simple as
Simple as
Have you ever been to Sardinia or Greece
I've been to Greece, they were white.
whiter than e*stern "europe"
Are you the same buttblusted self hating Lithuanian faggot from earlier complaining about how you have it so much worse than third world? Fuck off
It's a r*sshit
Have you ever been in Spain ? half of our country is inhabited by sandniggers.
Based ben franklin
Ancient Saxons don't exist anymore.
why would i shill for the west if i was r*ssian
I've never been to Sardinia, but Greece is basicly a run down, second rate western country filled with lazy degos.
still whiter and more civilized than e*stern
White ?? More like shite !!
Pic related are the only real white people
I'm from Oslo btw
>eastern Oslo
yeah, you have never been in Spain.
Wtf mate take that back
Das rite whyteboy your days are numbered
"blyat kurwa nahui ybany" doesn't sound like civilized to me
cope harder snownigger
We have like 20 ways of saying bitch in Spanish. People are bad-mannered, insults and swearwords are present in day to day speech.
That's right you fucking brainless retard swearing is impolite, I'm surprised it took you this long to realise
I am the last of my race.
but thats all slavs say
essex wog
The rest of the Balkans are more huwaito
they're sl*vs. Sl*vs are not white
>Greece is white but Slovenia is not
Go back Ben you are drunk
kek they are whiter than greeks, Iberians and italians.
No, sl*vs are not even human. You can't be white if you're not even a human
Kurva, suka, chuj, vyjebanĆ½
absolutly based