I've heard all about how privately owned central banks are the cause of all wars and that the government is just a sock puppet for the boys over at wallstreet from my grandad. He says that the American independence happened to free the American people from the menace of these banks, the war of 1812 was the banks attempt at trying to force America into debt so they have to accept the banks. That Lincoln was killed because he opposed the bank and that Andrew Jackson was almost killed because he opposed the bank. That both world wars were to destroy Germany because they opposed the bank and that the gulf war and all of arab spring was the banks doing and that we only hate the Ruskies because they beat the bank.
Not asking if any of that is true but can someone explain to me how central banks work or even better yet, explain to me how money works. I am a complete brainlet and was never able to understand my grandad but now that he is dead I want to at least try to honor his memory.
I've heard all about how privately owned central banks are the cause of all wars and that the government is just a sock...
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I think we're in one of two timelines
1. the US has never been able to go back to constitutional government (stop debasing its currency a the expense of its citizens) because it has needed the production increases debasement creates to compete with eastern communism. Whether through war or currency they achieve victory over communism and then return to constitutional government.
2. Governments, powerful people, culture, monetary policy have all been subverted to the goal of achieving global communism. Aldous Huxley Brave new world type situation where your existence has been engineered to maximize your productivity
>debasing its currency a the expense of its citizens) because it has needed the production increases debasement creates to compete with eastern communism
What does that mean? How do you debase the currency and how is it at the expense of citizens? Why would it increase production?
OP is a faggot.
Tinfoil hat theories should just go to Jow Forums.
when the greeks were fighting the Persians they started mixing copper in with the gold they were paying their soldiers, this meant the soldiers were doing the same work for less gold (increasing production)
The us government has been debasing its currency since the establishment of the fed. Just like the greek soldiers you do the same for less year on year
the difference today is people believe purchasing power to be defined by consumer goods (CPI). When nothing can change the fact that gold is the measure of value over time
>That both world wars were to destroy Germany because they opposed the bank
thats correct. Hitler created a system where the people were not enslaved anymore by the international money lending cabal. thats why he had to go.
>people believe purchasing power to be defined by consumer goods
What does that mean? From what I understand of money, the bank has a vault filled with gold and silver. And all the notes it prints have equal value to the gold and silver. Do you mean that they devalue the money by reducing the amount of precious metals in the vault?
if thats true, america would have gotten in on the war before pearl habour or before germany invaded poland... they had plenty of time to stop hitler if that was the reason.
>How a bank/money works
Basically governments give authority to a Central Bank, European or Federal. To be able to issue debt. Debt is created by printing money, out of nothing and issuing that money to other ''smaller'' banks on an interest rate. These banks can then loan out this money to corporations and people. I think the government takes on debt directly with the authorized central bank. Banks can print money about 1/7. That's the dollar/debt ratio. Banks control interest rates, and hence can directly influence the stock market. Interest rates going up means less money in the stock market. Low interest rates means more money in the stock market. Inflation happens when more money is being printed, inflating the supply and thus lowering the value per unit($,€....) Hyper-inflation is thus often litterly a bank or government printing massive amounts of money collapsing the value of the currency.
What banks really do is make countires dependent on the issuance of debt. Since money is created out of nothing, nor backed by anything other than the belief of a society in that currency there's always an outstanding debt that can't be paid off, cause to pay it of means to print more money, to print more money means more debt. Ofcourse this creates a ripple effect. As more countires become burdened by debt they can't pay of and fault on their loans and their economies crash.
Maybe watch Zeitgeist if you want a more accurate and in-depth explenation of Money and Banks and how it works. It's basically just an elaborate scam/ponzi scheme. Since banks control money, not government or people they have the power. For example the European Central bank can pressure countries to meet their agenda because they are dependent on the ECB or IMF or Federal Reserve for their tittysucking.
lol. the bank got off the gold standard in 1973 user. the dollars you have rn are literally backed by nothing other than the fact you need them to pay tax with them in the country you live in.