>"We have to get a real Chinese girl to sell our Mulan Disney princess movie to China. Like a REAL Chinese girl... from mainland China and everything!" >she turns out to have mainland Chinese view of the world
It doesn’t matter because that movie wasn’t made for the United States or Hong Kong, it was made for mainland China. It’s going to do retardedly huge numbers in China and it doesn’t matter how well it does in the US.
>le degenerate >le ebil west Why the fuck do you retards push for authoritarianism in other countries when you're not going to move to those shitholes? Disgusting subhuman.
Austin Jackson
Not with that name.
>She lived in Queens before returning to China in 2002 to pursue an acting career and changed her name to "Liu Yifei" (刘亦菲).
She gave up her American side a lifetime ago.
Zachary Edwards
Based retard back at it again
Benjamin Jenkins
>t. based hypocrite Jow Forumstard
Christopher Foster
Keep licking foreign boots mongo
Gavin Robinson
This, it's astounding how the people defending China are the same people who constantly shit on China for being a shithole, then they act surprised when they want China to spread its shithole mentality. But then again, at this point I'm pretty sure Jow Forumstards don't actually know what they want and are just scrambling in the dark for some coherence to cover up their wet fantasies about race wars.
Asher Sanchez
Isnt mulan brown? Like filipino or some shit? Who cares anyways. Like if she was the only person in the business with shit ideas.
Adam Campbell
Why don't chinks make their own movie ?
Logan Moore
How’s that CEO dick taste bourgie?
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>bourgie >literally supports ayn rand-esque capitalist shithole known as PRC If anyone in the year 2019 thinks PRC is communist or even socialist they need to be stabbed on the street desu
Caleb Edwards
It’s literally the opposite lmao
Thomas Mitchell
id rather have chinks having sex on the street that chinks shitting on it fuck the PRC
Noah Jackson
Lmaoo what the hell did she get raped or something? Or was it the dude in the first pic?
Also if i go to hong kong and protest against ch*Nese tyranny will qts see my compassion and let me have sex with them? Just like those american incels who go to lgbt rallies just to rail qts?
>Isnt mulan brown? Like filipino or some shit? What have you been reading?
Robert Peterson
Sorry user but all the HK qts will eventually be taken as brides by PLA soldiers once they invade the city
Cooper Sanders
no it isn't xd lol
Ryder Davis
What do you have against Aynd Rand? You know Zack Snyder is making the Fountainhead into a movie right?
Lucas Johnson
Nothing personally. I just think she was retarded.
Easton Cooper
I hope it will be as shitty as his other movies so American lolbertarians get mocked into obscurity
Easton Morgan
Surely the could spare 1 qt for me
Caleb Lee
Ayn Rand is one of the most influential intellectuals of the last century, looked up to by countless freedom lovers. Keep seething, boi.
Jack Davis
>she turns out to have mainland Chinese view of the world
No matter what are her views she doesn't have the choice anyway
Jace Morgan
If you gonna make it look like they have sex in public at least make sure the girl wear the same shoes on every photo retard
Andrew Wright
Do you not realize you're bootlicking for politicians who bootlick corporations? Explains why you're so dumb and think I am in favor of the bullshit you accidentally endorse