David Koresh edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
i feel like trash i need something to distract me aaaaaaaaaaaa
listen to music
getting drunk
watch the news report of waco
thats what im doing
stop giving the freak attention
buy dying light
*looks at you*
Gonna move to Oregon after I graduate
no money
are all people with scooters in america like this?
why do kids go through a mimicking phase? my niece did and now years later my nephew won't shut up with the same stuff
what's so funny about it?
kids take inspiration from people and imitate them
is completely normal and expected from them
hope y'all had a good day
how's friday night for y'all?
feeling bullied
he's making his voice raspy
Get drunk.
stop smoking so many cocks then
play vidya
Anybody else going to throw their degree away to get a blue collar job in a place they don’t hate
you guys aren't really gonna sit inside all friday night are you? go out and have some fun with your friends!
leaving rn
if he's been mean tell him he shouldn't be like that and correct him
if you don't say nothing he'll keep getting worse
Of course I will
I hate social interaction
sounds nice
if i could go back, i would have gone into a trade instead of college
what are u doing on 4channel social media then?
had the fun some hours ago
right now i don't feel like doing nothing at all
Just a friendly reminder that the only way to escape the fact that you were a loser growing up is to move far away and start over since then you can use the “just moved here” excuse
How old is he?
not today
If I could go back, I’d do it all again, and I will
Buds I don’t think America is a democracy is anymore
Same, bud
College isn’t for me
Even though I do well in my classes I hate every second of it
what if you were a cool dude growing up and only just became a loser
it's still easy to spot them.
i'm a loser but i like it that way desu
>america is a democracy
>no is not
then wtf is it?
new season of Mindhunter out. finna watch that tonight hwhile I shitpost
I've had issues in the past in college and I have moments of existential doubt like this all the time. I like my field (music) though, and I like the experience of college otherwise.
>then wtf is it?
It isn’t a democracy anymore, most if not all politicians don’t give a shit about the American people anymore
What America needs is a system like China’s
>What America needs is a system like China’s
China has no civil society.
>What America needs is a system like China’s
ok you got me there
when xi liberates us, can i convert good boy points into social credit?
>Muh Civil Society
thanks for the input george soros
Considering social credit is partly based on Confucian filial piety, probably yes
are we seriously talking about political bullshit?
Yeah there's one guy who actually thinks China's political system is something to be imitated
>Manlet Cope Sandals
makes a boy wonder
yeah i talked to that guy some hours ago
he's either a troll or straight-up stupid
most likely a troll tho
Urkel is mentally ill
>people are too stupid to realize urkel is just trolling
gotta Pianist for u 2 Tchaikovsky right here bigboy
name three reasons why this wouldn't improve America.
who's that?
man i need money
China gets shit done and actually cares about their people
They also have trail system where if the politician isn’t meeting his goals within a year he’s out
Imagine if America had that
Hopefully when China dominates the world the US will already be 90% Chinese
It’s true
I've heard that joke and a dozen others.
BTW you know what happened in Tchaikovsky's personal life right?
let him have fun saying how china's government is superior or something, at least i think he's having fun
why do you need it?
I am NOT trolling nor mentally ill
I am a proud Chinese nationalist and will defend China even if costs me my life
China has a lot of corruption and official misconduct. It possibly has improved since Xi started cracking down though.
They don't want you (neither do we)
china? more like va-china xdd
It’d be called racist due to the fact that niggers would be punished the most
Funny thing is this chart isn’t even 100% correct on how the system works
i know the basics, are you thinking of something specific
I welcome our new Chinese overlords.
wtf i LOVE social credit now!
who's that supposed to be?
A lot of countries have a lot of corruption especially the US and Xi is known to he tough on corruption
im gonna go jerk off
see you guys in a little while
They think he might have committed suicide, since he requested unboiled water during a cholera epidemic. It's thought that his last symphony was a sort of suicide note. Tragic but fascinating.
China has a lot more corruption that most Western countries.
Even if the system worked liked that it wouldn’t be and
All you have to do is literally not be a fucking stupid nigger and you’re rewarded
death by diarrhea
I got work tomorrow and all my friends are drunk retards.
reminder: politics are dumb and stupid, no matter what place it is
shame cultures don't produce good people. they produce good fakes.
Why would you hate the Chinese social credit system if you have nothing to hide?
I tried this and it didn't work. Anywhere you go, you'll be a loser. The only way to not be a loser is to improve yourself.
what aspect of music are u studying?
Sequel was better, absolute kino.
European countries? Yeah. The US? debatable
my personality according to some dumb test online
r8 me
idk i´m posting this so you all stop talking about chinese politics
>Why would you hate the Chinese social credit system if you have nothing to hide?
Just did a bit of a bathroom sauna. Sweatin balls atm
Mostly classical. I play piano and sing.
The only people who fear a social credit system like
And facial recognition are Redditors who want to hide their child porn
Annoying fag/10
just watched End of Evangelion again buds
Are u the guy who sings pirate-related songs sometimes, or is that someone else?
>cheating in online games
seems appropriate