Do interracial ads trigger you ?
No, they are everywhere here and doesn’t make a difference to me only poltards get mad
Do interracial ads trigger you ?
No, they are everywhere here and doesn’t make a difference to me only poltards get mad
we don't have them
only if it's with a nigger(male)
globohomo triggers me
yes and it's not any better if it's white man x something
white men racemix the most and it's fucking retarded, even right wing guys sometimes, this shit has to stop
Nah I don't fuck
those two are the same race tho...
Not really. They're mildly annoying at most.
Fuck is globohomo?
I don't like them
Nobody gives a shit about that, we have more important things to think about.
what, like decapitating the pendejo who shorted you on a gram of coke?
Globohomo ?
No? It'd be ridiculous to get triggered over something like that
No they aren’t
not him but it's a daily stormer thing, it means the organized international push for lgbt agenda
pretty accurate way to describe it honestly
only if it's a dark skinned man with a light skinned woman (which they all are)
Why are you virtue signalling on a anonymous image board you fucking leafy prick
>Do interracial ads trigger you ?
We have a few come on every so often.
It's still kinda surprising to see a black guy on the television adverts but it's kinda like whatever.
I don't even watch TV anymore.
only if they show white women
I hate ads period.
i only am triggerd by asian female + black male
You can't put men who don't like me with white women.
It seems to be the other way around to be honest
if it's a white women with a non-white, yes
If you see ads on a regular basis in the year of our lord 2019 then you're doing something wrong.
I don't mind them, unless the company is trying to make it clear that their being "Super inclusive" and "not racist" then it annoys me
it's not fair bros
No I love them, FINALLY EQUALITY there's nothing hotter than mix race sex