ITT We post things that scare or confuse British people
ITT We post things that scare or confuse British people
but seriously why are veneers and other dental procedures so common over there? it makes you look like a clown and it's obvious
another form of jewry?
Poor show so far 2bh
Im not even hard yet
had many an argument about these things with my tuscanfu
Fake country for fake people.
>yank mocking anyone for shitty teeth
Top kek. You idiots bleach your teeth to give them the impression of being clean while they rot on the inside.
please delete these
>are Richy
He was more an Angevin or an Aquitain than a Norman, though.
I nearly sliced my whole foot up when I stepped on their cables, can’t imagine why you’d want to have them shaped like knifes
knives were binned, gotta be creative
tf is that?
>Had dentist appointment today
>No decay or cracks, just scale and polish
I'm already, thanks.
I never went to the dentist, why did you go if you had no problem?
"dentists" will ruin your teeth enamel to white them