>Portuguese "people"
Portuguese "people"
looks richard ramirez, are portuguese the mexicans of europe?
That guy has all white features, just dark
>brazilians human
Looks Brazilian
wtf moortuguese are like the brazillians of yurop
>Look at this swarthy Portuguese man
>T-they look like us!
>Why don't you consider us white?
Honestly maghrébins are whiter than the average portuguese.
>That guy has all white features
They aren't nafris are considerably.more swarthoid than southroons rape babies
How do Portuguese even look like unironically? I only saw a brazillian once in my life and he looked like a turk with acne
>How do Portuguese even look like unironically?
Like this
Afro asiatic
This is me a Spain user
You can see moortuguese and actual native Iberians are different in every way.
white south brazilian
Why do Portuguese consider themselves european when you are Mena?
Christianity is Mena too.you know and Arab Christians exist in Malta and rahman
another white brazilian
if he didn't have that gross acne and closed his mouth he'd be actually really cute.
Being swarthy doesn't mean being ugly >:(
another one
Why do you think.of yourself as European or white?
Religion, language?
Hungarians are white yet speak a mongolian.language
another white man from brazil
whiter than you, joão pedro macaco da silva
Why haven't you responded to me abdul?
You think anyone in Europe wouldn't think you were a middle eastern?
Christianity is a non white religion with nothing to do.with the white race
oh no i'm so offended
>brazil mongrel flag
>posting an obvious gypsy and talking about portuguese people
Do you think anyone here would pass as a European?
Tell me where their facial features and skull passes in say it.
well genetics, history and cvilization don´t lie, Portuguese people cluster by genes between north italians, french and spanish, so...
Portugal crowd
God, portuguese are worse than south brazillians. Brazil not being white will not make you more white, keep seething Manoel.
Do you think anyone here would pass as a European?
Tell me where their facial features and skull passes in say it.
>well genetics, history and cvilization don´t lie, Portuguese people cluster by genes between north italians, french and spanish, so...
What "civilization" "history" makes you European?
Your skull.and face is afro asiatic and passes only in Mena.
>a poo from goa (india)
>portuguese people
The brazilian mongrel inferiority complex is beyond laughable.
What are portuguese slur words against brazillians?
What are brazillian slur words against moortuguese?
"whiter than you mohammed" says the white brazilian
If you spoke Arabic no one would bat an eyelash if a white spoke Arabic he would look like an alien.
You are nafri arab Syrian.
speak by yourself, Portugal or Spain were never multiracial hellholes, only in the past decades when the gates to immigration have been opened. Any video from the past century shows that portugal was 100% native white
Nooooo, im not an indian, im a white brazilian dude!
iberians are literally berbers that have crossed the straight of gibraltar, some of which mixed with the indo-european celts and tartessians
>the non white.mutt from the americas will teach us europeans what would pass as europeans
>speak by yourself, Portugal or Spain were never multiracial hellholes, only in the past decades when the gates to immigration have been opened. Any video from the past century shows that portugal was 100% native white
100% Arab nafri Syrian who happen to speak a galician language
sure american mongrel sure
Native Iberians are nothing like afro asiatics, Portuguese are Mena along with some 40% of the peninsula with primarily descendants from.the south and Portugal
Portuguese were classed same as middle East and north Africa by the USA
non-whites btfo once again
"I'm white dude look i have light eyes " says the brazilian men
Maps can be falsified your face and skull can not
Portuguese are arab-berber-syrians you'd pass as a local in Morocco or Syria.
Average portuguese
>maps have been falsified showing that those evil nazis from europe are huiiite, fug
>"Genetic distances and principal component analyses show a clear differentiation of NW African and Iberian groups of samples, suggesting a strong genetic barrier matching the geographical Mediterranean Sea barrier. The restriction to gene flow may be attributed to the navigational hazards across the Straits, but cultural factors must also have played a role. ... Iberian samples show a substantial degree of homogeneity and fall within the cluster of European-based genetic diversity."
>(Comas et al. )
funny because it was literally the other way around
anecient iberians migrated to the magreb, just like the levantines
You literally are arab-syrian-berber
You'd pass as a local in Syria Abdul.
There is nothing wrong with being what you are an afro asiatic, some say afro asiatics are superior to.whites which you are not. :)
why are you discussing with trolls are you perhaps retarded?
You are Syrian-arabic-berber
All Portuguese and afro asiatics in south europe should all be called syriacs from now on.
stop projecting panchito castizo.
I know you are mad because your history teacher told you "muh those evil white conquerors and colonizers from portugal enslaved my people and explored my land, and they created fascism etc but hey, we are not to blame for that.
it's funny, pol rules everywhere, race debates won, cucks and leftards can´t deal with it. This century will be fun
you arent winning anything you are wasting your time don't you see the mutt desperate from my attention replying to my posts
Syriac, why do you think you are white?
They have a lot of brazilian immigration.
Yes i'm syrian:
You have no idea what you are talking about mutt
true iberian bro
These threads are funny because once provoked Portuguese people will reply with a bunch of images supposedly exalting their nation's military achievements, when the only thing they're known for is winning against a bunch of stone-age naked people and fucking their way into a country by mixing with the natives. Their history's highest point is the fact that they were the first to make contact with Japan, and even that is irrelevant compared to actual achievements. Their legacy is a bunch of corrupt shitholes that resemble their own land in how incompetent and underachieving it is. Even if you take away the Germans and French's whiteness, they still have a lot of contributions to back them up. Portuguese have nothing.
Yes you are an afro asiatic Syrian in the future all syriantuguese will be called such and not European
T. Syriac
>when the only thing they're known for is winning against a bunch of stone-age naked people
Imagine be a monkey and imagine belive on what he writes.
>legacy is a bunch of corrupt shitholes
None of those lands is populated by us, and it never was, we were always a minority there, and ofc when we rulled those places there were no favelas,much less were shitholes ofc,this is common sense.
brazil will teach us about achievements, brazil
This Portuguese poster is cringe asf, he unironically believes that when people think of white supremacists, Portugal comes to their mind, kek.
That's. Good legacy of the syriac diaspora
I'm the other user. but why are you mad at us? yes portuguese white men enslaved some blacks,yes there were fascism in Portugal and we used some racial laws more because of the inquisition, but man, that was long time ago, we don´t hate non whites like you.
Even the portuguese conquerors were not that bad,some were benevolent to your people they told you how to speak,a religion, culture,civilziation, tecnhology, think about it pal.
Calm down, Manueu and Felipe, I was just baiting. You don't have to go to your history folder lmao
t. nafri
Both are/were cute desu
>I'm the other user. but why are you mad at us? yes portuguese white men enslaved some blacks,yes there were fascism in Portugal and we used some racial laws more because of the inquisition, but man, that was long time ago, we don´t hate non whites like you.
Even the portuguese conquerors were not that bad,some were benevolent to your people they told you how to speak,a religion, culture,civilziation, tecnhology, think about it pal.
Your people Arabs were not benevolent to my Iberian people.
I really enjoy Portuguese vs. Brazilian banter
please continue
>haplomeme of Napoleon Bonapart and Adolf Hitler in europe since the neolithic
Stop with the autism Cleyssom.
Why do Christian berber Arabs hate their heritage?
What can you do to welcome your diaspora and make them.accept what they are?
So you are an arab? i tough you were some sort of mexican. So about that, yes we destroyed and defeated some arabs or killed them, but that was long time ago, you don´t need to be mad at us because of that.
We are all tired of that story,muh ebil portuguese colonized us, beat the arabs, and the blacks.... they are raciiists, no, we are not to blame for that. it's in the past.
>CHI Guevara vs the Portuguese spammer triggered when people call Portugal non-white
Too much autism in one thread.
What achievements has got brazil?
200 million people no nobels prizes, full of crime,
every president is a corrupt, extremely bad education system, extremely bad health care
Portuguese are an extinct race. But they used to look like this.
We will be called racists forever do you understand that? let the americans cry, no one cares anymore.
No, you are a Berber Syrian who's ancestors unprovokingly invaded and killed Iberians.
I don't care, I just think this Port poster is subhuman. Don't give him (You)s until he posts pictures of himself.
No identity almost every person is mixed, racists when themselves have black familiar members
>Called racists
And what race are you?
Guess again
So you are a syrian in america? portuguese didnt fough against syrians i guess, so you can´t say we are racists against them, we fought more against moors and other non whites.
at least syrian was not controlled by us.
When you ruled here you managed to lose Cisplatina, you absolute fucking idiot, Dom Pedro II which was the only good thing to ever come out of your filthy blood, was born and raised here, and maybe that's why he wasn't as retarded as the rest of his family. There were no favelas because the whole country was populated by slaves, you are probably the worst thing that happened here, the common sense is that you were arabs obsessed with black slaves.
The less white you are, the closer you are to human
We never looked like that, there are portrayes of all majour portuguese conquerors and navigators, and they neve ressembled like nordics.
Christian syrian-moors known as subjects of Portugal had war with Muslims yes, just like idrisids had war with almohads.
But you are an Arab Berber Syrian and you must accept your ancestors.
No one cares about your south american shithole, we had more war's to fight
But why are you mad? your history teached told you those white portuguese men commited geneocides, that's not true. portuguese built civilizations and we are no longer racists like you think, even the slave trade you acuse us to have done was owned by jewss.