Are canadians mentally ill or something?

are canadians mentally ill or something?

Attached: apufrog.jpg (800x450, 40K)

Why did the my deny you a green card ?

t. spic


Yes, walk in downtown Toronto and you’ll see how bad it is. Lots of people are undiagnosed including myself since I spend my days on Jow Forums of course.

What do you have?

He's a tranny.


Insanity maybe.
Stop projecting and dilate.

Their mentality is destroyed by years of multiculturalism and degeneracy conditioning. They can't be saved so whole Canada must be nuked to avoid spreading these diseases all over the world.

Talk to me more about this insanity

Toronto was ground zero for the Slutwalk. There you have it.



Attached: 1565826264822.jpg (859x960, 222K)

Attached: toronto.jpg (556x802, 120K)

He believes the Leafs will win the Cup this year.

Poles are slav cannibals.

Loneliness, failure in life, no friends, had extreme amounts of stress in high school which gave me literal cancer. A lot of other things.

Are you in uni or working?



Poles are based, shut up tranny.

The chink sympathizers are probably all trannies, they just won't admit it cause then their opinions will immediately get discarded and they surely don't want that

Trannies hate chinks the most.

Thanks Canadianbro.

I think that you deserve all those things for your ignorance and superiority complex. Learn some geography leaf.

Because they're manlier than they are.

Fair point but in general transgenders are the most conservative minority group.


Bet you are the faggot who spams Canada is collapsing FUCK YOU!