In Ghana you can literally pay to ride a crocodile

In Ghana you can literally pay to ride a crocodile

Would you do this?

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I would pay her to ride me. If you know what I mean.

pretty neat but fuck no

I would pay to impregnate a few hundred disgusting nigger monkies like her


obviously not, fuck all crocodiles, even looking at that picture makes me nervous
i was at budapest zoo as a kid and my funny godfather started saying he will feed me to the crocodiles if i dont behave so i obviously didnt and the absolute madman grabbed me and did like he will throw me over the fence into the croc pens, i never in my life felt so afraid


OK for the record---I HATE crocs and gators! Only thing they are good for is eating! I wont ride em they fill me with anger.

They are stupid brainless mouths with teeth, I saw a croc eat his own brother croc's arm off for nothing. They open their fat mouth and wanna eat. They don't care about anyone else but themselves

And what's the payment? My leg?

Are crocs the ugliest animals?

Based and BLESSED post!

how ironic

Apparently the crocodile at Paga are Friendly with humans

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>They don't care about anyone else but themselves

Sounds familiar

>They open their fat mouth and wanna eat. They don't care about anyone else but themselves
There's a good pun here

Yes I would, but I'm a retard and would deserve whatever I got from the croc.

>they fill me with anger
How does a prehistoric reptile acting on instinct piss you off?

Paga is just at the border Ghana - Burkina Faso. I don't know why but this is making me seethe
Fuck border cities, makes pain to my eyes

Why does it bother you?

One of the best gore videos in internet is a lioness BTFOing a croc in water after the croc ate her baby

Idk it's just autism.

I was also confused by your post, and this answer didn't help lol.

>animal killing animal
Nice I watch gore since I was a little kid on discovery channel

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animal gore = based
human gore = cringe

>prehistoric reptile
Example of a reptile that isn't prehistoric?

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Because their instincts are so rotten.
Look at this video its pure rotten...thats his own brother, his own buddy who did nothing to his foot off with his big mouth. They all laze around with their fat mouths waiting for more food and nothing else, they have these gormless expressions, dead eyes and a gaping open mouth wanting to stuff more in.

Other animals will play and groom each other and show compassion to their fellow animals, sometimes do clever tricks. A bird can sing a beautiful song or do a dance. A bee can build a big hive and make honey. Otters will splash and play and have fun in the water. A croc does nothing but be lazy, gape with their mouth open til they find something to stuff in their mouth then they do so.
There is nothing in them that is good. I really hate those rotten animals.

animal on animal gore : based*
humans hurting animals is cringe too

I think I'm picking up what you're putting down m8.


It's pretty ugly to see them in a map

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your godfather sound funny. when i was a boy my parents would always tell me they wanted to eat me. more than once my parents would put me in the oven and wave butcher knives at me haha

I hate all animals and would not be anywhere near any one of them at any point ever.

Ah yeah Wikipedia's maps in particular tend to be pretty shit.

Reptiles don’t show affection beyond mothers hatching eggs

Even doggos?

Especially dogs. I can’t walk down certain neighborhoods because of the dogs and the threat they pose. I never feel safe around animals. Too many lives are cut short by dog maulings.

It’s extremely unlikely to get mauled by a dog

Not in the US. We have shitbulls everywhere the dogs that exist a few blocks from me definitely could and would maul me to death if given the chance. I need to move. Maybe I’ll go to Iran, I hear they don’t have dogs there.

Not all reptiles are so crude about it as crocs are with their mouth gaping open and stuffing it.

I've ridden a giant turtle, good luck finding a place that will allows you that anymore.

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No, I love my limbs
