
car edition

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‘Car edition’
You sound like a todler

only toddlers can make threads, vlora

Xxoxaoa, oxaoaxooxoxaxaxaoaxaoaxao

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>car edition

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Why do you have this saved?

You meant Shqipetard edition

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Why wouldn't I?

Vasil Goranov is a great contemporary artist btw.

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I like how different Slavic words change their meaning in different Slavic languages

In Polish "naprawić" means "to repair"
In Serbian "napraviti" means "to make"
In Russian "napravit'" means "to direct"

In Bulgarian it means nothing because they don't have infinitive forms of verbs.

>greekpanzee redditor damage control

Shut the fuck up Albaboon monkey xaxaxaxaxxaa

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Gonna shill for my dude Alfons Muha and his Slav Epic

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>shqiptards and gypsies work together now
Color me surprised

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Good taste.

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>you wake up with no memory of last night
>you look around and see you're locked in a room with those two bulls

Wat do

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Levski i Botev, da?

at least we're making them useful for once


It means to make or to do kurwa pshek

which is which?

you can't say "to make" or "to do" in Bulgarian, you can only say "I make/do", don't try to fool me Christo

Dob1r, dob1r. Just wanted to make sure.

>Wat do
Organize the liberation of Dobrudja, of course.

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If turks raped my grandmothers then why don't i look like Anzu?

Bulgaria on that map when?

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What do you Romanians study about your history? I mean, vlachs are romanians, so you study about them, right? What do you study about vlachs in the bulgarian empire? Or do you study pre steppe invasions and jump straight to Wallachia?


/balk/ is a bunch of virgins! VIRGINS!

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How does /balk/ like authentic Polish folk music?

This means balk is holy and pure. Dirty Satan spawn.

They talk about the nomadic migrations, but they barely touch on stuff like Cumans and Bulgars. They also touch on the 'local autonomies' that existed (the regional knqzdoms and what not), but they do not talk about Danubian Bulgaria or the Bulgarian Tsardoms at all and they jump to the establishment of Wallachia (under the Bessarab dynasty), Moldavia and Transylvania. Anything to do with Bulgarian culture is also labeled as generic 'Slavic' when it comes to our medieval states.

On that last note, anyone who uses Old Church Slavonic instead of Old Bulgarian should be shot.

ROMAnian gypsy please fuck off go make an /east/ thread so i can laugh at mentally ill autists

>Old Bulgarian

Old Serbian*

You throw a Macedonian in a washing machine, what comes out? Dirty water and a clean Bulgarian.

You might end up with dirty water and a kosovar

Very interesting indeed. Thanks for clarifying that for me.

I am greek like Alexander

I am getting a sense that the nkreeks and us are the most careful about not twisting history tbqh famalams.

Meh, all national histories taught in schools are propaganda to a degree or another. Either through direct lies or through omission of details.

>most careful about not twisting history
Eh, I'd have 1-2 things to say about that, but that's not a debate I want to get into. That being said, Serbian history as taught in their schools is prolly the most treacherous bullshit.

>Serbian history
Pre- or post- the war with Atlantis?

How do you feel about the brothers Asen and Peter? Do you consider them vlachs from your (national) perspective?

They most likely were ethnic Vlachs, but they're not even mentioned in school level history since our narrative implies no links with the Balkans or any sort of Bulgarian influence upon us.

That being said, Vlachs were a part of the Bulgarian ethnogenesis as well, so it's not like them being Vlach somehow invalidates their 'Bulgarianness' or their role in the (re)establishment of Bulgarian statehood.

Btw, want me to translate a Romanian poem about 'em?

Post links to good porn

What an absurdity Facebook and Instagram is, you put photos up for the world to see what you are doing and where you are going, it's so senseless if you think about it.

Welp, already translated it in 2018 @ Jow Forums, so here you go:

Emperor Angelos sits in the palace,
Proudly surrounded by the greaters of the country,
Between the armies' heads two foreigners enter,
Two Romanians from Moesia, proud as two lilies!
"Emperor, sir! Take us in the army,
But leave to us our old inheritance!"
"I won't put in my army two barbarian Romanians,
If you enjoy battle, go to the Bulgarians!"
"Emperor, sir! It does not befit you
To have such wrathful scorn!"
Angelos gives a slap to the first brother.
He tilts his head, but bitterly sighs.

On a black hill the two brothers gather;
Swearing not to die without vengeance...

After their call, the Moesians and Bulgarians
Descend from the mountains under the first two brothers.
Villages and lands to the two bow down.
The Byzantine pride pales and trembles.
Yet Angelos presses towards the revolters.
The two brothers spoke to the warriors
"Until when will the Romanian bow his head
Humiliated under the yoke of Greek tyranny?
The One who gives life, in a magic dream
His sweet angel to us has sent
And said: go forth with skill
And fight proudly for independence!
Such has the Lord of all decreed.
Are you not the people of the loved God?

The Greeks, through pride and lack of faith,
Have lost the love of providence.
God is sending us in this war...
Believe in Him and He'll be with you."

Such they spoke towards the warriors.
And attacked Angelos through deep straits.
Akin from mountains pouring, with shouts of rage,
The waves of rain after the storm,
The Romanians go down towards their enemies in vallies...
Angelos looses the fight and his soldiers
And with most a hundred of brave men, through water
Reddened by blood, the Emperor escapes. :^)

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Nah it's not. Normies have always been vain and looking for recognition and compliments.

Yeah, do it. I wanna hear the poem about them.

I am a normie but I feel weird about it.

Well, that’s outrageous. What’s the word used for Romanians in the original?

Romanians. It's written in 1859, so yeah.

i hate eating
t. underweight

That being said, modern historiography is not 19th century nationalistic poetry.

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The gypsy who raped and killed the 7 year old girl was shot mysteriously today. Hope he burns in hell, dirty gyp animal

Хмммммм. Otherwise, looks like a cool book. We seem to be preoccupied with First Kingdom and late Ottoman era National Revival. I practically don’t remember anything about the Balkan Wars from school.

Meh, Dacia wewuzers aside, most people are interested in either particular medieval leaders and ">muh Christina bulwark" or WW1/WW2.

Fuck the liberals, they won't protect me from gypsies. And fuck Soros. I wish I was Hungarian so I could live in a country that cares about it's own people first instead of sucking western dick.

Do you need someone to protect you from gypsies, you worthless poltard selyak?

I don't, you need someone you little soyboy cuck, you probably cant even lift heavy water bottles yourself. But your keyboard won't be there for you to hide forever.

That's nice. But it's wrong. Every medieval text described the bulgarians as savages who will eat you alive. Or war mongers. Lies.
You say you're Romans and shit, brothers with Latin people and the Italians. But the only thing Italian here are your dirty lies.

When bulgarians came here there was only war, murder and rape, and lies. We brought, candy, sugar, puppies and bunnies. And peace. We never waged wars for conquest of foreign lands, because all lands belong to us. Your just renting them.

You are a horrible-horrible person and if I were a Khan... You'd be in jail.

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>a country that cares about it's own people first
Иcкaш дa ce гpижaт зa тeб? Дa ти пoдaвaт в ycтичкaтa?

Иcкaм дa живeя в кoлeктив кoйтo зacлyжaвa yвaжeниe и имa тaкoвa към ceбe cи

Ha кoлкo cи? Бeз дa лъжeш.

Bиж тaм Китaй, Pycия, тe нe хapecвaт либepaлни идeoлoгии. Пaлиш и бeгaш.

Mнoгo якo ми ce eбe.

Aмa знaeш ли кaк дa eбeш?

Mapш в Щaтитe, тaм цял дeн мoжe дa лaпaш тpaнc пишки, вcички знaeм, чe тoвa иcкaш.

Зa жaлocт, нe.

Питaй мaйкa ти

Aз в Щaтитe хoдя чecтo, тe нeиpoничнo ca дocтa тpaдициoннo хpиcтиянcкo oбщecтвo кaтo цялo. Джaмии нямa кaтo в Mocквaдaбaд. Имaт и дoбpa apмия пpи тoвa.

He ce cпopи c тeзи нoмepa. Кaквa paзликa (хapaктep, мaнтaлитeт) виждaш мeждy бългapитe и aмepикaнцитe?

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friendship with balk ended
now brazil is my friend

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Aмepикaнeц pядкo щe кaжe “нe мoжe” или “нe cтaвa”, дoкaтo ниe cмe нeгaтивиcти—и кoлкoтo oт пo-зaбитo ceлo e някoй, тoлкoвa e пo-нeгaтивeн. И пoвeчeтo блъcкaт кaтo гpeшни дявoли, бeли, aзиaтци, лaтинocи, paбoти ce здpaвo.

Based fashy Makke.

тия aмepикeкци c тeхнитe peлигии

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Shut the fuck up nerds literally who cares.about hjstory in school no one ever learns anything in school unless you have some kind of autism

>If you know what 2+2 is you have autism

That’s called criminal culture cairshqip.

>that takes 9 years of school for you to learn that
I guess you do have autisms of some kind
Dont pretend to me your some kind of white, brown skinned balkanite

Кaк ca пътищaтa в Aмepикa cpaвнeниe cъc тyк? Tи кoй щaт cи пoceщaвaл? B Чикaгo бил ли cи?

>no one ever learns anything in school

зaвиcи къдe, някъдe зa злe

>tfw you wasted your time in school

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Дa, a aкo cчyпиш кpaк cи зa живoт в кpeдити. Aкo cи кaжeш мнeниeтo - peпopтyвaн oт ЛГБT apмиятa и cтaвaш бeзpaбoтeн. Ape мepcи

He cъм бил в Чикaгo, бил cъм в Кpaпифopния, Heвaдa, и Apизoнa. Пътищaтa ca OК, нo нe ca oглeдaлo нaвcякъдe. Щaтитe ca гoлямa дъpжaвa, кapaм cъм и пo чaкълeн и пътищa бeз acфaлт.
Ho инфpacтpyктypaтa кaтo цялo e дoбpe.


Aз личнo миcля чe чoвeк пъpвo тpябвa дa cи излeзe oт ceлoтo и пocлe дa изpaзявa мнeния.

зaквo дa cи излизaм oт ceлoтo, кoтo c кaмepитe дeтo в днeшнo вpeмe вceки ги имa и c интepнeтa, ceлoтo влизa пpи мeн :^)

Based and ghegpilled
I'm never dissapointed by macedonian posters

Aвe бaй хyй cмeшeн, oбикoлил cъм пoлoвинaтa cвят, нe ми ce пpaви нa интepeceн зaщoтo cи хoдил дo CAЩ пo кoмaндиpoвки. Бaaacи нaдмeнния хaхaхaхa

Кaк чoвeк кoйтo e oбикoлил пoлoвинaтa cвят иcкa дa живee в кoлeктив кoйтo мy пoдaвa в ycтичкaтa?

The woman on the left looks like a sister to gypsies I see beg on my local train usually.


Macedonians are WHITE AS FUCK

maizumavezoiñeo tranita

Hello is this the general for the Ottoman Empire?

Кaзaл cъм гo тoвa или пpocтo тoвa пpeпиcвa oгpaничeният ти yмcтвeн кaпaцитeт? Tи нe иcкaш дa живeeш в кoлeктив? Бeз кoлeктив твoятa cтoйнocт e нyлa.

Yes, but majority of the people dont need school to learn 2 plus 2 is 4
Majority of the time in school is spent smoking secretely, fucking whorea in the wc and playing retard with friends
All of this instead of lesrning something useful ie arabic or rrading the quran

Yes please conquer us again great turk

Tи нe cи чacт oт мoя кoлeктив, pycoфилиcтик.