British culture edition.
Janny are you okay sub edition.
Dock the jannies wages for that stunt
What fucking culture lmao
some people really do smell of poo. reckon they also have prolapsed arseholes or something but they just smell like shit all the time. their odour is shit. mine is onions
The staff shan't be pleased.
more culture than you rubbleman
mad how we were without a thread there for a few minutes
that's never happened before that i can recall, almost had a panic attack
Janny should be sent to fucking Hague
hitler had a portrait of henry ford in his office
Gf’s taking forever and a day to get ready
>4 threads died for this...
don't believe you
was it painted by henry ford?
most people don't wipe their bums properly
I'm pretty sure he's tried to delete the OP for lewd imagery and deleted the thread by accident fucking spastic must be his first day on the job he shouldnt get paid this month thatll show him
most threads are rubbish anyway
only /brit/ matters now fuck off to your shitty psuedo pol threads
wiping my bums
On December 20, 1922 the New York Times reported that automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was financing Adolph Hitler's nationalist and anti-Semitic movements in Munich. Simultaneously, the Berlin newspaper Berliner Tageblatt appealed to the American Ambassador in Berlin to investigate and halt Henry Ford's intervention into German domestic affairs. It was reported that Hitler's foreign backers had furnished a "spacious headquarters" with a "host of highly paid lieutenants and officials." Henry Ford's portrait was prominently displayed on the walls of Hitler's personal office:
The wall behind his desk in Hitler's private office is decorated with a large picture of Henry Ford. In the antechamber there is a large table covered with books, nearly all of which are a translation of a book written and published by Henry Ford.
some days i stink of shit some days i stink of fish
Lmao just found out the biggest chad I know irl lurks on r/braincels and Jow Forums
Tapeworm’s going ballistic
how can you not wipe your bum properly
Gonna do a beer run in a bit. What should I get?
whos that then the chairman of your runescape club? ha!
got more culture in my little toe than your entire nation lmao
Hahaha you can’t be serious
What film we all watching tonight then?
flogging a seaman
Back to eating your jelly eels oliver
coors light
Check out some hitler paintings
How was Hitler so based
But which beer? It’s gonna be pre drinks before pub
HATE pikeys
back to re-building your house ahmed
You’re kidding right.
ham and ready salted crisp sandwich down the hatch
I swear to god he’s my roommate. He’s 6’2 with a model tier face and body.
And he’s super into lookism / Red Pill / PUA
Hahaha actually hilarious whenever we go out to the club women just stare him down and come dance with him.
looks like it was painted by a 6 year old
Back to your dentist harry
MC Escher with that stairwell
If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?
Didn’t they do that officer in reading
no they dont
be quiet
but he was a socialist!!!!!
corrr bet your arse stinks
christ no wonder he invaded poland
Why yes I lurk on Jow Forums I also have a body count of 40... how could you tell?
fuck off not a chance I'm going on that virus
give it 15 minutes
coors light
get high off our white phosphorus yousef
No chance
The fit
the fat
The dialogue of this show is pretty bad desu
america is so fucking based holy shitttt
get me a few too while you're there thx
let's see Boris Johnson's paintings
proxy off
yeh id like to see hitler do this on a cold tuesday night in stoke
Good shout
It had to be said frankly
where's /brit/ - /brit/
kpop girls and anime girls are so fit
alri benji
suicide club
shan't be installing your malware
do prossies like it if you call them a filthy whore while you're fucking them
my gf didn't like it, which is why i have to fuck prossies now
was Boris good as the host of HIGNFY? didn't even know he had been on it til recently
didn't know boris was a rugbyman
George Bush paints
GOOD post
farts are like an underwater trombone
hes witty, hard, and based
immediately mentally hat anyone who uses the term "false dichotomy"