
>You're country

>Your favorite:

Attached: anime-girl-thinking-emoji-brown-hair-26841.jpg (3968x2480, 1.26M)



>2001: A Space Odyssey

>Don't have one but I love lot of songs even from different genre

>Medaka Box



>American Psycho
>Pure Comedy
>War and Peace
>Don't play videogames because I'm not a kid

You are not a kid but your taste reeks of reddit

Videogames are the most reddit of all, tho

>Your country
Don't really have any.
Metallica Master of Puppets
Be'lakor Stone's Reach
The Book of the New Sun
The Iliad
Ninja Gaiden Black
A Link to the Past

Triumph of The Will
Pic related
Mein Kampf
Kirbys Dream Adventure 2

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Certain videogames like certain movies like certain books

The medium don't dictate the quality of the artistic expression

Yet to this day there is not a single videogame even close to par with the great works of literature and movies