How would you reorganize US federal spending?
How would you reorganize US federal spending?
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Give more to Israel
What's the point in private healthcare if you're going to spend that much anyway?
Put all of my chips on black.
So American government spends trillions in health but still Americans have to pay 500 dollars for an aspirin and even for fucking ambulances and they have a lower life expectancy than Chile, a country that espends 6 times less than them? Only for not being "commie"?
That makes sense, I understand Americans.
Take all the money from everything else, pour it into the military, invade the world, then nuke everyone except Canada
Cut military in half, stop murdering people everywhere for retarded reasons.
Put all of this money into transportation and science.
100 million on cleansing inner cities
Audit the military
Pay down debt
Cut everything other than military and use the rest for UBI.
Replace millitary, health, and welfare with UBI.
>$500 for aspirin
nigga what
>Cut military in half, stop murdering people everywhere for retarded reasons.
>Put all of this money into transportation and science.
Double the spending on welfare, double the spending on health, cut the military spending in half, increase the spending on education and science.
>hurr durr where money from
Raise taxes.
>Raise taxes.
That's asking to be assassinated. What's next, have the state take control of the federal reserve?
Privatize the military, have Bezos fund it. Use the surplus to lower taxes.
cut social security and unemployment
evenly distribute it to science, energy & environment, housing & community, transportation, education and food & agriculture
Your government already funnels billions of dollars into the private and unaccountable military industrial complex.
>Privatize the military
cringebertarian detected
Based and Jewpilled, 100000% to Israel all years til USA is a husk
Dead as fuck seriouspilled: dont give a dime more to science til we dismantle the fucked up journal system. Dismantle it yesterday. Holding back science and humanity by making a profit off of studies the American/German/Japanese/whatever taxpayer already paid for
eliminate energy and environment spending entirely and buy 4 more Nimitz class aircraft carriers annually
alternatively we could buy 3 Nimitz carriers and ~200 more F-35s annually
>Construct one Giganimitz
Correct. If we turn the military over to Apple and Coca Cola we won't have to funnel money to support the military. They can handle defense of their holdings in this country themselves.
end the social security program. fuck boomers
Cut veterans benefits
Cuck out the creditors. If you spend 610 billions on guns, you shouldn't be under power of moneygrabbers.
Slash military spending to 100B and spread the rest on education, housing, and science.
give some to myself
based. who's gonna collect? even the chinks wouldn't try it
American flag GASSES libtards with COLD LOGIC and CONSISTENT ARGUMENTS
Make it so the healthcare spending isn't literally pissing it up a wall for no reason. Just spend a third as much on a shitty public system purely so its a benchmark that private has to compete with so they can't get away with what they do now.
Stop giving corn 80% subsides
You need the military because you do make that money but stop doing retarded shit like iraq and spending $2 million per terrorist killed
If you slash military spending you lose even more power over the global economy and less money will be steered towards your country.
>Stop giving corn 80% subsides
Midwestern economy procedes to utterly collapse
Great job
put 100% in military and nuke every other country but america
>put 100% in military and nuke every other country but america
>remove healthcare spending completelly
>liberalize private healthcare so that companies are forced to compete with lower prices
>allow more people to act like proffessional medics, legalizing home clinics and "microhospitals"
>lower police force spending and liberalize security so that families and neighborhoods can easily hire private police
Phase out literally everything except military, and international affairs.
Those two are the only things that a government could remotely be efficient at (to defend against other countries mostly), everything else is trash, all subsidies have a very destructive effect on society because you are allocating from a productive sector and giving it to an improductive sector.
spoken like a true patriot
god bless the USA
reduce the power of the feds and actual enforce 10th amendment so state > feds and even make city > state in big enough cities
a retard pole. Hmmmmmmmmm
>They can handle defense of their holdings in this country themselves.
what about, like, defending the american people and all? not that i'm interested
Much more on defense, cut welfare and entitlements and reduce the size of government overall
i wish our country had low tax like US
hospitals charge hundreds of dollars for giving patients aspirin
dont accept aspirin from jews then
>going to the hospital instead of urgent care center or in-patient facility
switch military spending with transportation / housing and community
make actual functional cities with public transit instead of dilapidated shit holes
The need for welfare will decrease on its own
3% education
4% veterans
Nice priorities you have over there. Definitely not a country of murdurers
cut all medicare to anyone with a BMI over 19
cut all Social security to anyone over age 55
cut agricultural spending since we just subsidize farmers to waste crops and put it in education
cut the military budget by 13%