The only way to divide Slavs

The only way to divide Slavs

Attached: Pronunciation of 'g'.png (4592x3196, 1.2M)

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How do others pronounce g?

Will look this up.

like 'h'

Well how do they pronounce h then?

Like this

How's Poland surronded, but not fallen for "he" meme?

strong Russian genes

We have some dialects that pronounce it more like h, too. To be honest, I use it for one word sometimes as well

they have 'voiced h' and 'unvoiced h'.

The thread’s retarded, literally first video on YouTube says there’s “ghe” and “che” in Ukrainian while in Russian there’s just “ghe”. Should probably be dialects because in some parts of Ukraine people mix the vocabulary. Two native speakers were presenting it.

>in Ukrainian

Ukrainian only has voiced h and unvoiced h, it doesn't have 'g' at all. Of course, more educated Ukrainians pronounce proper 'g' when speaking Russian, but most of them don't and they replace it with voiced h.

Ukrainian has 'g' only in some loanwords, mostly from Russian, but most of Ukrainians also pronounce them like voiced h anyway.

What sort of Gay faGGot prefers G's over H's

The fuck, we can pronounce G just fine

Here in Poland we have dialects that make a difference between voiced h (written as 'h') and unvoiced h (written as 'ch'). In standard Polish + most of dialects both 'h' and 'ch' are pronounced the same way, like unvoiced h.

>Malovany dzbanku z krumlovskeHo zamku

Just because we don't use it in the endings of words doesn't mean we can't pronounce it, ty zdegenerovanej prošepáne

how do I hate when someone says h instead of g. this is an indication that you're from some fucking village

Bulgarians can't pronounce "L"

Ya'll niggers can't pronounce this

Attached: Ř.jpg (400x400, 21K)

you dont use it anywhere, hvezdo ty moja

We use it plenty

how do they pronounce it?

Like Russian x

what about pronouncing h like g?

ig Eussians pronouncing Hitler Gitler

Those dialects have g and h, it's just that their g is in-between standard Slovene's g and h


But 80% of Belarus speaks Russian as their first language

It's funny, so I have no problems with it

so just like Russian л as opposed to ль

99% fixed

>But 80% of Belarus speaks Russian as their first language

but still less educated Belarussians (including their president) pronounce 'g' as 'h' when speaking Russian

also they pronounce soft d as dz' which makes them sound like Poles :3

idk how they pronounce it, here Л is L and Љ is Lj

This is Russian spoken with a Belarussian accent, but not really strong (without dzyakanye). Still it's noticeable how 'g' is pronounced like 'h', also 'l' like 'u' and 'je' like 'ja' in word-final positions

Also it's interesting that unlike proper Russian, in Belarussian and Ukrainian accents words that end with 'o' are declined

Gorila se v Kongu
těší na hlas gongu.
Když se v Kongu ozve gong,
chodí s tygrem na ping-pong.

>na hlas

Nigger. just accept it that we use" G" only in foreign words and all Slavic words have had their original "G" sound changed to a "H"