1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Your will you defend Greenland against mutt aggression

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Yes, by occupying it myself. :^)

Any chance to kill North Americans

Hell yeah count me in! Fight the ZOG

Any fight against the Je.. i mean american is a good fight.

The d*nes aren't going to do anything with it so why not give it to the mutts?

i would, but americans would just wipe themselves out with friendly fire, so i wouldn't need to do anything but sit back and watch it unfold from afar


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whats the probability that the us will annex greenland? seems highly unlikely IMO.
also wasn't it more so about investing into the country and establishing business as oppose to trying to annex it?

>mutt invasion of Greenland
Quick rundown?

I swear to Odin I will fight and kill every Am*rican possible.

Mashodin ...

hand over the island d*necuck

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Danes are my ancestors :) so yes of course.

Grogbad Zlormph had the audacity to humor the idea of investing in Greenland. Every Greenlandic user who posts here says it's a depressing shithole that has no future but Jow Forums thinks its some utopia we're trying to corrupt.

Aren't most Greenlanders alcoholic rapists?
From what I read about it, it's pretty much a big shithole, so probably not.

But does the US wants to purchase Greenland or something?

No, he was just making a joke as far as I can tell. Denmark would never sell Greenland; I'm pretty sure they won't even humor the idea of giving them true independence.

You have my allegiance

This is the 3rd time the U.S is looking to buy Greenland, it's not necessarily a joke

>Jow Forums thinks its some utopia we're trying to corrupt
No, just like during WW2, you're trying to use it as a launchpad for your navy into Europe because you perceive the EU to eventually oppose you long-term. This is the exact literal reason why Crimea got annexed even at the cost of all the sanctions, Russians were being anxious of your NATO bases eventually spreading there through Ukraine and your puppet coup, because it's very easy to blitz Ukraine, very hard to do so with Crimea. Once Crimea falls to mutt hands, Russia is cut from the Black Sea and the whole Mediterranean, so any sanctions are preferable to that.

geopolitics 101

Since soon after the end of WW2, there seems to have been a lot of interest by Washington in buying it up especially because of geopolitics. Its kind of like officially moving the Israeli capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: The previous presidents all played the long-term game to appease both sides of the political spectrum, while Trump doesn't care or is autistic to go full forward.

>I'm pretty sure they won't even humor the idea of giving them true independence.
Seems like Greenland could use some FREEDOM don't you think?

Make it a giant military base to BTFO Yurope and the Rooskis whenever we feel like.