaste
Those genetic failure incel freaks have nothing to be proud of so they larp protectors of the master race with other genetic dead ends.
a better question is why do mentally ill trannies make off topic posts on Jow Forums and not just post Jow Forums, /b/, Jow Forums, or their home board of /lgbt/ and discord?
Painting on private property is vandalism. But you know that and you're just being disingenuous.
same reason why sjws and commies are ugly, too much thought spent on raging about random shit and not on improving themselves