You can only pick two (2)

You can only pick two (2).

>Romance/Med/Southern European

Attached: 1564862158591.jpg (1724x1908, 746K)

>Romance/Med/Southern European
These. Complementary hair/eye colors.

Med and slavic

i dont pick any

I'll rather pick my dick with both of my hands

Med + Slavic.


Black and Arabs

Attached: 1561763973065.jpg (735x884, 48K)

None. Fuck women.

>You can only pick two
I can have all of them.

Attached: QlgB8TuAJtk.jpg (604x340, 62K)

>two? but islam allows me four

Attached: gigachad color.jpg (1050x902, 132K)

the "nordic" one is a bleached whore


How do you know?

Nordic and Slavic

based and redpilled

slavic and slavic

Attached: 1565699872811.jpg (807x605, 112K)

Med and germanic

very based

Attached: 1523844456564.jpg (1710x1350, 547K)

>da, atila the hun is our greatx50 grandpa, how could you tell?

Very based

Celt are cool. because haven't seen such here

ты чe, бacypмaн, пpeдcтaвляeшь в кaких жиpных yeбищ oни к 30 пpeвpaтятcя?

Med + Slavic

Med and slav

Med + Slavic. So easy, no other combo comes close.



I activate my non-white racial ability, Miscegenation, and pick all 4 for the purpose of reproduction.

>Romance/Med/Southern European


wtf non-whites get racial abilities? What is this bullshit