Trump is threatening to brand Antifa (a decentralized movement with no hierarchical structure/chain of command) a...
>Trump is threatening to brand Antifa (a decentralized movement with no hierarchical structure/chain of command) a terrorist organisation

>your cunt
>does counter-protesting actual neo-nazis put you at a risk of being branded a terrorist

Not quite but you get to have to your own case opened in our internal security/nationwide police system

Attached: antifa portland.jpg (980x551, 133K)

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Are those actual barrel halves?

It's not decentralized, 99% of antifa are found in university and lectured about their ideas there.

No they're considered based and redpilled here

>Terrorism is when you oppose right wing violence and don't kill people

ah yes, state sponsored opposition
opposition to right wingers must always be a subversive plot, no leftist can actually dislike racism or capitalism by him/herself, it must be a plot of capitalist states to create "useful idiots"
big brain theory

when antifa stops being 99% rich uni kids then we'll talk

lmao only college trannies are antifa. i think its stupid to brand them a terrorist organization tho

If you hate capitalism then why do you NEVER target big corporations but instead choose to bully the actual working class people that you claim to love so much?

>students are a big force in progressive movements and activism
how is this surprising?
your average wageslave either spends his time working or resting from work, he/she has no time nor energy to tackle intellectual topics on his/her own
Antifas aren't work fetishists, they aren't Leninists nor is this XXth century syndicalism, you being working class doesn't give you a pass to being reactionary human garbage
I don't know about ameri-antifas but euro antifas do take actions against corporations and the state as well, they often help LGBT, homeless people and migrants. They also often vandalize corporate buildings like banks, insurance companies etc

Attached: d7d718fdf955b5ea679981f55780ebc90f938f4d8974c8309470fd388c0a13e2.png (593x960, 570K)

why did american had to communism?

Problem is they are not counter-protesting, they deliberately wreck legitimate protests by provoking fights forcing the police to cancel otherwise peaceful protests. They are a nuisance and should be banned.

They would eventually be banned here, but only long after any right-wing group they have been attacking has been banned.

This strategy of crashing nazi and reactionary protests is called de-platforming, it worked back in the 1930's and it's still working as of 2019
If the government won't stop garbage like neo-nazis from occupying streets, harassing people and making them feel unsafe while parading their hate symbols around and chanting hate speech through speakers then the Antifas step-in

As far as I know, we don't have this kind of fagggotry around here.

Can these politics thread fuck off to somewher else? Why are they on Jow Forums?

holy shit nigger
your government literally imports "refugees" to become wageslaves so that there are more wageslaves
fucking wake up delusional idiot
>they aren't Leninists nor is this XXth century syndicalism, you being working class doesn't give you a pass to being reactionary human garbage
well then fortunately your shitty "movement" won't go anywhere. there won't be any worker mass mobilization, there won't be any state dismantlement, there will just be faggy little bloggers writing faggy little articles

and by the way don't fall for the "poor oppressed student" meme. the root of their suffering is half themselves and half THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ITSELF. students direct their rage towards other things but can't see their real enemy is the bloated behemoth frankenstein bureaucracy university they fucking love so much because they were able to sit around and """tackle intellectual topics""" as you say. UNIVERSITIES are predatory despite their universally leftist sympathizing bent and your love for them.

Antifa is a leftist terrorist group

Are the people who go around wearing giant suits that say "Fuck white people" or harass people coming out of gun stores by screaming at them and saying that a real man would talk down or hand over his wallet to a mugger Antifa? If yes, then fuck em.

Terrorist reported to Fbi

Yes I need to throw rocks at someones house because he disagree with our politicians and want less immigration. His family lives there too but that is none of our concern since the nazis must be stopped before they kill 6 million jews again.

Left-wing terrorism or Far-left terrorism (sometimes called Marxist–Leninist terrorism or revolutionary/left-wing terrorism) is terrorism meant to overthrow capitalist systems and replace them with Marxist–Leninist or socialist societies. Left-wing terrorism/Far-left terrorism also occurs within already socialist states, as activism against the current ruling government.[1][2] It has taken vivid manifestations across the world and presented diverging dynamics and relationships with national governments and political economies.

Most left-wing terrorist groups that had operated in the 1970s and 1980s disappeared by the mid-1990s. One exception was the Greek Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N), which lasted until 2002.

The overwhelming majority of "Antifa" activity is just thinly veiled excuses for the same kind of violent thuggery those supposed defenders of white europe get up to. They're just hipster Neo-Nazis. The real Antifa has long since fallen to these mentally handicapped thugs.

We wuz peaceful good Bois

Attached: start_terroristattacksinusbyideology_chart.png (500x367, 113K)

>an American bootlicker bursts in to derail the thread

I’m so sorry you all have to see this

No "deplatforming" didnt work in 1930,in fact the clashes between lefties and rightists made people so fucking tired of it that they voted Hitler.
Guess what, escalation brings conflict.

Actos criminales
44 asesinatos hasta la muerte de Franco
829 asesinatos desde la muerte de Franco

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (del euskera, ‘País Vasco y Libertad’; ETA) fue una organización terrorista nacionalista vasca que se proclamaba independentista, abertzale, socialista y revolucionaria.

1000 killed by ONE left terrorism organization all us pres were assassinated by leftists

>your government literally imports "refugees" to become wageslaves so that there are more wageslaves
What's wrong with solidarity? Just because they are welcomed inside the country to integrate the labour force does that mean we should be neutral or hostile in front of their precarious conditions? I don't see why empathy towards other human beings is a wrong thing.

>well then fortunately your shitty "movement" won't go anywhere
I can't speak for ameri-antifas but euro-antifas have done and are doing a great job at de-platforming reactionaries in whatever space they try to invade, their strategic goals are being achieved, I would say Antifa has been a successful movement in Europe so far despite state and non-state opposition and oppression

>there won't be any worker mass mobilization, there won't be any state dismantlement, there will just be faggy little bloggers writing faggy little articles
Again (most) Antifas don't live in XXth century modernist fantasies, they aren't preparing nor wishing for a 1917 style revolution as it will never happen nor would it be effective for various reasons

>and by the way don't fall for the "poor oppressed student" meme. the root of their suffering is half themselves and half THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ITSELF. students direct their rage towards other things but can't see their real enemy is the bloated behemoth frankenstein bureaucracy university they fucking love so much because they were able to sit around and """tackle intellectual topics""" as you say. UNIVERSITIES are predatory despite their universally leftist sympathizing bent and your love for them.
Not even non-antifas students love universities and even public universities here behave like fucking companies, that's not a good way to sympathize with anti-capitalist leftists, what the hell are you even talking about?



Antifa and the people they associate with do kill people, at least here in germany.
Both on purpose, and on accident when they torch some cars and shops during their chimp-outs.
And your solution to neo-nazis marching in the streets is..?

>can't speak for ameri-antifas but euro-antifas have done and are doing a great job at de-platforming reactionaries in whatever space they try to invade, their strategic goals are being achieved, I would say Antifa has been a successful movement in Europe so far despite state and non-state opposition and oppression
Terrorist scum

Antifa sucks, I have a friend who lives in an Anarchist commune and is still on government benefits as she believes that the government should pay her back for opressing her. Still owes me money.

>have done and are doing a great job at de-platforming reactionaries in whatever space they try to invade
Oh yeah thats why parties platforming right-wing lunatics are getting more and more votes in european countries every year. Because its so "successful".
You retards gave cover to goverment intercession kicking down incels like the Identitarians and think you "de-platformed" someone with burning ranom peoples cars.

I am based terrorist
>who lives in an Anarchist commune and is still on government benefits
holy based

As long as it is inside the Limits of the law they are allowed to do what they want. Our "guests" also do interesting Things I do not agree with. But as a frenchman you probably dont have much respect for other people's rights or for interrupting their day. With all the strikes you have.

based based based
shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

the irony is that "antifa" are fascists themselves. plus its full of literal trannies.

>dude you shouldn’t support ___!
>I know a real piece of shit who supports ___, that should settle it
I know an actual MAGAtard who spent her every breath railing against illegal “parasites” before retiring on disability, only to get busted within 18 months for faking it. But none of that actually matters because anecdotal evidence is worthless.

The irony here is that strong alpha right wingers are terrified of a bunch of weak trannies and need the government to protect them from milkshakes.

All my personal experience with Antifa have been negative and I am against political violence. There is a reason the state has the Monopoly on the use of force.

>muh discord trannies
You faggots in denial literally cannot stop talking about them every second of every day. I’ve learned more about trans people than I ever wanted to from the posts of people who claim to hate them more than anything. Why do you think this is?

The Problem is they show up masked and in hordes and hit people with bikelocks. Seems not like a straight fight.

>Oh yeah thats why parties platforming right-wing lunatics are getting more and more votes in european countries every year. Because its so "successful".
The trend is reversing, anyhow Antifa is a mostly street based group, not an official political organisation participating in elections or official online activism
>As long as it is inside the Limits of the law they are allowed to do what they want
Brain dead mentality, if raping your mother would be legal would you defend the law?
Your rights end where the rights of other begin, you borderline sociopath
not an argument
>you see fighting actual fascists and oppressors is being a fascist oppressor yourself
bulletproof logic my friend

Attached: 1555490713724.jpg (480x488, 142K)

Your government actually cares about fighting right wing terrorism. Ours doesn't. Trump is doing this to pander to his base and it makes him look awful to normalfags due to El Paso

We've had two white nationalist terror attacks in the past month and Trump is taking about muh antifa. It's quite clear what he is trying to do.

be honest antifa are just a bunch of people looking for an excuse to brawl.

Show me a fair 1v1 where antifa has ever beaten a right winger

Just like the groups they exist to fight (proud boys, Patriot Prayer, etc.) That's the point and is why Trump wants to get rid of them. They aren't terrorists they just stand in the way of right wing brute squads.

>The trend is reversing
Except its not reversing at all. Its just going more mainstream with those radical ideologies becoming more acceptance in established parties.

> anyhow Antifa is a mostly street based group, not an official political organisation participating in elections or official online activism
The fuck is this even supposed to mean? You yourself claimed antifa is "de-platforming" right-wingers, which is objectively wrong. In fact Antifa's violent thuggery and the state turning a blind eye to it for decades in germany is what allowed political violence and radicalisation to become so normalised in germany that it enabled those fringe lunatics to return to the public to begin with.

This. Antifa is weak and cucked. They aren't terrorists like the El Paso faggot.

>an American soldier stationed in Germany is arguing with a teenage French communist while they both LARP as successful people