DUDE each state is like it's own country!! the culture is SO much different

>DUDE each state is like it's own country!! the culture is SO much different
Why do my countrymen say this? Even they should be smart enough to know it's bullshit

Attached: amerisoy.png (228x221, 22K)

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America has no culture.

Still more culture then Argentina

You enjoy American culture everyday, my indio.brother

never heard anyone say this. regions are pretty variable though. the southwest, the deep south, new england, and the pacific northwest each have a unique culture

>never heard anyone say this. regions are pretty variable though. the southwest, the deep south, new england, and the pacific northwest each have a unique culture

Attached: 1528676087442.png (1528x1184, 53K)

world culture is american culture

you speak (American) English
you consume Jewish (American) media
you post on a shitposting (American) website

Dunning-Kruger effect. They don't travel aboard and if they do, they look at the local McDonalds and deem it similiar ebought to the one in their town and conclude that the culture is a meme.