why are they so fucking stupid?
Why are they so fucking stupid?
Why do you keep making these threads?
They're not all dumb. I'm dating a flip, and she has a good head on her shoulders.
are you catholic? if not it's going to be a problem
I am, as is my family.
I am, as is my family.
Vietnamese people are among the smartest people in the world and they always score high in PISA and IQ tests despite lack of proper education.
Just believe what would Vietnam look like had the US secured its membership in NATO and the free market, it would be literally a second Japan.
He's just a seething ugly zainichi twink
While Vietnamese is as smart as other people
The thing that hold Vietnamese back is their bad personality and they don't really trust each other and have no teamwork.
Vietnam is pretty much equivalent to Korea, except the north won instead of staying divided. So the best comparison between the Vietnamese and Korean races are Vietnam vs. North Korea, in which we can clearly see that kimchi gooks are retarded god emperor praising insects.
what do vietnamese girls think og italian b0is? No memes pls
It is fortunate that Italian is not as popular as USA and German-France-UK or Northern European in VN.
The only thing Italian popular here was probably food.
There are too little Italian tourists after all.
Unfortunate I mean
I have the opportunity to spend one accademic year at the university f Hanoi, should I go for it?
Probably, I don't know much about Northern Vietnamese other than that they are very cunning, but the food is probably very delicious and girls are also as cute.
But overall what are the alternatives?
philippines, russia
>While Vietnamese is as smart as other people
They're actually much smarter.
>The thing that hold Vietnamese back is their bad personality and they don't really trust each other and have no teamwork.
A lot of nations are like that. Individualism can be a good thing to some extent.
I'd unironically invest all my savings in Vietnam if I had any. They're going to be the next economic tiger in the future.
Well Vietnam then.
Both Philippines and Russia are great in their own way. But public security wise, I think Vietnam is better for foreigners.
please do not go to Philippines, Italian fren, unless you have short curly hair
is it safe? are locals autistic towars foreigners like the Chinese or interact with them?
Of course we're stupid. We live in fucking trees in the middle of the jungle.
Yes, the local really very hospitable towards foreigners,
the only thing you might have to face is being ripped-off, but still you can prevent this if you always ask for a price before buying something.