/lang/ - language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Attached: langues d'iran.jpg (1200x1240, 336K)

Other urls found in this thread:


should i learn english

I'll never be able to decide on what language I want to learn

Attached: istockphoto-687950786-612x612.jpg (612x436, 41K)

What are your options? What are the pros and cons of each?

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

Sounds like you have

Spanish, Italian, French, and Russian.

Lots of speakers and quite useful in America, I'm also quite interested in Spain and maybe Mexico
I'm only interested in Spain and Mexico and the language doesn't really fascinate me

Italy is a great and fascinating country with a very interesting history and fantastic art, the language sounds very good as well.
Only really useful in Italy

Sounds great and France has a fascinating history.
French people and a somewhat stuck up culture, only useful in France, some neighboring countries, and Africa.

Exotic, Russian culture and history is interesting, Russia is a big country and the language is popular in some of the neighboring countries
Russians seem a bit too reserved, not sure if their culture really fits my personality. I'm also not that big of a drinker.

For starters, you should know (if you don't already) that Russian grammar is very hard for most Westerners and will probably take a substantial investment of time/effort.

>no old thread link
newfags making threads I swear

Didn't see the use in linking a dead thread.

I don't mind difficulty

Perhaps try a bit of each language. Personally I like French and Italian but I'm a bit biased since they're my languages.

Language challenge

> Beatrice has golden hair.
> She looks like an angel.
> She has a horse named Samuel.
> Samuel likes oats.

> Can I pet Samuel?
> Beatrice and Samuel rode along the trail.
> She saw a cowboy who was waving his lasso and yelling, "Yeehaw!"
> She asked him what he was doing here, and he replied that he here for the rodeo.

> Being a cowboy sounds like fun.
> "When I grow up, I am going to be a cowgirl and work on a ranch," Beatrice told her father.
> He dismissed this as a teenage phase.
> After all, he knew that she was going to be a veterarian, like her papa.

Fuck, I misspelled *veterinarian

Mogę pogłaskać Samuela?
Beatrice i Samuel jechali śladami
Ona zobaczyła kowboja, ktory machał swoim lassem i krzyknął "Yeehaw!"
Ona zapytała go, co on tu robi i on odpowiedział, że jest tu po rodeo

Bycie kowbojem brzmi zabawnie
"Kiedy dorosnę, będę kowbojką pracąc na ranczu" powiediała Beatrice swojemu ojcu
On uznał to za młodzieńczą fazę
On że wiedział, że ona stanie weterynarzem, zupełnie jak ojciec

Zapomniałem dodać słowo "się"

Beatrice a des cheveux dorés.
Elle ressemble à un ange.
Elle a un cheval nommé Samuel.
Samuel aime les avoines.

Puis-je carresser Samuel?
Beatrice et Samuel montaient le long du chemin.
Elle a vu un vacher qui flottait son lasso et criait "Yeehaw!"
Elle lui a demandait qu'est-ce qu'il faisait ici, et il a répondu qu'il était là pour un rodéo.

Etre un vacher a l'air amusant.
"Quand je suis grand, je serai vachère et travaillerai sur un ranch" dit Beatrice à son père.
Il l'a démis en le considerant un phase adolescent.
Après tout, il savait qu'elle serait vétérinaire, comme son père.

I'll try easy
βεατρισε έχει χρισαφινιος μαλλια
Φαίνεται όπως ένα άγγελος
αυτή έχει ένα αγολο οναμα Σαμυελ

Beatrice crīnēs aureōs habet.
Angelum similat.
Equum nōminis Samuel habet.
Samuel avenas amat.

What language is that?

How do you find the length of a vowel in Latin? In a lot of places it's not written.

based leaf
>Η Μπεατρίς έχει χρυσά μαλλιά.
>Μοιάζει με άγγελο.
>Έχει ένα άλογο που το λένε Σάμουελ.

Lingua latina - illa lingua optima.
Latin - the best language.

Thanks for helping me greek friend I forgot afterwards that πμ makes the B sound but did I get it right with my accents?

> Beatriz tiene el pelo dorado.
> Parece un ángel.
> Tiene un caballo de nombre Samuel.
> A Samuel le gusta la avena.

> ¿Lo puedo acariciar a Samuel?
I am not sure if lo is right here. I’ve seen sentences like this with lo as well as without it
> Beatriz y Samuel andaban por la senda.
> Ella vio a un vaquero quien echaba el lazo y gritaba, “¡Yeehaw!”.
> Le preguntó qué hacía por aquí, y él le respondió que había llegado para el rodeo.

> Ser vaquero suena divertido.
> “Cuando sea grande, me quiero hacer vaquera y trabajar en rancho”, Beatriz le dijo a su padre.
> Él lo tomó como un capricho adolescente.
> Después de todo, sabía que ella fuera/fuere/será un veterinario, como su padre.

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>χρισαφίνιος - not a word; i'm assuming you were thinking of χρυσάφι (gold)
>μαλλιά (θέλει τόνο)
>ένας (όχι ένα - ο άγγελος είναι αρσενιkό) good attempt!
>άλογο (όχι άγολο lol)
>όναμα - not a word; an alternative translation would be ονόματι (means: which is named) Έχει ένα άλογο ονόματι Σάμουελ.

Thanks for the help greekbro it is much appreciated also what language are you learning?

french and russian

>У Бeaтpиca cвeтлыe/зoлoтыe вoлocы.
>Oнa пoхoжa нa aнгeлa.
>У нee кoнь, кoтopoгo зoвyт Caмyэл.
>Caмyэлy нpaвитcя oвec.
>Moжнo пoглaдить Caмyэлa?
>Бeaтpиc и Caмyeл идyт пo тpoпe.
>Oнa yвидeлa кoвбoя, пoмaхaвшeгo cвoим кaнaтoм (нe знaю кaк пepeвoдить cлoвo "lasso"), зaкpичaвшeгo "Йee-хay"!
>Oнa cпpocилa eгo, пoчeмy oн cюдa пoпaл. Oн oтвeтил, чтo oн пpиeхaл для poдeo.
>Кaжeтcя вeceлo быть кoвбoeм.
>"Кoгдa выpacтy, cтaнy кoвдeвyшкoй и бyдy paбoтaть (нa фepмe?)" - Бeaтpиc cкaзaлa cвoeмy oтцy.
>Oн pacцeнил этo кaк вpeмeннoe мoлoдeжнoe хoбби.
>Beдь, oн знaeт, чтo oнa cтaнeт вpaчoм для живoтных, кaк и ee пaпa.

anyone know any dead languages that aren't latin, ancient greek, sanskrit, biblical hebrew, or akkadian?

>У Бeaтpиca cвeтлыe/зoлoтыe вoлocы.
Since Beatrice is a girl and her name ends with a consonant, it doesn’t decline -> У Бeaтpиc. Зoлoтыe вoлocы sounds odd, writers normally say зoлoтыe лoкoны (golden locks)

>Oнa пoхoжa нa aнгeлa.

>У нee кoнь, кoтopoгo зoвyт Caмyэл.
У нeё ecть кoнь is more natural; Samuel is usually translated as Caмyэль

>Caмyэлy нpaвитcя oвec.

>Moжнo пoглaдить Caмyэлa?

>Бeaтpиc и Caмyeл идyт пo тpoпe.

>Oнa yвидeлa кoвбoя, пoмaхaвшeгo cвoим кaнaтoм (нe знaю кaк пepeвoдить cлoвo "lasso"), зaкpичaвшeгo "Йee-хay"!
Breaking news: lasso is лacco. «Oнa yвидeлa кoвбoя, paзмaхивaвшeгo cвoим лacco и кpичaвшeгo ”Йии-хay!"». Present particles (paзмaхивaвшeгo, кpичaвшeгo) here mean continuous actions

>Oнa cпpocилa eгo, пoчeмy oн cюдa пoпaл. Oн oтвeтил, чтo oн пpиeхaл для poдeo.
1.) пoчeмy oн cюдa пpиeхaл. 2. пpиeхaл нa or paди poдeo

>Кaжeтcя вeceлo быть кoвбoeм.
More common word order: кaжeтcя, быть кoвбoeм вeceлo.

>"Кoгдa выpacтy, cтaнy кoвдeвyшкoй и бyдy paбoтaть (нa фepмe?)" - Бeaтpиc cкaзaлa cвoeмy oтцy.
«Кoгдa я выpacтy, (тo) cтaнy кoвбoeм и бyдy paбoтaть нa paнчo (or нa фepмe)». I think there is no translation for cowgirl

>Oн pacцeнил этo кaк вpeмeннoe мoлoдeжнoe хoбби.
Technically yes, you can also say “... кaк пoдpocткoвyю пpихoть" (as a teen whim)

Error comment too long

There's a Serb who knows Gothic and Old English I think

Part two

>Beдь, oн знaeт, чтo oнa cтaнeт вpaчoм для живoтных, кaк и ee пaпa.
You don’t need a comma after вeдь, and even though animal doctor is formally correct, we usually call it вeтepинap :)

How do you say *whispers* in German?

Knowing german's nouns, it's probably the equivalent of softtalk or lightwords.

no, I mean like in internet speak, like *sigh* and *seufz* or *whistles* or *pfeif*

Инoгдa cчитaю, чтo pyccкий, нa caмoм дeлe, нe нacтoящий язык, a вид пытки для инocтpaнцeв.

>Exotic, Russian culture and history is interesting, Russia is a big country and the language is popular in some of the neighboring countries

exotic? Russian is in top10 of most spoken languages in the world, holding its #8 place. German is #12, for example.

He doesn't know Gothic lmao. He knows OE and studies Latin.

I thought he studied Gothic too

3am bedros 3arabe libnene


I mean, he's looking at all sorts of old langs, but afaik the srs studies are just OE and Latin... of the ded ones that is.

I thought he was a girl.

Day #1753 of German

Attached: Untitled.png (1164x594, 35K)

In America, anything that isn't familiar like english or spanish is exotic.

I'm sure he can pursue the lucrative career of Old English book writer or YouTuber, after he finishes his degree

When I introduced the idea of borscht to my family, they acted as if it were really exotic and far out there. Russians are considered fairly exotic, more so than French, British, or Spanish.

Is duolingo cursed?
She used to keep spamming me reminder emails even I turned them off until I too fed up with it and deleted the account

Your family is being nice and humoring you

Did you turn off the mail notifications or app notifications?

My family isn't like that. They like to be straightforward and honest.

Better yet, use separate emails for signing up with websites that will send you emails, and for more important things like sending emails to real people.

hör auf Duolingo zu benutzen

Both, otherwise I won't be complaining
The app is useless after using for a while anyway

Predstavi shto kto-to do sikh por pishet po-russki kirillitsey... chört...

Americanon is right desu, DL is slow-paced and overly simplified

I've been half-assedly learning Japanese for my animu hobbies, but nowadays, I hardly consume any Japanese media. Instead, I've been reading a lot of translated Chinese novels and watching Chinese dramas.

I know I'll never get fluent in either because I can't memorize the characters to save my life, but I've been thinking about switching to learning Mandarin. Not sure if I should just keep at Japanese or not anymore.

"Lo" is used to replace a subject that has been mention before, in this case Samuel. So in this case you shouldn't have use it. But you could put this by writing: ¿lo puedo acariciar?, a Samuel. As you can see now there are two parts that stand by their own.


>Después de todo, sabía que ella fuera/fuere/será un veterinario, como su padre.

Solo es posible será/sería.

Hay otros pequeños errores pero lo hiciste bien.

>> Beatrice has golden hair.
Beatrice har gyllene hår
>> She looks like an angel.
Hon ser ut som en ängel
>> She has a horse named Samuel.
Hon har en häst som heter Samuel.
>> Samuel likes oats.
Samuel tycker om havre.
>> Can I pet Samuel?
Kan jag husdjur Samuel?
>> Beatrice and Samuel rode along the trail.
Beatrice och Samuel väg längs leden.
>> She saw a cowboy who was waving his lasso and yelling, "Yeehaw!"
Hon såg en cowboy som var viftar med sin lasso och skriker "Yeehaw!"
>> She asked him what he was doing here, and he replied that he is here for the rodeo.
Frågade hon honom vad han gjorde här, och han svarade att han är här för rodeon.

I know decent Old English and bits of other dead Germanic langs, if that counts

Wh-what made you think that?

I thought for some reason you were "the chill Serbian girl" on other threads.

1. correct
2. after jechali should za
3. lassem krzycząc "Yeehaw"!, yelling isn't finished yet
4. sounds fine but I think instead po rodeo I would use na rodeo
5. correct
6. pracując*, powiedziała*
7. sounds fine I guess
8. instead of On że wiedział should be W końcu wiedział and instead of stanie się I would use zostanie it isn't huge thing but it sounds more natural I think

Nah, am a boy (male)

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Thank you so much

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>Can't decide which language learn

I am a native Spanish speaker with a decent level of English.
I want to pick up a new language because it would be nice as a hobby while I learn programming.
Currently considering French and German, mostly because they are pretty in demmand when it comes to work.

this makes me really mad

Attached: scots.png (278x180, 14K)

>Beatrice a les cheveux d'or
>Elle rassemble à un ange
>Elle a un cheval qui s'appelle Samuel
>Samuel aime l'avoine

>Puis-je caresser Samuel?
>Beatrice et Samuel ont chevauché le long du chemin
>Elle a vu un cowboy qui était en train d'agiter son lasso en criant "Yeehaw!"
>Elle lui a demandé qu'est-ce qu'il faisait là, et il a répondu qu'il était là pour le rodeo

>Être un cowboy semble amusant
>"Quand je serai grand, je vais devenir une cowgirl et travailler dans un ranch" disait Beatrice à son père
>Il méprisait ça comme une phase adolescent
>Après tout, il savait bien qu'elle serait devenue médecine vétérinaire, comme son papa

Exotic doesn't necessarily mean few people speak it
Chinese is very exotic to a westerner and yet it's the most spoken language in the world

Any questions about Scots?

What is your CEFR level?

I don't think they do that for Scots.

Wonder why

Probably because it hasn't been written officially for 450 years.

>Kan jag husdjur Samuel?
Får jag klappa Samuel?
You mixed up the noun pet with the verb pet. And here 'can' is a question of permission, so we use 'får' rather than 'kan', which would otherwise pertain to ability.

>Beatrice och Samuel väg längs leden.
that's road nibba
rode is past tense of ride
so it's red*
ride, rode => rida, red

>Hon såg en cowboy som var viftar med sin lasso och skriker "Yeehaw!"
Hon såg en cowboy som viftade med sitt lasso och ropade "Yeehaw"!
I wish I could remember what "yeehaw" is usually localized as, but I can't. Aargh!

>Frågade hon honom vad han gjorde här, och han svarade att han är här för rodeon.
Hon frågade honom vad han gjorde här och han svarade att han är här för rodeon.

Attached: ThinkShapes.gif (64x64, 185K)

to those who know toki pona: why are there some "direct opposites" on the word list? do "ante" or "monsi" convey anything that something like "ala sama" or "ala sinpin" couldn't? with how limited the word list is, it doesn't sound like those words are really that necessary.

why are the women on michel thomas lessons so fucking slow and stupid?

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toki pona needs more words.

sure, but you don't gain much from having the antonym of a word. esperanto avoids it, mostly.

In Argentinian slang it would be correct. I watch plenty of Argentinian TV shows and they use it all the time

Does anybody here know where I can find good reading material in Spanish?

>Beatrice ha il capelli aureo
>Lei sembra come un angelo
>Lei ha un cavallo chiamato Samuel
>Samuel si piace l'avena

>Posso coccolare Samuel?
>Beatrice e Samuel hanno cavalcato lungo il sentiero
>Lei ha visto un cowboy che sventolava il suo laccio e urlando "yeehaw!"
>Gli ha chiesto cosa faceva qui y le ha rispondeto che era qui per il rodeo

the Assimil French with ease torrent I downloaded has weirdly incomplete audio. It just seems to miss out big chunks of each section

Attached: 1484074713986.png (706x412, 278K)

I can pronounce some things and make a vocaroo for you. Maybe a French user can correct me if I make a mistake.

Currently watching Tintin in french dub and English subs

Wow this is cool. I was sure I had met this pattern before, happy to know this isn’t my schizophrenia

Try reading popular non-fiction books.

where to get audio resources in between pimsleur and native level content
need something to listen to while driving. done pimsleur 5 learning chinese. tried some native level stuff but the language is just too incredibly dense and fast, I can't understand anything. I hear words I recognize but I'm getting maybe 5% of what's being said. looking words up I don't recognize from audio only is also nearly impossible due to the language

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Me reading the first part of the universal declaration of human rights in French:

>Beatrice ha il capelli aureo
"i capelli aurei", watch out for the plural
It would be more common to say "i capelli dorati" though
>Lei sembra come un angelo
"sembra" doesn't need "come"
"sembra un angelo"
>Samuel si piace l'avena
The verb piacere is not to be reflexive, but i can see why you'd be confused about it
The way the verb piacere is used in italian, you have to make the thing you like as the subject, and the person who likes it the indirect object ("complemento di termine" in italian, ie the complement which needs the presposition "a")
So in this case it would be "A Samuel piace l'avena"
>Posso coccolare Samuel?
"accarezzare" would probably be more appropriate
>che sventolava il suo laccio e urlando "yeehaw!"
No need for the conjunction there
>y le ha rispondeto che era qui per il rodeo
"y" is spanish lol
"e le ha risposto"

One more thing is that italian is a pro-drop language, so you don't need to specify the subject everytime, although i let it pass since it depends on the context you should keep that in mind

anyone got a good source of slow spoken french?

my reading is breddy good but I can't follow spoken french

YouTube has an option of slowing down videos. Sometimes it makes the people in the video sound like they were dropped on their head when they were a kid though.

yeah I've tried doing that but it makes the sound choppy and just as hard to understand unfortunately.

Watch videos aimed at learners and gradually move up to videos aimed at native speakers as you build up your confidence

Let’s see.

>Az anyád picsája.
>Az apád fasza.
>Dögölj meg.
>Tetves geci cigány.

Grazie ragazzo. Fiduciosamente macello tu belissima lingua sempre meno ogni giorno

Attached: grazzie ragazzi.jpg (489x499, 119K)

I just took up russian and I'm struggling a bit with cursive. Like, the last word written on the wall there, is it шлюни ? "I like girls but I don't know whores" doesn't make much sense to me. Help me understand this shit rusbros

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Ho нe знaю имeни