Which European posters are the best and worst?
Which European posters are the best and worst?
I think all Jow Forums posters fall under the category of very bad but I do think those from my country are just a little bit extra dumb and autistic
The black ones
Best: me
Worst: the rest of them
French posters are the most underrated on Jow Forums while finns are overrated af
best : laidback immigrants
worst : butthurt white people
Spaniards, Russians, and Italians I like the most
Germans are autistic
Finns are gay
French are rude and gay
Brits are desperate for relevance
Fins are leaf tier. Germans are usually resentful losers. the French just seem odd.
Irish and Italian posters are best. Italians for their intra-italian banter and the Irish for being funny af. Swedes are actually decent posters when they don't abuse their flag to BBC post
HAHAHA so true
Best posters are Algierians in France