Ywn be a scout

>ywn be a scout
Why do Murricans get to have a cool outdoorsy organisation like that?

Attached: boy-scouts.jpg (760x507, 131K)

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It's been subverted

You don't have scouts in Hungary? It's pretty common in western European countries as far as I know. After all it was invented in the UK, not in the US.

We have that too

The Scouts in the us were inspired by a Swiss organization of I remember correctly

Most countries in the world have national scouting organisations which are a part of WOSM.
I am certain Bulgaria is one.
Explain, please.

scouts is anglo
baden powell served in the british army

nothing filled the void of young pioneers?
you didn't miss much, all we did was play soccer or floor hockey in a gym


IIRC the Supreme Court said they have to start admitting girls.

But also the adult leaders are no longer allowed to diddle children, so the changes aren't all bad.

Didn't you go on treks, bivouacs and two-week camps?

So, what's the issue?

>at boy scout camp
>part of huge boy scout troop
>have to line up double file to go to dinner
>everyone starts goose stepping and doing the nazi salute

Apparently we had it since 1911, but then the commies destroyed it. Since 1991 it exists again, but I don't really think it's popular.


It’s a retarded law by progressives because dividing Girls and Boys in Girl and Boy Scouts made sense and now retarded parents killed girls scouts
Because they want to admit their girls into the Boy Scouts to earn Facebook goodboy points

>the paedophile trap that is scouts
only benders do scouts anyway, if i had a kid he/she would never end up there

>Explain, please.

They tried to hold on to their heterosexual, Christian beliefs and got demonized for it. Now they have to accept open faggots as Scoutmasters and have to admit women even though the Girl Scouts exist

here you don't get to do that until around 15 and they make you get a bunch of badges first

A lot of countries have similar groups. Scouting started in England, russians have a version, the french have a version, the Germans had the Hitler youth, etc.

nope, so now they can admit trans kids and other mentally ill degenerates like weebs or other anime related illness

Nope, they were inspired by Robert Baden-Powels scouts in England.

Why yes I am an Eagle Scout

Attached: IMG_20190816_132928.jpg (3120x3120, 3.58M)

And guess what? Those faggots want nothing to do with the outdoors so in turn the troop has to acquiesce to their horseshit, if they even do go on an overnight camping trip it'll be car camping somewhere where they can still get 4G

Thank you for your service.

Attached: on-my-way-to-boy-scout-camp-and-met-lil-31942352.png (500x605, 147K)

Well, I'm fine with killing girl scouts off. There is no need for two paralell scouting organisations. Just abolish them and call them "Scouts". That's the way it is here. There's only the national association, and all clubs have mixed membership, with a roughly 50/50 ratio from experience. I am not aware of any issues. Besides, it's always better with girls around. This is true for men of all ages and usual inclinations.
That would be pointless, would it not. Scouts are not a conservative youth organisation, though Baden-Powell's ambitions quite obviously leaned that way. Their purpose is to teach children to handle themselves. That is something I find lacking in our society. It's a neglected area of essential education.
That's a real pity. Here everyone goes to camp and on treks, while bivouacs start at around twelve years.

>That would be pointless, would it not.

Heterosexuality and belief in God (BSA is primarily Christian but have always allowed other religions) are part and parcel of teaching boys to think and act as adults.

Also keeping boys and girls separate is ideal, boys can truly be boys around other boys and likewise with girls. Once you start mixing them together the dynamic gets fucked up. They can be around each other at virtually any other time and place

I do not see how heterosexuality or religion are essential components of maturity. I would prefer you to explain the reasoning to me.
As for boys and girls, there is a much more elegant solution employed here. Within a club, boys and girls have segregated companies in 12-15, but mixed companies under 12 and over 15. However, it is my opinion that we've cooked this stupid situation up ourselves, that the relation between boys and girls isn't normal. It almost fully settles down at around 15 or 16, when children start dragging heads out of asses.

>I do not see how heterosexuality or religion are essential components of maturity.

Well that's because you've embraced the globohomo agenda

do you not have scouts wtf

Attached: 1543862770886.jpg (679x1024, 97K)

why do you make mention of things you know fuck all about

Try me.

I joined the chad version of the Scouts instead aka the Army Cadets

Attached: cadet.jpg (1000x668, 91K)

Scouts stopped being something cool as soon as it became political. Letting girls into the BOY scouts was the end of it.