
>Do you play an instrument?
pic related is mine

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I'm teaching my nephew the skin flute.

no because it requies to much of an effort.


it's a pain in the ass the first couple of months, but once you the hang of it's an absolute blast playing and making your own music

bump you unmusical faggot

yes, i have a fender strato classic 50s

post pic

used to play bass but quit when I became alcoholic
I still have my electroacoustic Ibanez somewhere in my dad's house, maybe I should find it and dust it off

Please come back, bassist brother !
What tunes did you use to like?

I'm learning how to play the bass now. Only a month in and feel like I'm retarded.

I play classical guitar and some piano, sometimes I play electric guitar but with my fingers

>Only a month in and feel like I'm retarded.
starting is the most tedious part but if you keep at it it pays off

Electronic guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, bawu and hulusi
Only good at acoustic guitar though, others are just pure shit

I play guitar, some bass and keyboard, also mess around on drums.
Played in a band that did hard rock and metal.
Metallica, Megadeth, Tesla, KISS, some Devo and heavy versions of Depeche Mode songs.

>the bass
> feel like I'm retarded

Music is a low form of art.

>he didn't buy a classic issue italian fender stratocazzo

what's the highest form of art for you?

Cream songs were always easy to play, I started with them. Other than that I mostly improvised, a lot of rock songs are just hitting the same three notes over and over and as such not really useful for practice. Les Claypool and Flea always had the coolest basslines, if I had kept practicing I would probably be able to play some of them by now.

I tried but the teacher told me I'm not good enough

Yeah I'm early in I know. I know how to play some songs. I know how to read music because I played an instrument when I was a kid (trumpet). Tabs are pretty easy to know as well. I know how to pluck but really can't go faster than maybe 120bpm (depends on the songs). The pinky on my fretting hand is cancer though and I often find myself using my index and middle finger more even if it means moving up and down the neck. I want to use my pinky more but it just strains my hand. Welp i guess

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don't @ me

>strains my hand.
Relax, you're tensing up, keep your hand loose

It's a retarded instrument if you don't play it well tbqh

Is this jazzmaster? I wanted one long time ago but I'm not playing anymore

Have you tried doing some hand stretches before playing? It helps a lot

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>tfw too poor to afford an electric guitar

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>The pinky on my fretting hand is cancer though and I often find myself using my index and middle finger more even if it means moving up and down the neck. I want to use my pinky more but it just strains my hand
This depends on the strings and the action of the bass, I also have a bass and compared to other basses I've played mine is hard as fuck, you have to press the strings super hard to not get any buzzing, beginners normally buy the cheapest instruments but I've noticed that these tend to actually scare them away from how hard it is to play them, the only good thing is that if you start with a hard to play bass then other more high quality basses will seem easier to play

t. started with a hard as fuck cheap acoustic guitar

it's a butch version of the jaguar. it's called a jaguar blacktop

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Yeah I tense up too much I guess. Pinky on G string is fine. Should you even use pinky on E string? Seems really far for a pinky.

Yeah. I can do that vulcan shit with each finger separately and been doing it for awhile.

Nice jaguar with jazzmaster pickups

get a fender squier. you can find one used for like $80


>you have to press the strings super hard to not get any buzzing
Yeah this is my pinky on the D & A string. It's pretty easy for the G string but for D & A I have to press hard it.

Look here

They also told Elvis numerous times he wasn't good before he became famous and look where he got by not giving up.

lime green

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have you checked They sell basic electric guitar sets at very low prices and they're ok for starting out.

That was years ago though.
And I have no interest in music in general

I play guitar for over a year now, but first I was too broke for anything more than an acoustic (which turned out to be a very lovely instrument) so I got an used electric a month ago. I can finally play my waifu's parts and some metal/punk classics

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You can do it.

it's sea green, photo aint good enough

a classic vintage colour, everyone loves it, how can you hate it

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Yep, guitar (and everything similarly tuned), drums, a little keys, and I sing badly but enthusiastically.

I have a Mexican telecaster but I just make electronic music that my brother uses in his friend's game streaming videos

Is this a decent one for its price?

yeah, definitely. the bullet was my first guitar and 150 new is a good deal

I've been thinking about it for some time. My hands are very stiff nowadays so playing bass would be a good workout for getting them nimble again. Maybe I'll start building models again as well, I used to love 1/72 aircraft kits

pretty much. it's a jaguar blacktop

the squier bullet is the most entry level strato around, this one has humbucker at the bridge position probably a bit more expensive than the standard one. The difference is the tone, it doesnt have a dry sound like a normal sss when you select bridge pick ups, but it sounds a bit more full. Check a yt video comparison between hss strato and sss so you can choose properly

guitars are for boomers

Yeah it's much easier to do fortnite dances standing behind a macbook.

> all these guitarfags itt
Used to play accordion and piano, but kinda lost passion at some point and sold them. Considering getting back into it just for the memes.

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Well my main instrument is clarinet

What kind of shitty jazzmaster has P90s lmao

It's kinda ironic that I build guitars for a living but can't play one myself.

kys you kraut. don't call my guitar shitty. plus p90 pickup are fantastic

I play the accordion semi-professionally

I wish i could but i don't have enough patience and skill
I own a shitty 3/4 160$ yamaha guitar from back when i was 14 tho

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>not jazzmaster

Why on a jazzmaster though? The actual pickups are the appeal. I don't get why fender treats it and the jaguar like shit by putting humbuckers and all that crap in there instead of offering them with their actual pickups. It's their playground guitar.

I didn't even notice the lack of a tremolo system, jesus christ

Why did you leave Sverigetråden frend? I miss your posts...

Does anyone here play banjo?

I have been thinking about getting one for a while now.

Because all you do is fight, spam 2D crap and derail every single thread I post in

Based and accordionpilled. I also have one and can play some stuff, but it's in a terrible shape and I better get a new one.

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>Tfw no money for hobbies (music/modeling/guns)
Should i just kms? At least i can still draw

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find a job, looser

>At least i can still draw
Can you paint?

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What music do you use the yamaha keyboard for?

yeah, they swapped it with a Gibson style bridge. it's jaguar blacktop. It's one of Fender's experimentations. here's a link to the description

i can't i study 12 hours a day and no one is going to hire me for a shitty low end job on sat/sunday only and during working days i only have 2 hours between my morning and evening classes

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Well i suck at drawing and so i suck at painting

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>fender player strat
>ephiphone dot
>arturia microbrute
>yamaha xeno
>blues driver
>big muff
>earthquaker organizer
>shitty blackstar amp
>didgeridoo (joke gift)

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I've played the piano since I was 9. So 20 years now. Sadly I don't own a piano at the moment..

is that your painting? that looks fantastic!

Mostly ambient.
When plugged into a decend sound processor, it sounds really well.
Fairly decent answer, I love Kraftwek, but I better use analogue synths for that and I can't afford them at the moment.

>tfw fender removed the sage green color option from the player series in europe
Fuck these niggers
>Mostly ambient.
Of the dungeon kind?

play some Arctic monkeys. their new album bass is fun as fuck to play along with.
t. bass player

I dance tango but I can't play any instruments even if my life depended on it. I'm retarded musically.

Yeah, but also krautrock like ambient (Cluster, Harmonia, etc).

Post some of your music, you homosexuals

Ye i used to draw a lot when i was 14-15 now not so much

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Thinking about getting a rickenbacker

Bass or guitar?

No but I make melodies and make beats.

you like Bones?

keep painting, that shit looks awesome. got anymore?
It was supposed to be a hip hop instrumental, as a friend of mine got shitfaced one night and asked me to do an instrumental for him and his lads. They got really scared when they had heard this.
Part of a guitar track I'm working at.
Some piano riffs I'm planning to use.
Some atmoshit.

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this one is really cool. it has a twilight zone vibe to it

can't find my phone so nah it's mostly sketches and blueprints tho

Got a third hand Squier SE from 2000 because I'm too poor to afford a Fender (kill me). I'm getting new pickups at the end of the month so I hope they'll change the sound completely. I also want to put a maple neck on it and clean it up completely.

Glad you like it, I want to use tape editing and create something similar to Can or Faust.
But first of all, I must repair my magnetophone ( like pic related, built in Russia) and find a way to put the digital recording on tapes.

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new pickups will drastically change the sound

4 tracker?

The mechanical part is a pain in the ass and I can't any schemes for this model.

*can't find.

let me guess, the belt is fucked?