What the fuck is happening to my home??

This is literally my house. I have only owned it for a year and sill owe 220k. What the FUUUUUUUUUUCk

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shitskins in your neighborhood? white communities hold a high premium, if your community takes a dive so does everybody's valuation

Did some niggers move into your neighborhood?

You called. It.

If you really bought a home within the last 2 years. Congrats on buying the top of the real estate bubble 2.0. Don't worry, you can give back to the bank once you are down 40% and an investor will probably come in and purchase for 50% of its value.

>You called. It.
Get. Out.

You don't own it yet if you owe anything, sorry mate.

The sad thing is that I could have paid it off in January. Pic related.

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welcome to home ownership. i bought a house in nj for $227k 8 yrs ago, was recently reassessed at $187k. Lots of shitskins moved into the area recently. Pajeet infestation.
One issue with these reassessments is that they do not actually enter your home, so the internal value is a mystery. Regardless, after 8 yrs of mortgage payments, i have nothing to show for it.

Tax assessments don't mean a whole lot except for what you pay in property taxes. What matters is appraisal value and what people are actually paying for nearby houses because those values are actually reflective of what you can actually get for your house.

Post today's version

Step. Brothers.

If I buy a property in a black neighborhood, would the value of the property immediately go up because of my white presence?

>tfw 99.9% white English town

Feels good man, the only ethnics I see are Chinese or educated Blacks (British black people aren't ghetto like American blacks, so they are actually nice people).

Feels good tbfh mang

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Probably in the southwest countryside or norfolk

I made some bad trades and dumped an additional 8k in this year. RIP

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Yeah that's kinda how I thought it'd look. Oh well. We're still gonna make it so get your hodl game strong, but I guess I'm trying to teach you something you already know.

I got involved in August and put my 15k USD in the bank into crypto. Turned 15k into 250 in 4 months, put 8k in and still have 43k... Can't complain too much. I sold trx and req at the top but held XRB and ARK. Bought VEN, EOS, and DCR high on the way down... What keeps me up at night is knowing what could have been if i hit that sell button.

You upside down nigga

Kinda close - Cambridgeshire

jesus christ


This is the result of Jew fiat currency that isn't backed by gold l

You have overinflated asset prices. And then a deflationary collapse hits.

The most IMPORTANT thing ANYONE can do is get some physical gold and silver. Even just 5k worth will be a life saver when your home is worth 40k after a deflationary collapse after the currency crisis.

They will have to revalue gold MUCH higher one night to purge all the debt from the system after the deflationary collapse. Then that 5k in silver (converted to the new currency/crypto) will buy you a small town

You are in every thread

this is why stock market should be taxed per trade

This is enough information for me to doxx you. Enjoy the pizzas and gay porno mags incoming, fag.

Don't fucking get in that trap dude. Many have offed themselves thinking what might have been. We don't have control over the past, we don't own the past. We do have some control over the future though.

>Buying houses in a sellers market

If you idiots bought within the past two years, you deserve the declining valuations you'll receive in the next few years.

I'd love some pizza, bro, and my roommate is a flaming homo. Bring it on.

Then come on over and we can have some brews and talk crypto. I've never met another /biz tard irl.

Wtf are you even American bro? Imagine the colonists and early Americans of the 19th century taking a time machine to the future and actually reading that the feee society they created is now full of retards actually PROMOTING confiscatory taxes on income.

I'll never understand the absolute retardation of people actually wanting money to flow into the govt so it can be pissed away. As if 20 trillion in debt isn't enough for you retards to understand the govt is fucking useless and retarded

I have a 100k salary, as long as I keep my job, so I don't think it'll be too bad. plus rent out my extra rooms

A house isn't a fucking investment you retarded!

The housing market collapsed in 2008 because of criminally suppressed interest rates. Then what happened after 2008?

Did the economy get better? Of course not we kept going deeper into debt to finance consumption.... which is the literal backwards way to run an economy.

But home prices kept going back up....

Yeah because they did QE and all this re inflated it artificially.

The ONLY protection against a currency crisis and deflationary collapse is gold and silver

You don't get it stupid. The economy is dying. Doesn't matter who you rent the rooms out too. If you make 100k a year you need to get 10-15k in gold which is real money and real savings for when all asset prices implode then you'll be able to buy like 10 houses after the defaltionary collapse.

Even if you didn't buy a home and kept your money in a bank or the stock market you will still be fucked by the everything bubble imploding

How do you guys not see our wealth is purposely being stolen through inflation to enslave us all?

Holy shit, Jow Forumsraeli who knows their shit for once.

Tbf the reason many of us are in crypto is because we see precisely all that.

Unironically you are in crypto because the dollar is dying becAuse it isn't backed by gold.

Crypto is fine but if you don't have gold and silver too you will get rekt.

Crypto is a thing because of problems with fiat.... there are no problems with gold.

That's why I'm not selling my crypto. I was considering moving the $500-1k a month I put into crypto into gold in order to diversify. However, Bitcoin is supremely better money than physical gold due to divisibility. Still won't hurt to diversify because boomers will likely rush to gold instead of crypto in a crisis.

I actually hodl a modest amount of gold, but the price hasn't moved fuck all in the decade since I got it (maybe this isn't such a bad thing considering how the GBP has gone). If I was going to buy anything for an investment rn, it'd be land and then btc and then other good crypto and then gold and then silver, in that order.

I sold my house this year at $30k lower than it was valued last year (due to problems moving and putting it on hold). Pretty regrettable, but year not many people buying now due to mortgage cut offs, poor credit and inability to afford in general.

Listen to me... you don't get it faggit....

Crypto is a potential currency... it is not and never will be money.

You need to first understand the primary function of money... the primary function of money is to MEASURE VALUE for goods exchanged for it. Money is a BAROMETER to measure value. Bitcoin does NOT do this. And nothing has done this better than gold whether it's today or 2,000 years ago.

I don't give a fuck of you understand it or not. You need to get even just a few grand of gold.

If someone told you that a currency crisis and hyperinflation was coming 1 month from now.... you are telling me you'd shovel all the rest of your dollars into bitcorns? And you wouldn't get any gold and silver? Or that you wouldn't cash out 15-30% of your crypto to buy gold just to be safe????

You think that crypto something that maybe 1% of the planet at best is invested in is going to be a safe haven in a fiat collapse?

Dollar price of gold does NOT fucking matter. Did gold all of a sudden become valuble when America was born and the dollar was created?

The entire point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam and you fear it is going to implode. Nobody buys gold at $1,200 to sell at $2,400 for increasingly worthless fiat.

A gold ounce 900 years ago is still that same gold ounce today. Doesn't matter if the dollar exists or not

Preaching to the converted, faggot. No one here is shilling for fiat. There was a Jew in another thread doing exactly that, go fight him.

>All in on vechain
Jesus Christ you’re fucking nuts

I knew you were somewhat converted at least homo. It was obvious you weren't a brainlet like most. But you need to stop thinking in dollar prices tho. All the dollar price of gold represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is.

In fact, if someone told me that 6 years from now gold was going to be back at 300$/ounce.... I'd be ecstatic as a gold owner. Why? Because that would mean the govt isn't out of control anymore and has become fiscally responsible, since that's the entire reason you buy gold in the first place, because the govt is out of control.

Also.... gold at 300$/oz would mean prices of all goods would be going down. Since that's what happens in a healthy economy.... prices drop.... just like prices of things used to be cheap as fuck under a gold standard.

So gold going down to 300$ means that I wouldn't lose in real terms because a subway footling sandwich would be 3$ instead of 8$ like it is today

Okay but don't lose sight of other commodities that are just as much of a hedge as gold is, e.g. land, crypto. As long as the world situation doesn't go completely south (and I don't know if it won't with any degree or certainty these days, seems like the shills want war with Russia+Iran at any cost), land will always be valuable and will operate against the dollar/fiat in precisely the same way you noticed crypto does, I.e. when the government is playing games with fiat, land rises in value.

Your wrong man.... land is not a hedge against your wealth. Look at the OP his house is losing value!

Sure if you own a fucking farm all paid for in eastern New Mexico.... ok fine you'll have a leg up on the general pop in a currency crisis but your wealth will still be destroyed is you have 200k in the bank.

Crypto is NOT money. Who knows now that will play out in a currency collapse. I'm not saying being in crypto is bad to have in a currency collapse but if you don't have gold you are playing a dangerous game.

Gold is MONEY not a commodity. What are you going to do in a deflationary collapse? Sell your wheat for a house that is now 90% less in value? You need gold for that to protect your wealth

That's the entire point dude.... gold and silver are undervalued compared to other real asset prices because fiat inflates those home prices.... then when they collapse and gold is revalued higher then you offload your money for land for pennies on the dollar for what it cost you to get in the fiat paradigm

I got a strength X node. Not selling.

>british blacks
LOL they are 10x worse than American blacks. Bruv.

maybe the housing bubble is already poppin

>he bought a home at interset rates lowest in 5000 years absolute top price

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At least interest on the home is only 3.5 percent.

The reason homes are valued at what they are is because of what banks are willing / able to lend towards them - which inflates their price.

The real problem isn't real estate however, it's sovereign debt. Hope you've plenty of pepper on your anguses because when that emerging markets contagion spills out it's going to goatsie the fuck out of real estate lending - when that stops - house prices revert back to what people can pay.

>tfw just bought a house for $84k


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There's a joke where I live. Two neighbors, a doctor and a gypsy each decide to build a house. The doctor really plans it all out, spending much of his days on interior, exterior setting, builds with the best available tech and materials and really gives his effort in. Meanwhile, the gypsy just copies what the doctor does. When both houses are complete, the doctor decides he wants to sell the house, but is astonished when he finds out his house sells for half lower than the gypsy's, even though he put a lot more effort in it.

They make shit up

Same op

I'm down 20% in 2 month

Still way up but sucks watching a years rent disappear every month

kek ikr


we are faggots

you're going 2 get left in the dust b00mer

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mine went up $20k

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when will that happen? i need a house bro.

I pray for you brother. God speed

One of your cunt neighbors just unloaded or they got foreclosed and the bank said fuck it. Also, zillow is shit at figuring value. This is unironically the most accurate of them all

just be glad you didn't lose 600k
t. ouch

Estimated value: 205,000 - $255,000

Thanks chase.

I did learn that a home similar to mine recently sold for $241 so it's not all a disaster