China population 1.4 bilion

>china population 1.4 bilion
Avg iq:105
>America population 305 million
avg iq:95

why do americans call chinese people bugs when they're 1.4 bilion with an average of 105 iq? they're very intelligent if that's the average

Attached: 1552082787360.jpg (225x224, 8K)

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Bugs can be intelligent, doesn't matter

we have certain ethnic groups bringing our average down.

china has an entire culture dedicated to cheating on school exams

everyone not jewish or asian?


Interact with any Chinese person and you'll realize they're all fucking retarded

Chinese lie about their numbers.America isn't 95 its 98 IQ

Also when they test white american IQ it's even higher, like closer to 103 or 108

how does it not matter? intelligence is the most human trait
that's not an excuse
that's irrelevant,also there's the massive stereotype about asians being heavy into studying/being limited from entering harvard (since if they allowed everyone it'd be just asian)

t. low IQ anglo

Attached: iq immigrants.jpg (494x279, 33K)

>English 100 IQ
Did you even read your own chart?