HAHA 9/11 so funny

>HAHA 9/11 so funny
>Lots of Americans die-

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>be american
>go to work
>get shot by an airplane

Attached: beamerican2.png (594x604, 499K)

>be Lithuanian
>die from planes hitting a building halway across the world

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>dead diasporafags
HAHA 9/11 so funny indeed

Wtf I wish were purple


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9/11 wasnt enough

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Based centrism

They took down 2 of our buildings....we took down 2 of their countries

(lmao got this joke from Carlos Mencia show not sure where he got it from)

reminder that there is no proof a plane fell on the pentagon

why didnt you guys take isr*el then?

well at least he saved money on rope

image being from weak country that citizens die because they get shot by airplane

I keked

Why did we invade Iraq?

I'll tell you why
War is not an excuse for crimes. Murder is murder whether or not the perpetrator wears a uniform.
I have no respect for nations, armed forces or individuals who make excuses for destructive or even inhumane actions committed under the pretense of extraordinary conditions.


Prop up the petrodollar
Make money for Cheney and his cronies
Test out military effectiveness

Jews that bribed senators.

You believed your jewish overlord.

>Be in america
>Get shot by an airplane

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Do Americans really

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in order to
>get shot

Gotta make way for greater Shitsrael

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>America walking in front of Saudi Arabia and Iraq
>Saudi hits America in shoulder
>America thinks it was Iraq


>Be Hungarian
>Be 25% Jew
>Deny it and laugh at Americans online calling them Jew to feel better

>tens of thousands of Palestinians who experience this everyday
People really have no clue what Palestinians go through everyday there's not even one dead daily you mong

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When did Lebanonposter learn proper grammar?


blue = cringe
red and purple = based



>israeli flag
>Be 0% Jewish
>Actually just an american

Jews are more mutts than Americans we have central Africans North Africans Arabs Europeans slavs Asians and South Americans