Why don't you admit German women?

They are cute and lovely.

Attached: 53169487_348713892427132_4760942609421768821_n.jpg (640x640, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/Yellow roasties /

Those are hapas.

They are, but I wanna leave german women for german men. Don't want to be part of the problem.

Those are gooks buddy

she is pure german,

Attached: 53090683_312824666254774_1405663439697706625_n.jpg (640x640, 144K)

>that skin tone
>blonde hair blue eyes
Nice try pengyous

It's not like you have a choice anyway faggot

White women are the worst, bunch of disease ridden whores with weekly abortions.

the same of the West today in 2019 :

White girls are clamoring to go to Korea
Koreans are staying in their home country

Attached: korean emigration_01.jpg (702x597, 232K)

Why are so many Europeans leaving Europe and living in China, Korea or Japan now?

Attached: future_01.jpg (1275x1247, 524K)

The one on the left looks completely North European. If she happens to be a chink, then I must admit plastic surgery has achieved its maximum potential and you basically can change your race physically.

Because you can get an Asian gf there
Thats why

They live very few in Japan

Attached: 56848270_166036871064667_6983355518953468530_n.jpg (635x635, 82K)

I'll admit German women. I'll admit German women are VAPID WHORES desu


>Asian gf there

Actually you can't. Are you confusing East Asia with SE Asia again?

Attached: 1565802594869.jpg (1203x1797, 384K)

of course I can and I dont really like SEA Asian girls


Nein, they are mostly ugly (no offense german bros,but thats sad but true)

What in the English is this.

Attached: 60227304_169382307417192_6900775046291576337_n.jpg (640x799, 58K)

You must be the outlier then since the vast majority of German / Germanic men with 'Asian' women are with Thai or Filipino women aka SOUTHEAST ASIANS.

There are very few Western men with East Asian women. All you have to look at Hong Kong, which was British colony for over a century. Today there are very few Chinese living in the UK and the population of HK is still 99.9999% ethnically Chinese.

Attached: Horst Koenig_German killed Filipino wife Grace_Thailand Sex Holiday.jpg (666x648, 234K)

why do wh*Te w*Men try so hard to look like gookj
you can see it in her make up and the way she poses for the photo, trying this hard to look like a k pop plastic surgery bugwoman

Attached: 1565871913940.jpg (233x273, 16K)

>There are very few Western men with East Asian women
no lol

Neither of these girls are particularly attractive looking. They look like little girls

Source ?

white girl in east asian fasion clothing are so uncanny its like all the european feature suddently became plastic
weird shit really

The only source

Attached: 61106239_2299645543414586_4663696632454522759_cover-1068x771.jpg (1068x771, 161K)

15 seconds of google reverse image
company she works for with more hot chicks

They want to turn women into looking like little girls.

the smaller your penis is the more likely you are to prefer women built like little boys

Thanks frens

Attached: download.jpg (295x171, 11K)

idk its just they start to feel fake for some reason, the fuck is wrong with those cloths

>abhorrent post
like clockwork

>chinks go out of their way to gain caucasian traits with plastic surgeries
retarded frog, shut the fuck up

fuck off ching chong
the white roastie clearly tries to imitrate the archetype of k pop gook

Too plastic.

It's the other way around, you mentally ill frog. Fuck off to Asia and live with your precious yellow roasties because you are clearly obsessed with them and any form of rehabilitation is out of the question when you are already schizo as fuck.

Attached: 1565308515675.png (822x626, 702K)

have sex you shizo roastie

Just like clockwork.

Attached: 1552897218624.png (909x909, 249K)


asian aesthetics dont work well with white girls. white girls are not CUTE

You’ve been doing this for 10 + years just stop already

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/Yellow roasties /

Attached: 5D694BDC-44AB-40F0-B852-247B48056134.jpg (750x1093, 356K)

holy shit this bitch is crazy

Too many blacks and arabs in Europe now.

>You’ve been doing this for 10 + years
It says the picture was submitted on 07/25/19. On a second note, why are you always defending yellow roasties on Jow Forums? You've been doing it for a while now.

Attached: 1536525602529.png (692x6822, 1.51M)

First of all where do you live that there is an eight hour time difference between me and you ? Because the times on your archives don’t make any sense

That doesn’t make any sense even if you lived in Hawaii it wouldn’t be that much of a time difference.

Secondly I know your the guy who goes around and makes
Amwf = good
Wmaf= bad posts

Just stop your the most insecure person on this board.

They work well in those pictures.

I admit, but I don't really have with any nationality or ethnicity, I am wiser than to hold any distaste or hatred against any form of sons and daughters of Adam.

If you have money, then

>more versatility
>Asian countries are way more secure in terms of violent crimes
>and so on, there are many reasons...

I always laugh at the Anglo shits here or even people like the expats that make YT videos talking bad about China, which they can only do because it is safe to do so.
Meanwhile in any other country they would be lynched eventually, if not simply getting robbed, raped and killed.

Why did an American GI do this to K-pop goddess?

>Murder of Yun Geum-i
>In 1992, Yun Geum-i, a camptown sex worker in Dongducheon, was brutally killed by U.S. servicemen.
>Yun was found dead with a bottle stuffed into her vagina and an umbrella into her anus.

Attached: Murder of Yun Geum-i_.png (225x225, 111K)

way too much makeup

Well yeah. Koreans left because Korea used to be poor as dirt.
Korea isn't poor anymore so they're not leaving out of desperation

Are they thespians?

Fuck you gooks and yours alien surgerys

Attached: 2-39.jpg (500x688, 130K)

And this is the superior Japanese girl.

Attached: makeup monster.jpg (1192x584, 112K)