>parents are on vacation
>just me and my younger sister home
>walked in on her blowing her balkan nigger bf in the living room yesterday
>i can hear them fuck RIGHT NOW
>he is a typical huge balkanite monkey and I can't fight him
What the fuck do I do, what does she see in that yugo subhuman???
Parents are on vacation
Asert your dominance by fucking that balkan nigger in the ass. Make your siser watch.
Just don't give a fuck
suck his dick too
burn the house with them inside
Play this in your room and make a weird vibe in the house. He will find it too cringey or strange that you are a nazi and break up. Say it was rammstein if she tells your parents.
Väd ar detta ?
He won't care about that. This is him btw he kind of scares me
wehrmacht marches, the german army
looks like a right mong
Wrap a bat with barb wire and hit with it
Play this
It worked with the russians...... Why wouldn´t it work with southern Slavs?
play nazi song my friend this is your house defend
Pretty sure he is some war criminal or something
Count your blessings, he could have been Albanian
No, lol, He will probably sieg heil back. The balkans are a full of unironic nazis.
das rite yt boi
He's seems fine
Get his name and track down his grandparents or mother, tell them they do drugs and have a bad influence on your sister. What you can do now is take a sheet of paper and start a small controlled fire in the kitchen. Yell fire fire, put it out with a wet towel. Very much smoke will come and you would have to open the windows, see the guy leave.
starting masturbating really loud moaning his name like i told you last time you pretended this was happening
play this playlist op, and keep screaming HEIL HITLER they will get scared
holy shit, you're a huge cuckold if you didn't kick him out
Play this song really loud
Stop playing tough, going against yugoCHADS is not the same as ganging up on some churka manlet
What Balkan nigga tho? It's worse if he's Muslim
He most definitely is a drug dealer. His nickname is 'taxi driver' for some reason. But how can an immigrant drive a new bmw 5 series? Drug dealer or something even worse
He will probably kill me if I do....
>comes into the room
>eeyy based song bro, my grandfather was in ustaze
slightly modiefed pasta
its boring
kek looks brazilian
Just burn the house with your sister in. Both of them are worthless pieces of trash that deserve nothing but the redeeming and purifying fire that shall finally clean your family´s name.
He's Serbian and not Croatian. If what he said is the case just makes friends with him and gang bang you sister
she sees a real man you beta nordoid
why didn't you tell us he's a based serbian? let your sister fuck him
>what do
Look forward to good times with your mixed-race nephew/niece.
typical poltard
You got a little misconception there.
You are all the same slavic shite, m8.
Who cares Balkanites are white
They look like Kurds
Does he have down syndrome?
>Who cares Balkanites are white
quintessensially american post. He has said that the dude is a drug-trafficker, he is fucking trash, white trash but trash after all.
germanics are on another level though
plant drugs on him and call the police
Lol he does have a lazy eye
Sew her vagina shut
Your country is literally half-albanian and the another half are just bulgarians larping as ancient greeks, IDK bro what to think about your post.
This is really pathetic OP, and you call yourself a man? the only weasel subhuman here is you.
I feel bad for you user, this guy seems like a low level human.
My post had nothing to do with my country, moor.
>Your country
>Implying Macedonia is a real country
>guy is ex-military
>war criminal
OP only thing you can do is keep your mouth shut otherwise you might be next on his kill list
He probably just has a job unlike OP which is why he can afford a car, maybe he’s actually a taxi driver
Germanics are the softest most cucked people in Europe, a Serbian would be more likely to defend Norwegian culture from Sharia law then OP
My mother is Irish and my father is Italian, I look plenty white, a half Serb half Norwegian would blend in except he wouldn’t accept being trampled like a purebred Nord
Poison all the food and drink in the house with laxatives
Get his what? He’s already got a piece of your sisters ass, I’m sure he could have his way with you too if he was a fruit like you
Now, this is autism.
user I told to go your local hardware store get barb wire wrap it around a bat and fucking hit the bitch
m8, You are too naïve. How can you get a bmw 5 series working as some shitty ass job?
It does smell fishy and considering that He was actually in the military, I would not be shocked If He was actually selling stuff.
Call NATO and bomb him
What will that do to him?
>Germanics are the softest most cucked people in Europe, a Serbian would be more likely to defend Norwegian culture from Sharia law then OP
Why would a serbian defend a foreign culture from other foreigners?
If you are strong enough and hit him in the head, You could provoke a nice wound. However, if He does not get knocked out, He will probably kill you and then eat your guts as dinner.
OP where you at? I'll come over and gangbang your sister together with my slav bro.
It fucking barb wire it's meant to fuck up flesh he's naked right now so go in there as fast as you can and fucking swing
>tfw weak shit
How do I become stronk
Don't need to dominate the room just find the strength to not be run over in confrontations
Speaking primarily of mental strength
I don’t know how much stuff pays in Norway, maybe he is a drug dealer but OP just seems to be mad that his sister has a boyfriend, he should address him or her with any concerns instead of slandering him on the internet
Serbs remove kebab, that’s just what they do
the problem here sn't your sister having sex per se
the problem here is that they do it in the place you live in. by ding so they basically disregard that it is your place as well and that you should feel free to roam the house as you please without having to suspect a stranger getting a blowjob from your sister in the living room
so the solution is to tell both of them that they are horrible humans and that they should either be quiet or leave the house
knock on the wall, if it doesn't help knock on the door until they stop
when they confront you, tell them to stop or to leave since this is the house you live in
That's why you go to the gym everyday, imagine you were a jacked chad right now.
>Serbs remove kebab, that’s just what they do
That's a Jow Forumstard meme. Just look at Kosovo
Doubt being muscular makes me less skittish and high inhibition
Why don't you call your father and ask?
>find the strength to not be run over in confrontations
>Speaking primarily of mental strength
there are several ways but the easiest one is simply assuming the moral high ground and calling people out on what they are doing
that means you explain to them what they are doing, then go on to say why it is wrong and then you say what you want to change
another way is to "meta" the other person. you don't tell the other person what they are doing, but you go beyond and explain them the entire situation from an outside observant's perspetive. e.g. you wouldnt day "it's careless of you to have sex in the house I live in" but you would say "so here we have two sibling sharing a house and one of them having sex right in the middle of it. this looks careless to me"
Kosovo exists because of western intervention
Any fighting sport will do desu. BJJ is you like gay sex. Kick boxing if you like punchie stuff. Krav Maga if you want to kick and run.
This. OP should stop being autistic, grow a pair and tell them to fuck off and be quiet.
I have a suspicion OP wants his sisters pussy for himself though. This entire thread reeks of jealousy.
And serbians haven't been able to do anything
Then you need to man the fuck up and stop being scared of being hurt all the time. A real warrior doesn't care about a few scratches.
what's holding you back? probably you are afraid of something
what helps me to decide what to do is asking myself if it helps me to further my goal or not
>not saying anything -> 100% the bad situation will continue
>saying somethng -> there's a chance it might work
so saying something is the logical thing to do here
if saying something doesn't work you search for the next possible acting and see if it works and so on
By reading most of your post I can tell you're a beta cuck. Any decent man would assert his dominance as temporary boss of the household and tell both of them to get out and fuck off.
Is he threatens you or even lays a finger on you then call the cops. If he really is some hardened criminal he most likely just fuck off since he isn't in a position to get busted just because some limp-dick mouthbreathing incel got mad at him and his thor sister.
To put it bluntly you ain't worth the hassle. And if he does indeed feel like fucking you up don't resist, go to the hospital (where you will be safe) and call the cops and your parents.
No point in fighting since he could argue that you were the attacker. Plus, it ain't like you sister will allow him to beat you to mush. You have every conceivable tactical advantage.
Quit being a cuck and tell both of them to fuck off. If you can record audio/video without them noticing.
>Parents will go on holiday tomorrow
>Just me and my sister at home
>The biggest hassle will be making lunch every day
Feels good man
>saying indian mutt
>Quit being a cuck
>If you can record audio/video without them noticing.
Im rooting for you, user. Get fit dude. Beat him up.
The serbian man is a natural warrior. There is nothing you can do. Accept defeat
That came out wrong.
The audio/video must be taken from the confrontation so he holds some legal leverage.
>being so much of a pussy
If i had a sister that would bring any guy, ANY FUCKING guy into my fucking house i would beat the shit out of that nigger and then beat the shit out of her for good measure.
How can you let her disrespect u like that?
You worthless maggot, you disgust me more than your whore of a sister.
>He will probably sieg heil back
Then OP can become friends with him
>wh*toids are afraid of THIS
Tap into your inner Viking and chop is head off with an axe then rape your sister
Nobody considers Balkan people to be white in Scandinavia.
>tfw sister is a untouched lesbo
Don't have to worry about anything
keep dreaming lad