
lovecraft edition

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Balts are Innsmouth inhabitants

>war starts
>Urmas is sent off to get shot by Russians
>meanwhile Jānis goes to Estonia to fuck Urmas' gf

Fuck latvia lmao

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>war starts
>Latvia get's liberated in 5 minutes

TFW Estonian girls tears are a good lube for anal

Why are u so obsessed with wars despite you aren't too good at them?

why do you bully Latvia

What was this gentleman's cat name, again?

Attached: Ahem.jpg (250x250, 25K)

Remind yourself 1919

Estonians spend 1 year in conscription, then come back thinking they are master strategists and know everything about anything that is military.

he's coping since he just found out Latvian military is less than 1/10th of estonian and 1/16th of lithuanian. Basically if you ever want to expand they quite literally wont defend themselves

We do so much killing - we usually split up in both teams for a fairer competition

nigga ive been in active service for 8 years out of which 3 were spent in officer training

It doesn't count since there was two russias at the time and baltic whites fought for you

У мeня зaзвoнил тeлeфoн.
- Ктo гoвopит?
- Дaгoн.
- Oткyдa?
- Co днa пpyдa.
- Чтo вaм нaдo?
- Изoбpaжeний пoдвoднoгo aдa.
- Для кoгo?
- Для кyльтa мoeгo.
- A мнoгo ли пpиcлaть?
- Дa aлтapных кaмнeй штyк пять,
Ha бoльшe нaм жepтв нe нaбpaть,
Кyльт y мeня eщe мaлeнький.
A пoтoм пoзвoнили Mи-Гo:
- He хoтитe oтдaть нaм мoзгoв?
Mы бы в бaнoчкy их пoлoжили
И пo кocмocy вcлacть пoкpyжили.
- Heт-нeт, этo тeлo мнe нe нaдoeлo,
Oбpaтитecь-кa к миcтepy Экли.
A пoтoм пoзвoнил Йoг-Coтoт:
- Пpишлитe мнe ключ oт Bopoт!
A пoтoм пoзвoнили кyльтиcты:
- Пpишлитe нaм твapeй нeчиcтых!
A пoтoм пoзвoнил Aльхaзpeд,
Дa кaк нaчaл нecти вcякий бpeд.
- Пoгoдитe, Aбдyл, нe вoпитe,
Oбъяcнитe, чeгo вы хoтитe?
Ho oн тoлькo "ЙA!" дa "ЙA!",
A к чeмy - нe пoймeшь ни чyть-чyть.
- Излoжитe, пoжaлyйcтa, пиcьмeннo!
A пoтoм пoзвoнили кoзлятa:
- Пoзoвитe Шaб-Hиггypaтa!
Tyт я paзoзлилcя и кpикнyл cкoтaм:
- Пх’нглyи мглв’нaфх Ктyлхy P’льeх вгaх’нaгл фхтaгн!
- Oй, a гдe жe Шaб-Hиггypaт?
- He знaю, звoнитe cтo двa - пятьдecят!
Я пoлгoдa нe cпaл, я ycтaл,
Mнe бы зacнyть, oтдoхнyть,
Ho тoлькo я чyть вздpeмнyл,
Oпять пoзвoнил Aбдyл:
- Дpeвний Ужac! Bce пpaх и тлeн!
Cпeшитe cкopee нa Лeнг!
- B чeм дeлo?
- Bпycтитe!
- Кoгo?
- Aзaтoтa!
Чтoб oн этoт миp yничтoжил в двa cчeтa!
- Уничтoжил в двa cчeтa?
- Дa! Пoкa нe зaшлa звeздa!
- Лaднo, бeгy, бeгy,
Ecли cмoгy - пoмoгy!
Oх, нeлeгкaя этo paбoтa -
B этoт миp выпycкaть Aзaтoтa!

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Nerf Latvia in next patch please!

>8 years in military
>posts on a vietnamese chicken raising forum
whats your story?

>Latvian military is less than 1/10th of estonian and 1/16th of lithuanian

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you know my story dum dum

Don't worry, we don't want to piss off mutts too much

10th rule for that hohol

it's just one estonian who thinks that anyone here cares about military

seriously speaking mutts are crazy powerful, they could destroy all of europe's militaries + russia combined, you dont want to fuck with mutts


is the estonian military autist the same person as estonian nazi autist?

He's very serious about shooting sandniggers and moisturizing.

But we have N U K E S,so guys chill no more liberation for you


that one had worse english i think, but maybe

Why did voluntary served in army for 8 years? Money,russian invasion paranoia?

got me good f.a.m
good thing we have mutts on our side though, i really really wouldnt want to oppose them. They have insane power projection

>cute friends

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>The Estonians are the elite of the Baltic peoples. Then come the Lithuanians, and lastly the Latvians. Stalin used Latvians for the executions which the Russians found disgusting. They're the same people who used to have the job of executioners in the old empire of the Tsars.
Read this scatvia and shithuania before starting to bark here. We were elite according to Adolf Hitler and I support this

yep it's the same retard

Because i like it. Military life isnt for everyone but it suits me nicely. I mean i wouldnt have done it if our military was what you have (no offense) where you get buttseks't for minimum wage

>used Latvians for the executions
Yes, but not in the way your idiot brain thinks

stop replying to him he's underaged
>Tapa SVL

Nice propaganda pic. Read this its the reality.

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chill the fuck down dude lay off the black pills youre the same dude who constantly comes up with conspiracy theories

Why aren't you at karkle festival breeding 17 yo thots? God, you are pathetic

My excuse is micro penis

I swear, he is ''elite'' together with that ''Lithuanian'' guy that posts about Sweden and ''i wish I was a Slav''

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Kek not really. Never posted any conspiracy here

It's ok since 2008 btw,I served 2017-18 and mostly I hated physical training,running with ammunition and shit Despite fact we had many village idiots we had no bulling and were regularly checked and there were an investigation after every fight that occured so I understand that our army had bad image but now its getting better

So you CAN be rational and sweet

im ugly and poor

He used to shitpost some anti-nato bullshit that triggered me pretty hard and even though i refuted all of it he still believes his cringy conspiracy theories

because I'm going to suck my neighbour's dad's penis once his wife goes to sleep, maybe do anal as well

Cause I hold a moral high ground which prevents me from copulating with minors.

gf frowns at me banging underage girls
and the music at Karklė is fucking awful

i remember in 2014 there was an investigation that found that you had 400+ suicides in your armed forces that year due to harassment
here you go posting anti NATO propaganda again while hating russians and praising nazis



You are traitor,why are you telling them this,let our potential enemies think that we have shitty army which only wins thanks to zerg rush

If NATO isnt going to come then ok, it will go on their conscience. I will go die for my country but dont rely on NATO like some dicksucking fag

My excuse is I'm too Jewish

your cut cock will be exotic then

I'm Jewish in spirit not in lack of foreskin

Most of suiceders are gopnik idiots who wouldn't tell military policemen that they are being harassed because its not po pocanski stuchat, I've seen such idiots by myself, that's darvinism

>where you get buttseks't for minimum wage
Do Estonians really think this?
You'd get court-martialed into oblivion for even a hint of such shit. Not to mention the social stigma. It's much more common in places like America than here.

go to sleep Jow Forums lite vodkanigger

>weed is cool

Lol nice cope, in russian army there were displinary places ive seen videos. Army officers fucking some petuh in ass for displinary and he didnt say anything. He came out of the hut with cheeks in red and teared up, nice army there. Some faggot officers satisfying themselves on soldiers

cancer culture


That was gay porn man lmfao

Does pepsi and coca cola have any difference in taste?
I can't tell, but i prefer pepsi



That's just Hebbels level demonization,if it's actually would've happened it must've caused huge scandal but I hear about this for first time.Proofs links news articles pls

I had never met a gay person until I went to estonia

Yes, coke has rougher carbonation and more sugar.


It was an Estonian.

You know who I m talking about

Why are balts so racist?

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Do balts actually believe in this? I wouldn't be surprised if actually yes

Especially those who come to the military from higher education institutions are forced into prostitution. Some of the bravest ones try to stand up for themselves, but no one to sue, because most troops are directly involved in the fun business.

A Russian page gives an example where older conscripts first raped young soldier Andrei, and the very next day the officer told him to go with two of his clients. When Andrei refused, the boss showed him the rape photos and promised to send them to the boy's mother if he refused.

Ilija became a prostitute in her second month of service. Sergeant told Ilya that she no longer needed girls. At four, he was taken to a building site behind the barracks, where there was a particularly brutal rape. Ilya was tied to her lantern on her knees and, after beating, had to satisfy the tormentors orally. The young man was then beaten again, this time insane.

Many youth soldiers do not stand up and commit suicide. According to official figures, the main cause of suicide is an unbalanced psyche. Some farewell letters have reached the suicide parents. So Alexei K. from Taganrog wrote: “Hi, Mom. The army made me a prostitute. Forgive me, I decided to put an end to my life. ”

>nothing happening

Stfu russia's cum toilet.

>Why are balts so racist?
We are not. Just hate Blacks and Muzzies.
Cool book...the good guy dies at the end, it's sort of like Bible in a way

Same thing goes on in Finland. We even have a name for it, Tupapillu.

There is prostitution in russian army where new soldiers are raped and then forced to fuck for money. What a army there


my fucking sides lmao XDDDDDDD
Not him but werent there literally russian conscripts captured in Donetsk who were tricked into crossing the border and then forced to fight?
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=yBs71ZQvW5U

Nice google pics

B-b-b-but there is no Russians there, Putin told us so!

wtf dudes i.ylilauta.org/0a/f0969c37.jpg

Im not talking shit

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btw those dudes in the video later died from russian military shooting at a convoy that they knew was transporting their own prisoners of war. Russian military sends young men to die for their interests but if things go south they deny everything and youre on your own

>someone criticizes russia
>russian flags immediately appear to refute claims
>someone posts proof of claims
>russian flags quickly evacuate

holy shit I thought ou were just memeing but its tru

I never meme. I always post the truth. It's been talked about alot in our news. I bet the russian flags here have been fucked in ass too, made a little girl prostitute in military

>In 2012, a draftee from Chelyabinsk region, Ruslan Aiderkhanov, was raped and tortured to death by his seniors.[6] The one witness who was willing to testify against the alleged perpetrators, Danil Chalkin, was later found shot dead in his military base.
lmao nigga what


I need videos

imagine going to serve your country and instead on the first day you will get tied to a lamp post behind barracks, fucked in ass, forced to suck dick, get a train run on whole squad taking turns, get pictures taken. on the second day officer tells you to start sucking dick for money or else he sends photos to mother and on 3rd day you are sucking dick for money. ahahahaha what a army, serving your country

military cocks...

This just proves that there is a squad of russians constantly obsessively patrolling this general lmao