and what is his IQ?
What's his phenotype?
Looks like Russians x German + obesity
Unironically wish I looked like that instead of beeing 54kg ectomorph
Alsatian; 166,4
eat more and go working out, retard
Skyrim phenotype
Never should have come here IQ
He looks like he's about to brutalise Randy Orton on summerslam
that's the lesnar phenotype, very high IQ
looks like trump and schwarzenegger banged the same maid and a hybrid baby formed
West Baltid.
More like they fucked each other and created a ball of semen so huge it turned into a baby.
Cormier vs Lesnar when???????????????
200 IQ polish ubermensch
Albino BLACK
Never, pork lazer won't pass the usada
How do I get a chad neck?
wish i had a neck like that
Swedes confirmed incel
borreby or baltid lmao
looks like a poleshit.
not german. Maybe it's from that FAS, very funny face, this inarticulate ape should stare in some comedy.
Lesnar is a German name. I am pretty sure he is German descent.
Are Poles Chads?
most germans are borreby/baltid/alpinid tho
idk, I thought germans are majority tronder or hallstat, I didn't think they look like some pseudo-mongoloid beasts.
Now I understand why the english used to call them huns.
>the son of Stephanie and Richard Lesnar. He grew up on his parents' dairy farm in Webster.[25] He is of German descent.
He is German though
>he is German descent.
yeah,maybe eastern german, after they got raped by the bashkir russian hordes during WW2.
They even share Y-DNA similarities with them, it was a map, those germans lying on the eastern border.
Why do only euros develop this autism.
He is Slavic/German mutt
*Polish, German (father)
*Norwegian, possibly other (mother)
And scandis usually look pseudo mong so there ya go.
do neck exercises and then after a week or two add weights (helmet, bands, or whatever else)
i have warrior skull like him and i have a high percentile iq
This thing I noticed too.
It's because of the natural european racism.
Europeans are racist between themselves, didn't you know that?
There's a great divide of phenotypes between east and west. That's why.
baltid vs borreby alpine in the west.
looking slavic, or germanic, or celto-germanic.
unlike in america. Europeans tend to notice the regional differences.
For example most of the russians won't pass in western countries, unless they're some east nordid.
>*Norwegian, possibly other (mother)
probably a sami faggot hiding in the ancestry.
I saw an actress looking asian (that ugly blonde from venom the movie) and she was of norwegian descent. Probably a strandid/lappid remnant.
He has fat around his neck, but I wouldn't doubt he's brachycephalic.
What ethnicity is he. If you guess wrong it's all fake news!
i don't care
but from far view, he wouldn't pass here in the east, aka serbia,ukraine,romania.
I didn't click on the img. I just looked at the thumbnail.
Click it you fucc
not race autist but im guessing dutch
Anyway, i'm pretty sure he could pass in Ukraine on account he is Russian. This is why it's autism, and also why it's no longer relevant anymore. People just used it in a racist way to condemn entire people who look quite diverse from country to country. See an ugly person of a race, claim they are all the "less desirable" phenotype, while attaching all the stereotypically "beautiful" features to their desired race, as to make them out to be some supermen, and claiming the absolute best are the phenos of they race they are, racist autism.
Borreby subhuman, never met a friendly or intelligent person that looks like this
lol, you'd wish.
There's a divide even between slavs.
you have north slavic phenotypes(aka shitty mongoloid influenced ones, like komi or other eskimo shit), eastern slavic(russian) , west slavic(czech,pole) and southern slavic(serbian,hungarian or even romanian, which overlaps with the neighbors)
Go to the apricity to that cancerous site and see for yourself.
the best phenotypes from europe would be brunn, north atlantid, keltic nordid, hallstat, tronder, east nordid(but too bad it is in small numbers, east baltids outnumbers them now) and subnordid
subhuman phenotypes are: gorid, and any other mongoloid influenced one.
There is no such universal thing across Europe. South slavs are practically mediterraneans lol
Definitely lithuanian
HGH hormone phenotype.
>no such universal thing
south slavs aren't fully med.
don't ever say that.
The most med population is in southwestern europe(iberia, france,italy)
south slavs are dinarids combined with other phenotypes, be it alpinid or med. Not fully med.
Dinarid isn't metrically mediteranean.
It is actually closer to armenoid, in cranio-facial metrics.
he could be, since his face seems long.
Or could be even an amerimutt.
I am yet to see a germanic-looking lithuanian. Though i don't have experience with them, the baltid comes from them anyway, so it expected someone with a shorter face, not rectangular one.
>the best
Exactly what I just said, autism. Attempts to condemn entire groups and portray others as supermen.
>not med
They are med enough, Bulgarians alone have high neolithic higher than the French outside of the North.
>Bulgarians alone have high neolithic
maybe, but their pontid population is small.
and no, you never said anything about brunn or KN or north atlantid.
Northern french are some celto-germanic mutts, I was saying about the southern ones.
Keep posting more, show these retards how stupid this science was. They always get ethnicities wrong every time. Going on those shit anthro sites you'd think Swedes all looked one way, then I actually visited the country, and they were far from all being the long headed blonde nazis people portrayed them as lol.
You probably saw Finns or Finnish diaspora. Most Swedes have tall, but broad skulls, and are light to dark blonde.
>They always get ethnicities wrong every time. Going on those shit anthro sites you'd think Swedes all looked one way, then I actually visited the country, and they were far from all being the long headed blonde nazis people portrayed them as lol
because phenotype changes for sure when you mix with some lapponoid subhuman from the north.
You know, samis aren't european, they're asian.
greta thurnberg is the best example of sameblod.
I don't consider finnics scandinavian either,
they're on par with the samis, they're from around ural mountains like the bozgors, not white.
They are autistic, and have a pre-concieved (racist) notion on what people are supposed to look like. They see a blonde, blue eyed person with a strong jawline and instantly think German, not the fact that maybe the person just had good development. See a dark haired brown eyed person instantly think southern. When many Germans/Dutch look exactly like the latter.
He doesnt look anglo so non white
Exactly like I said, portray every non desirable trait as only existing in the "other" race as to pretend the desired one is pefect, fuck outta here. Hence why no one takes this shit seriously in the present day.
>What's his phenotype?
European warrior phenotype, the real man.
Notice how 95% of arabs have sharp facial features and german rat ears.
Western and scandinavian niggers are basically bleached semitics
You do realize finns are blonder than you right?
>Hence why no one takes this shit seriously in the present day.
Then why is the community of growing? and it's also receiving donations every month?
I think this science will be popular again.
yeah, they are
while looking like this
aka non-european
>a few arm chair autistic middle aged incels
kek, no legit scientist practices this shit. It's as niche as the neo nazi nordicist on youtube spouting "durr ancient rome was nordic before they mixed".
It's not growing at all, it serves as a coping mechanism for incels to latch on to. It also serves as a way for racist to further justify their racism by seemingly giving a real reason to hate. Incels mostly follow the bullshit the same way it's usually incels who become nordicist. Nobody in the real world even knows this shit exist. Nobody irl looks at a bong, german, italian or russian and think what "sub race" they are. Only incels.
No, they aren't. They also have a less share of light and middle blondes than we do, while also having a much higher share of dark hair (the swarthier Finns you might see are Uralics, descended from indigenous Siberians who assimilated into the Finno-Ugric cultures that emerged before the foundation of the nation state of Finland).
Yeah, agreed.
>he thinks borealized eyes aren't common throughout the entirety of scandinavia
There's countless fully Norwegian and Swedish models with borealized eyes. I myself meet them all of the time. They typically have smaller eyes than both southern and central europeans. Stop pretending it's only the finns. It's the whole Scandinavia that's like that.
Average Finn, 210 IQ
Yes, they are actually. As blonde hair emerged from the east, not Scandinavia.
Most Swedes and Norwegians with 'borealized' eyes have Cromagnoid admixture, though. The hooding of the eyes might resemble Mongoloid features.
They do in you as well, which is why the "are swedes asian" stereotype exist and pops up frequently.
Im 65 kg and 1.80.
Stress can cause you to not gain weight.
Its hard to gain weight when you're eating healthy and balanced.
That's part of the reason I never was attracted to scandinavian males and preferred bongs for "light types", too many of them have those autistic mongish eyes.
Well here's a similar profile
stop attaching incel to everything as if it is le boogeyman, ugly fucks have it rough enough and just because the people might be "racist" or do shit you dont like doesnt mean you have to think of and assume their sex life
probably a fin bvll
I call it like it is, there's a reason this autistic shit has witnessed a surge on primarily incel forums.
Then tell me, what nationality and phenotype this woman is.
how much euro would you give her in percents?
lol, this one gave it away.
you could see her asian influences.
Why are you asking me this? i'm not the autistic one attaching features I consider desirable exclusively to specific groups of people lol. You've already failed when you failed to guess the guy I posted because of your batshit insane idea on what people are supposed to look like. Leave your basement, engage with people stop looking at cherrypicked images from some armchair scientist.
just because some incels co-opt parts of it doesnt mean the previous communities are incels
I SAID I didn't want to click on the image, not that I failed.
But as overall, from the thumbnail he looks long faced, the most long faced population is in the west.
If you cherrypicked some balto-slavic nordid this is another thing.
ALL of the communities promoting the shit are incel communities though lol.
Maybe East German or polish
no, they were communities before this incel word got thrown around and then some incels started taking parts of it into inceldom, incel is involuntary celibate so basically ugly or unhygienic people that cant get laid, trying to conflate them into something else as a boogeyman is retarded
It is about the bone structure anyway.
That's why nordid and alpine or other phenos exist.
The way your nose is shaped, forehead + nose root.
byzigomatic width, bigonial, gonial angles.
I think it is used in medicine the one the occupies with nosejobs etc...
>I said I didn't want to click
Because you know you would have gotten it wrong. I've seen those sites you lot post on, and every single person always guesses the person in question as something else revealing they don't know shit. Again, most of you use this shit as propaganda others to attach features you fetishize exclusively onto groups you also fetishize and claim another group is inferior based on what you perceive them all to be. Not in any situation has the word COPE fit more. It's not so different from what the actual incels do themselves. You share the very same autism.
by sucking dicks, it train your neck
The sites were majority comprised of incels. You had mostly people who were virgins, foreveralone, and ugly. (funny how the most autistic and undesirable people of a race develop the most arrogant and racist personalities). You kidding me? one fag psycho guy posed as a female for years until exposed. Another brown went through a phase of being a nazi to being a BBC worshipper. A brazilian tranny who would post about nothing but white cocks lmao. Then you had the autistic neo nazi people who would do nothing but troll other groups on end. And all of these posters would have over 50K post lmao. By all means, if any boards were the beginning of the incel movements it was them. Infact they shared a lot of overlap with the incel boards as a lot of them were also posters on incel boards like lookism. Anthropology obsession is the first step to inceldom.
Hey man, are you like the guy on the top or bottom?
Eww to both
and where is your proof they didnt have sex?
Holy fuck literally Brock lol
no, because I don't trust people.
I know viruses can be embedded in some images, so that's why. Now I am not quite sure this site has protection against viruses that can be put in images.
that's some shitty serbian gypsy called mortimer.
I sincerely hate every fucking faggot from that forum, even the administrator himself.
they allowed some retards to mod that shitty forum and it got flooded by turks, albanians, and other hapa subhumans from siberia for example.
He cute!
Went to the Beast of the East where he squashed Koffi cuckston. No joke he's the closest to ubermensch I've seen in person.