I've heard all about how privately owned central banks are the cause of all wars and that the government is just a sock...

I've heard all about how privately owned central banks are the cause of all wars and that the government is just a sock puppet for the boys over at wallstreet from my grandad. He says that the American independence happened to free the American people from the menace of these banks, the war of 1812 was the banks attempt at trying to force America into debt so they have to accept the banks. That Lincoln was killed because he opposed the bank and that Andrew Jackson was almost killed because he opposed the bank. That both world wars were to destroy Germany because they opposed the bank and that the gulf war and all of arab spring was the banks doing and that we only hate the Ruskies because they beat the bank.
Not asking if any of that is true but can someone explain to me how central banks work or even better yet, explain to me how money works. I am a complete brainlet and was never able to understand my grandad but now that he is dead I want to at least try to honor his memory.

Attached: Bank.jpg (3600x2384, 1.45M)

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I think we're in one of two timelines

1. the US has never been able to go back to constitutional government (stop debasing its currency a the expense of its citizens) because it has needed the production increases debasement creates to compete with eastern communism. Whether through war or currency they achieve victory over communism and then return to constitutional government.
2. Governments, powerful people, culture, monetary policy have all been subverted to the goal of achieving global communism. Aldous Huxley Brave new world type situation where your existence has been engineered to maximize your productivity

>debasing its currency a the expense of its citizens) because it has needed the production increases debasement creates to compete with eastern communism
What does that mean? How do you debase the currency and how is it at the expense of citizens? Why would it increase production?

OP is a faggot.
Tinfoil hat theories should just go to Jow Forums.

when the greeks were fighting the Persians they started mixing copper in with the gold they were paying their soldiers, this meant the soldiers were doing the same work for less gold (increasing production)
The us government has been debasing its currency since the establishment of the fed. Just like the greek soldiers you do the same for less year on year
the difference today is people believe purchasing power to be defined by consumer goods (CPI). When nothing can change the fact that gold is the measure of value over time

Attached: USD-1787-log.png (590x352, 13K)

>That both world wars were to destroy Germany because they opposed the bank

thats correct. Hitler created a system where the people were not enslaved anymore by the international money lending cabal. thats why he had to go.

>people believe purchasing power to be defined by consumer goods
What does that mean? From what I understand of money, the bank has a vault filled with gold and silver. And all the notes it prints have equal value to the gold and silver. Do you mean that they devalue the money by reducing the amount of precious metals in the vault?

if thats true, america would have gotten in on the war before pearl habour or before germany invaded poland... they had plenty of time to stop hitler if that was the reason.

>How a bank/money works
Basically governments give authority to a Central Bank, European or Federal. To be able to issue debt. Debt is created by printing money, out of nothing and issuing that money to other ''smaller'' banks on an interest rate. These banks can then loan out this money to corporations and people. I think the government takes on debt directly with the authorized central bank. Banks can print money about 1/7. That's the dollar/debt ratio. Banks control interest rates, and hence can directly influence the stock market. Interest rates going up means less money in the stock market. Low interest rates means more money in the stock market. Inflation happens when more money is being printed, inflating the supply and thus lowering the value per unit($,€....) Hyper-inflation is thus often litterly a bank or government printing massive amounts of money collapsing the value of the currency.

What banks really do is make countires dependent on the issuance of debt. Since money is created out of nothing, nor backed by anything other than the belief of a society in that currency there's always an outstanding debt that can't be paid off, cause to pay it of means to print more money, to print more money means more debt. Ofcourse this creates a ripple effect. As more countires become burdened by debt they can't pay of and fault on their loans and their economies crash.

Maybe watch Zeitgeist if you want a more accurate and in-depth explenation of Money and Banks and how it works. It's basically just an elaborate scam/ponzi scheme. Since banks control money, not government or people they have the power. For example the European Central bank can pressure countries to meet their agenda because they are dependent on the ECB or IMF or Federal Reserve for their tittysucking.

lol. the bank got off the gold standard in 1973 user. the dollars you have rn are literally backed by nothing other than the fact you need them to pay tax with them in the country you live in.

you need to learn more then. US dollar has not been backed by gold since nixon read and understand en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_monetary_systems

That's not been true for decades anymore user. Your dollar is litterly issued debt and nothing more. Every dollar is property of the Federal Reserve and every dollar you hold is on a large balance sheet just credit.

Are you lads telling me that the Banjamin Franklins in my wallet right now have absolutely no value and no gold behind it? How do I pay for gas then since they have no value. How does anything work since they have no value. Banks are literally making value from nothing? Sounds pretty bullshit to me.

That's what it is though. Most people don't know how money works, they just believe/trust government. Do you see why there's so much outrage on the current financial system?

lol, that'd be too obvious user. This game is all about deception.

you should've learn by now that:

something has a value because someone on this earth is willing to pay that specific price for it or exchange something for it

money has value because ppl. believe it has this value

US dollars are backed by oil by extortion of the middle east by the US Military. Although the petro dollar is coming to an end with the now competing petro yuan and crypto

You can exchange US dollars for gold but not at a rate guaranteed by the government, which would actually be a less deceptive way than a gold standard if people would wake up to the fact that gold is money

germany had to be destroyed completely, unlike WW1, and you cannot do that by running over them quick.
a long war was the only way do do this.

So the federal bank is printing out large amounts of paper to buy goods and services that have a million more times the worth than the paper they are given. Okay cool. Why is this allowed? What is central banking? How can central banks control governments and start wars at will?

You need to justify war to the public user. Same can be said about France and England, they had the treaty of Versailles which constrained Germany from building an army. They didn't do shit to stop Hitler and they had a good 10 years to do so. It took Hitler to attack them before any action was taken. Hell Hitler even proposed peace between England and Germany which England refused. It's all a game of make-believe user. It's deception and lies.

the blackpill is if you were Franklin de Roosevelt you would have established the FED as well
The USA would not have had hegemony post cold war if not for the FED and we'd be calling each other comrade

They loan that money out to government and smaller banks like Chase for example who can lend it to people and corporations.
>Why is this allowed?
Cause government and people allow it. If we'd say no as a collective then that's that.
>What is central banking?
The authority to control the financial system of a country, republic or union.
>How can central banks control....
Trough infiltration, imagine I am the Federal Reserve. I can thus lend money. My buddies and I set up other corporations and banks, to which the I, the federal Reserve can lend money to. These corporations become power-statues. I can now directly influence governments with economic and social pressure.

There's a reason why there's only a handfull of corporations that own 90% of all other corporations. Coca-Cola, Unilever, Nestlé etc etc are all just umbrella corporations that have a global presence. Nestlé for example is trying to privatize water and energy resources.

As water gets more scarce in the future you will have to directly answer to Nestlé for your water reserves and what you pay for them.

Corruption and Infiltration user.

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Oh and then we haven't even touched on the Media conglomerates and Charities like Amnesty, Unicef etc... nor the military

But those aren't banks, just very big businesses.

True, and the untrained eye won't immediatly grasp the connection. But that's where debt comes in.

Are you telling me they are banks or are under the control of banks? Makes no sense. The businesses and factories are the ones producing goods so how come they don't have any power.
And about infiltration, are you saying that the senate and is filled with bankers?

Infiltration user, again, Banking dynasties date back to early 1500's when goldsmiths(jews), it's just a fact that the early bankers were jews. I can go in detail on that later.

Now imagine these people accumulating wealth for centuries, trough their money (which was then still backed by gold) they succesfully corrupted governments and push their own agenda's and policy's. Fast-forward and we have a debt system. The US defense needs money to stay alive. Where does that money come from? The same people(banks) that corrupted the governmetn to make them dependent on the debt system. Just corrupt and infiltrate for centuries and you're were we are today. It's really that simple.

All media is basically owned by Reuters and a few other conglomerates. The same media is owned by the banking elite. Every company answers to his shareholders user, not governments or the public. You should have a look at how many times Chase has been fined for corruption, lies and gaming the system. They don't give a shit. The fine they get is a fraction compared to the profits they turn being corrupted.

They're the same people user

shareholders is the keyword here

No, they're filled with politicians who answer to bankers.

What exactly is this debt system?

I think you're best of watching Zeitgeist at this point. I believe they do the best job of answering the specific questions you ask.

Debt system is franly just printing money out of nothing, then charge an interest rate on that money. Let me put it this way

>No money in existance
>Print money (papers)
>Issue money on an interest rate to governments and banks
>1 trillion in circulation and 10 billion outstanding in interest.
>that 10 Billion is non-existant
>Government and banks can't pay money that doesn't exist yet
>Print more money, charge interest rates
>Debt becomes bigger, there's now an outstanding debt of 50 Billion of non-existant currency

That's debt in the most basic explenation I can give you without throwing fancy words around

Surely this is not sustainable. I mean the US already has trillions in debt. Won't it collapse eventually?

And this is also the reason that either we become entirely enslaved by debt creating master-slave race or everything collapses if you look at it on a long enough timeline. You think Greece can ever repay money that doesn't exist? Imagine all the countires in the world wrapped up in this debt-cycle, something has to give. One country might be able to make it out but only at the expense of several other countries. You can't pay when the money needed to pay doesn't exist.

In fact, Banks can issue debt 7-9 times more than there's money in their vaults. That's the debt/dollar ratio. Depending on which country, it used to be 20-30x... this compounds aswell. The more you print, the more debt you can issue. The reason they get away with it is because the whole world is absolute brainlettier if you don't mind me saying.

Can't you pay off debt with goods instead of currency?

Now my friends, is where Bitcoin comes in.

Some see the bigger picture, some do not.

Being able to see clearly pays the bills today, what a time to be alive.

And before you say; why not just pay debt of with gold? Gold marketcap is 7 trillion. Meaning that all the gold in the world is worth 7 trillion dollars. The US has a debt of over 20 trillion alone.

Master-slave race, or global economic collapse. It's either of the two.

In theory yes, but practically not. Someone has to be willing to accept those goods. Most goods expire, money is usefull because it doesn't expire. see;

And what I'm saying now is just the surface ... there's so much more to it and so many arguments I can give you why every solution you think works won't work. One of the reasons is the stock market. But I don't think Jow Forums will give me enough characters to explain.

>can someone explain to me how central banks work or even better yet, explain to me how money works
oh boy lets go

money is liquid value. when I make a chair, it's worth 10 bucks. when you fix a dvd player, its worth 10 bucks. I make a chair, you fix my DVD player, and both of us got 10 dollars worth of stuff. All the money was in this case was a way of measuring how much each thing was worth to make sure it was fair.
>so why does the government keep printing more?
2 reasons: 1, our population is going up and more people need money. if more people are doing work, there is less money for more people who need it. 2. because we want people to not hoard it. the government prints a *bit* more money than we have value coming in because they dont *want* it to break even completely. they want the money to devalue very slightly every year.
>why does the government want money to go down in price?
because if it were going up in price, why would i buy a chair for 10 dollars when I could buy it tomorrow for 8? and the next day for 6? inflation is a way to make people spend money. it means that rich people can't have it stogged in a bank account. they need to let people borrow it and do things with it to make themselves money (which, by the way, means they've actually done that much money worth of work for people, which makes EVERYONES life better) and the lender takes a cut for being able to let the person do today what they were expecting to do next year.
>wait a minute, how does spending money make life better?
because if I make you a chair and you fix my thing, despite no actual exchange of funds happening, both of us had 10 dollars worth of services performed, are happy with the result, and our lives are better off for it. consider this:
>you have to take time off work because your feet are aching. i build you a chair. this chair converts directly into more efficient work time and actually makes you 200 bucks over 3 months.
profit isnt evil! money is good!


Student from yale, who worked for the central banks. Not Alex Jones, not David Icke, not some conspiracy theorist (although they're probably right more than we dare to count). It's very obvious if you just take some time with an objective mind to read all the facts.

Well this is the economic jargon bs they will sell you. Truth is that Gold and Silver have functioned perfectly fine as money, and that whole ''we need to inflate to spend'' is a load of crap.

Please tell me more, I'm hungry

So the system of debt is the problem and not bankers?

Debt System is created by bankers. The problem isn't pinpointed that obviously however, you have to understand that each person is a willing participant in this system. So really the problem is humans in general, not so much the systems they create.

Capitalism, Communism and Marxism are beautifull systems that in theory work. Practically they don't work because they don't account for human nature.

So how do bankers cause wars?

>what do banks have to do with all this?
banks, aside from just holding money, also serve as a medium between people who have money and people who need it. a bank can give out debt, like lines of credit. then they ask for it back, but with more money for doing you a solid.
>how can banks lend money if they dont own any? its MY money in the bank.
well.. that gets complicated. banks tell people they need to hold a certain amount of money, or else they have fees. that gives them a certain amount of leeway to do things with your money even if they don't own it, because theyre holding it for the long haul. banks are allowed to give out loans of money they don't own. this is where it gets kinda fucked: it's called fractional reserve, and it's basically how banks can function on a reasonable amount of capital instead of needing an exorbitant amount of capital.
>how can the bank ask for more money back than they lent out? debt seems fucked, invisible money? where does it come from?
it comes from you. there's an old adage that says time is money, and it's completely correct. what you do with the loan determines how much you'll make off of it. people seem to assume when they get a 5 thousand dollar loan that they'll eat 5 grand worth of fast food and have nothing to show for their money; what if you bought a printer and started printing for people who need large signs? then, your money can actually make you money; way more than the amount of interest, because in your own time, you are using the capital to provide a service that is making OTHER people money (your signs might drive more business to their store!) and youre taking a cut of THAT. so in the end, interest doesn't actually have to be such a big deal as long as youre spending your money in a way that can do something for you.

thats basically my money and banks primer. someone can correct me if Im wrong.

This is also why they want war with Russia and Iran

Your granddad sounds redpilled


gold is kinda fucked as a currency because the supply is controlled by private companies. if gold was a currency, people wouldnt be spending it. instead, it's an asset that people purchase to protect their wealth FROM inflation.
>we need to inflate to spend
we dont NEED to, but its a hell of a lot less risky than deflating.

Trough funding. How does the CIA train rebels? Trough funding, spending money on opposing sides arming them and setting them up agains eachother. Russia funds Syria and USA funds the rebels in Syria. They're now both armed to the teeth with each their own agenda. Sit back and watch them slaughter eachother. Once they're done you step in to ''help rebuild the country'' and install your puppets. Litterly whats happening to every fucking country in the world. Lybia, Venezuela, Guatamala, Syria, Iraq, Afganhistan etc etc etc.

Now what incentive does USA have and what incentive does Russia have, they're the ones funding it, so you'd have to zoom in on that. SPIDER WEB. You know how spider webs are near invisble? Untill you look at them from the right angle.

Attached: WebOfDeceit.jpg (800x600, 117K)

Here's two short videos of congressmen grilling the Federal Reserve, sort of funny to watch but likely political theater nonetheless. The video with Alan Grayson should answer your question on how it was started.


Yes if you research shareholders of banks you will see OTHER banks own huge percentages.

The World Bank is who you are looking for.

Bankers created this system of debt that gives them unlimited wealth. People keep paying banks interest so banks get more and more of their own money. They get politicians dependent on them by funding them. Am I getting this right?
But why?

Amadeo Giannini founded the Bank of Italy in California which was later renamed the Bank of America. The Bank of America is still under the original charter of the Bank of Italy today. The BoA is the second largest bank in the United States with assets estimated around 2.2 trillion. The California founded Bank of Italy was later absorbed into Giannini’s holding company Transamerica Corporation before forming the Bank of America. Transamerica Corporation still exists and is involved in insurance and investments. Amadeo Giannini was the son of Italian-Genoese immigrants. Genoa was a powerful banking center in Europe for centuries. Wealthy banking families from Genoa include the Doria, Spinola, Grimaldi, Odescalchi, and Pallavicini families. Modern European banking originated in Italy and further developed during the Crusades through Templar bankers authorized by the Pope of Rome. The Bank of Italy now BoA made loans to the wine industry in California as well as loans to Walt Disney. Roy E Disney was a Vatican Knight of St Gregory. Amadeo Giannini made loans to FIAT in Italy after WWII. John Elkann is Chairman for FIAT and married to Donna Lavinia Borromeo. Pierre Casiraghi is married to Beatrice Borromeo and his mother is Princess Caroline of Hanover and she is the daughter of Prince Rainier III of Monaco from the Genoese House of Grimaldi. The Genoese House of Grimaldi were co-founders of the Bank of Saint George which was internationally in operation for nearly 400 years. The central bank of Italy is also called the Bank of Italy and founded out of the corruption scandal involving Banca Romano. The Borromeo family were noble landowners, merchants, and bankers that did business in Florence, Milan, and Venice.

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Yeah you almost got it.
POWER, UNLIMITED POWAAAHHHHH POWEER TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION YAAAA POWWWEEEERRR. It's a game to them, it's chess in real life. Also because they have really fucked up believes and quite litterly see themselves as better than everyone else. The chosen ones, The kings of kings. Their bloodlines date back to massive kingdoms.

>Yeah you almost got it.
Help me get it then

>dont *want* it to break even completely. they want the money to devalue very slightly every year.
Even if you accept that inflationary currency being used as a tool to encourage spending is a good thing, where does this surplus go? Where does the newly created money go? Who benefits?

That’s why people hate the current system so much. Elites skim money off the top of the labour of ordinary working people and then justify it by saying “we need this inflation to encourage spending“

I’m not saying there are no downsides to a deflationary currency (gold or btc). You’re right, it would encourage hoarding. But is this really worse than a ever-increasing hamster wheel of consumption, the excess of which is greedily taken by those who control this system?

Paying banks isn't really a choice user.

Ask yourself - what are the holidays you have (or your parents if you're NEET) each year from work? Is it a coincidence that about 90% of them are bank holidays? Have you noticed that most people work a 9-5, the same hours that banks are open?

Christianity in Europe forbid usury. And Judaism forbid usury to other Jews. So Jews practiced usury on the goyim. This made them more powerful. You know the fabled Rothschilds meme you always hear about? They were started back in the 1600s. Much of this was decided upon long before you or I were born.

Debt = enslavement. Judaism at the Rabbi level, teaches that all goyim should be slaves for the Jews, as Jews are God's chosen people according to them. This fulfills their religious ideas. And they intend to extend the economic collapse out until it is time for their Messiah to return - which in their minds, this system of usury will be irrelevant because everything will be fixed by the Messiah and they no longer need to worry.

It's actually very religious at its core, masquerading as bureaucracy and politics.

But didn't they create their own religion? From what I've heard, israelites and all that didn't exist.

Come on dude, people have tried to conquer the planet since they figured they could use a rock to bash someone's head in.
>Roman Empire
>Vatican (think Crusades and the christian expenditure trough Europe and S-A)
>Alexander the Great
>Colonialism (not sure if I spelled this right)
etc etc

ANd these are just some names that almost succeeded. In the end, they're all part of the same .. organization for a lack of a better word.

>didn't they create their own religion?
not sure what you mean

I have, read the comments I made to you over carefully. it's a little hard to squeeze down millenia's of history down into a quick summary of how it got to this.

Usury has changed definiton over the years
Ask thomas Aquinas about it
Don't fall for the memes against the Catholic church; while its not perfect and very obvioiusly corrupt as certain points as in the leadership, the dogmas have not been changed but developed as it was the Church that Christ started.
I went really deep into your line of thinking and it made me from a fedora to a Christian.
Shit runs deep with moloch, child sacrifices, pedo-philia and hollywood connection and the banks, evrythting is connected.
God Speed and fight the good fight.

Guess why this fella got shot

Jews don't follow the old testament. They follow the Talmud.
Red Pilled documentary, and got me onto the path of being christian.
But then if you actually read the Bible and theology you eventually end up Catholic, or at least Reformed if you can't make that jump.

Wrong speech lol

I really only want to know how it works, not how it started. For that, just point me in the right direction and I can research on that myself.

Here you go

Attached: fed.jpg (1308x1353, 971K)

Central banks have monopoly for creation money.

>Have you noticed that most people work a 9-5, the same hours that banks are open?
spooky! what a coincidence!

>money is good!

get a load of this shekel-groveling kike

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Watch Zeitgeist, it's the probably the best explenation you will get.

Where can I watch it?


This is literally the bluepill answer.

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And we haven't even touched the population brainwashing yet. Shit is massive and kinda hilarious.

I mean look at this ex-FED chairman.
>Ben Shalom(lmao cant get anymore kikier than that) Bernanke

Attached: benshalombernanke.jpg (300x168, 4K)

There are precious metals in the vault but that doesn't represent the amount of cash and digital money created.

It's all connected, that's why I made the spiderweb reference. It's such an elaborate scheme that it's almost impossible to grasp the full scope of this fraud via a discussion on this board.

>because if it were going up in price, why would i buy a chair for 10 dollars when I could buy it tomorrow for 8? and the next day for 6?
Have you ever bought a smartphone?
Why did you do that, as that same smartphone would cost half the price 2 years later?
This applies to personal computers, DVDs, video games, clothes, books... The price of many goods goes down by a factor of half or more very fast, even for newly produced units of old models.
By your own logic nobody would ever buy brand new stuff, and yet evidence is all around us this isn't the case.
You are critically bluepilled user. Step out of your comfort zone, start opening your eyes, start reading and finally THINK about the things you read and see. You're combining a dangerous mix of ignorance and confidence, and this might cement the bluepill in your mind if you don't break out of it within a few years.

I hope this is bait.

op is a complete brainless idiot

>muh beliefs
>muh plz explain

Bravo to all contributing anons. This is Eye opening and enlightening. No where else could we get a sincere discussion on this. Jow Forums is a place of a fight for truth at the end of it all. Godspeed to you all.

A belief is that link, if and when it takes over, will only make banks even that more powerful.

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I'd rather spend my whole saturday explaining it to one curious user whatever his intellect might be. Then to spend my whole week being ridiculed by sheeple who have the attention span of a goldfish.

Which is the idiot? The one who accepts that he knows nothing and asks others for knowledge or the one that just laughs at others for not knowing anything and does nothing to further himself.

Watch these for a semi-holistic view of the matter (they don't name the Jew)

M8 at some point you really seemed to be trolling and being reddit tier bluepilled so what do you expect from Jow Forums lol. But yea keep researching this shit goes way deeper. I'd say go on Jow Forums since there are some good redpilling threads there, but don't stay there too long since it's a sad place.

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you're either a lying kike (redundant, I know) or blue-pilled on the matter like says
>because if it were going up in price, why would i buy a chair for 10 dollars when I could buy it tomorrow for 8
>money never changed hands until inflation was created

I applaud you for your humility in making this thread user. There have been a lot of good responses here. I like that it came back to religion which is behind it all. Was your grandad Christian? If so, the one way to honour his memory would be to read the gospels if you have yet to do so.

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Watch Zeitgeist 2 lmao. Your grandfather was right

Here's what I don't get about Christians. If you actually are obsessed with Christ, wouldn't you spend your life trying to use AI to resurrect him?

This has to be bait. rrright guys?

>use AI to resurrect him
>implying Tay AI didn't immediately name the Jew like Christ did
They killed her. Remember?

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It'd take a long time to explain. Watch this documentary it gives a good general overview of the system, where it comes from, and why it is a problem.


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Option 2. It's all about to be BTFO shortly though, right in time for the singularity

damn, could JFK work a crowd. People are laughing like he's Louis CK

was the wrong interview though but yeah he was pretty charismatic
This is the one I meant