MMORPGs? I'll be a healer!

>MMORPGs? I'll be a healer!

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I have a "support slut" female friend but I don't play competitive games with her
She's like 7k in dota2 group mmr and 6k in solo mmr
Sounds good enough to me, but she's probably like 0.0001% of all female "gamers"
And she's pretty trash at all other games I introduce her to

>Sorry girl, but all the healer spots in the guild have been filled already. However, you could apply to be my personal healslut instead.

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Also funny thing about most games with the "trinity" is that support roles are usually the hardest roles to play
Instead of the perceived "press X to heal" kinda gameplay

MOBAs - supports are more difficult than carries
MMOs - in most of them supports are generally more difficult and deeper roles

Main Sona here. AMA

When did you realize you were gay?

>this brand of onions is tastier than this processed onionlent drink

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Why does /v/ think this?
Best healers I knew were guys. I only knew 1 female healer. Most girls go to the class with le edgy strong woman vibes or the one with the qt pets.

yeah but the underage people think that dps is the manly thing.

To counter your anecdote with my own, all women I’ve played MMOs with were healers. But the best healers were still all men though


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>something I'm not interested in is automatically soy (Jow Forums version of cringe)
You must be 18 or older to visit this website

>But the best healers were still all men though
we can agree on that

no they're not,they're chillest roles of all

>I don't play competitive games with her
>She's like 7k in dota2 group mmr and 6k in solo mmr


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For hyper casuals and beginners they're the hardest roles because of the amount of anxiety and responsibility
For casuals they're the easiest role because you can just look at teammates health and do absolutely nothing else
For intermediate players they're an average role once you get the entire scope of your abilities and build up some habits
For advanced and top players it's the hardest role because of the amount of things it covers and the amount of decisions you need to make in every single situation. Usually support roles, besides basic healing, have a lot of utility and most importantly damage. Knowing when to deal damage, when to heal. Knowing exactly how much healing does your damage cost, how much healing does your damage do, and how much more damage you'll receive in the future if you decide to heal. Add on top of that a bunch of utility usually like stuns, slows, temporary buffs, etc.
In most games no other role can match healer's scope of things that can be done

I just don't play dota if you mean that, or any other MOBA or FPS for that matter. When I played I was mostly above the average, like diamond-lowmasters in overwatch and the alternative in csgo (DEM-LE before the ladder rework), hots (GM), sc2 (masters), hs (mid legend).
I just don't play competitive games with people I can remotely consider to be "friends". Because there's no way for that status to stay after we play together.

It's just whack-a-mole

It's a whack a mole for casual players as I said

If you never in your life thought about things like, how much healing do your non-healing utility skills do, or the things that I mentioned, then you're probably not at all at that level.

nothing hard about bubbling,dpsing during downtime/burst phase or pulling people out of fire,no one but noobs think mmos are hard

>remember how i was a healslut to my friend in each and every game where you could buff or heal your teammate
Good times, good times. He was a gentle soul who would never lash out and always support me.
I member how we would proceed to destroy the whole enemy team in TF2 with him being a pyro(i once crafted and gifted a pro kill streak for backburner because he was a Pyro main) and me as medic. We would earn at least 50 kills each game...

>I will simplify something that he implied has more depth that I think there is
>that will make him think that I'm good

Gib kazakh gf


never, shlong nose man!

it is pretty simple,the difficulty comes from co-operating with other people


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In most mmos the healer still has to dps and is also the one thing that keeps the raid from wiping because they have to stop the tank from getting slain. Also they tend to have the most utility spells that they need to use at appropriate times. Tank is the most chill role you just need to press your cooldowns every now and then


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You know you want it

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