let's turn this bitch upside down nig nogs
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Hello, fren sorry I abandoned the thread yesterday , I was really sleepy
I wasn't posting yesterday. Probably the Poolestinian
That must be someone else , I'm sorry
>be eldian
>get shot
are people in mena really bad?
How do you even measure that ?
And mena is grey this means no information
Im glad Eldian niggers got put in their place. Marley needs to be littered with he blood of the Eldians.
>high empathy
the US is literally geared towards stripping people of their empathy and turning them into soulless robot insectoids chasing after money and personal welfare.
An integrated culture and social values are the root of empathy and integrity in large groups of people. Americans have none of those, they have no culture aside from the culture of consuming products and having shallow, unbacked opinions on a wide range of political topics. There's a reason there's so many homeless and poor people in the states and the fact that it is cultural over there to discard your offsprings after they reach adulthood and let them fend off for themselves and their institutions are all structured towards sucking money out of their citizenry.
Eren bestboi.
What show is this , should I watch it ?
so do people just make their own generals whenever now? it's a double edged sword
You should read the manga.
What is its name ?
Shingeki no kyojin.
Thank you fren
attack on titan
Based or Cringe?
Thank you
How was he raped , Is he a manlet ?
جهاد النكاح
و بعدين مب كان لازم يكتبون
>"شاب مصري يغتصب اسرائيلية في سيناء"
لما قريت اللي في الصورة كان عبالي ان الاسرئيلية اغتصبت المصري
>lebanese reading comprehension
>tfw manlet
how tall are you /mena/? I'm 176 cm
Sorry , that was from the first glance
204 cm
180 cm and still growing until I die.
I hate my height. I wish things were different.
I wouldn't call UAE one of the "tall" countries to have a complex about your height when you're 176
t. 178, basically an average height
It's a good thing we have a lot of Filipinos and Pajeets here. They are on average shorter than people here. So they make me look "tall" in comparison.
205 cm
غداي اليوم صالونة لحم
you nafri manlet nigger liar
I hate sandpeople.
he is taller than you though
t.176 cm
you have no right to talk midget
you have no right to speak for being Al Turduni
t. seething underage manlet turdskin
كس ام مينا
ايري فيك
What is the /mena/ of anime?
Do people smoke in airports in your cunt ?
When i went to algeria people were smoking in the luggage delivery thing area
When I left algeria people were still smoking in the boarding area where you wait your flight
really made me asks myself why algerians are such subhumans
Hunter x Hunter because we all grew up with the 1999 version on Spacetoon
Your whole slut race is finna get castrated lmao
can you speak up?
i can't hear you from down there lol subhuman
Dealing with Iranians on Jow Forums (and many other places on the internet) made me feel some kind of hate against them they were cringy and dumb only two Iranians I met here were good the rest unironically disguste me in every imaginable way
What should I do /Arabs/ to deal with this feeling ?
Iranian diaspora hate themselves and hate us , don't let it get to you , Iranians in Iran love us
smoking is still not out of fashion in mena
The Iranian dane was fine and many Iranians from Iran were cringe
I'm not Generalizing here but all what I met was usually cringe user
Still I love Iranians
True , try seeing r/Iran
Cringeist shit I have ever seen
i work in an airport and smoking is strictly not allowed. you get fined if you get caught doing it inside the facilities
knowing iranians exist made me hate them.
Don't care about it any more
Why that racist
Saudi Arabia best MENA country
I dab on muhammed's fucking grave
it's a good show
welcome back permaseething unibrow diaspora zorostrian f*Rsian
Thanks , I'll make sure to watch it
Sinai is just unironic, ghutra-wearing, non-masri-speaking, in tents-living, araboid bedouins
This is a weak tier trolling user
How to get Berber gf
I am wh*te btw
How to get Kabyle gf
I am wh*te btw
Who are the eldians?
It's a term to mock Americans
Hello my white brother, yesterday a filthy ar*b said you people were middle eastern and I called him an imbecile.
Yeaa but i have read it a couple of time here, are they some kind of analogy with any real people?
No , it's just a term , but it makes the Americans seethe , try calling an American that
Thank you my white brother , gotta keep the imbeciles in check
super based
>نعم لقد كنت أراقبك قبل وجودك حتى، من كان ليلاحظ ذلك؟
>>ل-لاين لم-لماذا؟
>لماذا؟ لهذا أنا موجودة، لأراقب الجميع بصمت، أنا أراقب الجميع بهدوء
animefags are so cringe
اقتل نفسك
اقتل نفسك بعنف
i've been thinking about it
حقا ؟ ما المشكلة يا عراقانون
pretty rude.
can you guyd pls explain to me what exactly is pan arabism and why it hasn't worked. thx
lain aficionados are honestly some of the most disgusting and braindead people out there. gagworthy.
i did feel braindead watching lain tbqh.
because you knew you could've dedicated all that time to watching a couple of movies instead? amen to that brother.
i have nothing against the show, it's pretty decent if not as visionary as people claim it is. (it didn't come out in the middle ages, it came out when the internet was alresdy a thing).
i don't care about people misinterpreting the vapid and overstated messages of the show either. what bothers me is that the most visible part of the fanbase are teenagers who go on and on about wiring themselves to the internet or their NEET way of life in a cryptic way with no awareness of how stupid they sound to mentally unchallenged people.
by the 19th and 20th century concept like nationalism and nation-state arised. And a lot of ethnic groups tried to carve a country for their people. During the ottoman era many arabs wanted to create a single country for all arabs. After the fall of the Ottomans many arabs wanted to do the same. But ultimately that didn't work out. There was a cold war in the region and arab nationalists failed.
sup men/a/
can't wait to finally escape this flag
i don't regret watching it, but i didn't know how to interpret it.
it felt pretty random at times, and i just didn't know enough about what the show is referencing.
i might rewatch it one day.
what do you mean?
where are you leaving?
Sup Sud/a/non
Leaving to Sudan. I have been staying here for almost 6 months because my university was closed due to protests and unstable state of my cunt. Things have improved these days though, so I'll be returning today
To a more transsexual tolerant country, so he can express his faggotry freely and without prosecution.
good luck.
Sudanese are the most manly people I've seen , just because he posts anime doesn't mean that he is a tranny , he probably can knock you up with one punch
Some people say that arabs are high in t, and yet we have the labanese.
no need to be rude, frens.
agreed nice thread
>lebanese are arab
get out of my general you imbecile