Which one does Jow Forums use?

Which one does Jow Forums use?

Attached: linux-mac-windows.jpg (983x368, 53K)

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Nerd shit

Harmony OS

I wanted a desktop pc but my ducking parents bought me a MacBook for $300 more which can’t run MovieMaker or MS paint and is basically worthless to me


Attached: 6235C6D1-C684-4629-ACA6-6A59E0928BB2.jpg (499x615, 21K)

Been using arch + KDE for 2 years now

Windows of course.

>gayming on any of those other platforms

Attached: 010.png (374x376, 221K)

>MacBook for $300

Attached: 1565302680796.jpg (652x690, 277K)

arch and win10

fuck you
any laptop can run MS Paint or an equivalent program
based, but I prefer Xfce
what real advantage does Arch have over Ubuntu?
>reading comprehension