#JusticeForIndak edition
The difference between Thanos and China? Thanos had to work hard and make sacrifices to get what he wanted. China didn't have to — because Duterte just handed them over like Dr. Strange did with the Time Gem. Unlike the Sorcerer Supreme, however, he doesn't have a plan to save us all. Only himself.
Don't bother talking to him. He's a robot who is unable to read social cues, posts the same things over and over with complete disregard for the current environment, and absolutely refuses to care about anything other than his obsessions.
Also cape shit cringe. Just like the poor and uneducated in Thailand are really into this children movies.
Do you think Asia Comic Con will ever come back? Considering they only started last year but appears not to be happening this year.
I doubt he's a shill. If he was, he'd be replying to others and arguing with them. But instead he just posts and replies to himself, with complete disregard for what others are doing.
Saan na si /ss/fag?
>banterfag's post is still up
>replies to his post are deleted
What's for breakfast lads?
A cup of black sumatran coffee
Also where did everyone go, thread seems pretty dead.
Indon normies are at Independence day carnival
I just woke up
SSfag are you in this thread?
was with a cute 14 year old.
too bad I didn't say anything
what did you do
Thank you, Thailand.
ano to
Pelikula ni Nadine na nilangaw.
nak mati
Academic freedom and critical thinking in state universities -
"By the same token, people in academe felt that those in government needed to understand that state universities are not like other government agencies. Indeed, they are supported by public funds, but they are also protected by their charters and codes, as well as by the law itself, from direct government interference in their academic functions. The government may not tell them what to teach or how to teach, and who to admit into instruction or who to graduate. These are decided by the appropriate academic bodies in these institutions of higher learning.
The UP and the PUP, or any university worth its name, do not exist to serve the needs of any given regime or political administration. They are open marketplaces for the broadest range of ideas and ideologies. A student’s most reliable shield against the seductions of any system of ideas, dogma or political persuasion is the capacity for critical thinking. This is a quality of mind that a university like UP takes pains to cultivate in its students as part of its core mission.
I don’t expect President Duterte or Sen. Bato dela Rosa to feel comfortable around UP students. No one who is used to exercising absolute authority, to being obeyed without question, will ever feel at ease dealing with someone with a critical mind. To the latter, every idea is open to doubt; you can’t invoke rank to win an argument. In matters of thought, the only force that a critical mind accepts is the force of the better argument.
The best universities have always been those that not only create and transmit cutting-edge knowledge, but also fulfill functions that strengthen democratic culture. “[T]he university has always fulfilled a task that is not easy to define,” writes the sociologist Jurgen Habermas; “today we would say that it forms the political consciousness of its students.”
tfw too bored to do work
tfw too lethargic to do fun things
why is sunday so draining
We had an Eid festival yesterday, was pretty good. There was good Malaysian food and live nasheed. Why do people like convert interviews though? I always find it cringe.
what do they mean by this?
No no no no...
No no no no...
pengen ngentot gan
>good "malaysian food"
>Indonesian food
Does it feel bad your culture gets degraded to a Garuda food truck selling to drunk bogans
Do you want to find love in East Borneo, indobros?
>Etnis Jawa 7.80%
How can we even compete?
>Etnis paling dominan di Kalimantan Timur yaitu etnis Jawa (30,24%) yang menyebar di hampir seluruh wilayah terutama daerah transmigrasi hingga daerah perkotaan. >Etnis terbesar kedua yaitu Bugis (20,81%)
Wikipedia summary is being shit
Everyone literally speaks Javanese there, user
they just love wh*toid to be muslim and perhaps wants to marry them.
which province she came from?
Balinese dress
a question to the Philippines
did you prefer the rule of MUTT BVLLS
or the current state of ch*nkoid economic slavery?
I mean, the dialect and her overlook.
Sounds like someone from East part around Papua
Another win for our country, we are either the "most" or "highest" in SEA
she sounds like Sabahan from the east coast/bordering Sulawesi
One of the main produtdut/marcos paid shill script narrative right now is to sacre monger us with war against chinks and say they are a going to nuke us.
flips dont get scared, we have nothing too loose, we just get even more angry.
>china 26% trust
I thought the Chinese made up the higher business and social classes in most Southeast Asian countries
or is it like jews in the west where they have outweighed influence but are hated/distrusted for their greed by everyone?
Yes, it's like jews
Based. Go big or go home.
the more you learn
thank you for educating me today
(a low iq wh*te dog)
can you give a rundown on the similarities of the "chosen peoples" and the Chinese in your area?
I've suddenly have an urge for girls wearing bikini. Mind posting some local girls like that?
>I know enough history to know that you are a modern foreign parasite transplanted by colonial powers. I know that your people were complicit in the exploitation of my people through cooperation in a system of racial hierarchy made by foreign colonizers. I know that your people gladly worked with a blood thirsty dictator for more money.
it is proven throughout history that overseas chinese are a despicable people with no loyalty or values whatsoever, and the longer they are allowed to stay, the more they will suck dry their host, like a mosquito.
What you'd use it for?
fuck this board
nice digits
>are you scared zhang?
That's a secret. Gimme more. It's hard finding stuff like this on google.
How do you make small talks? What topics are usually talked about?
"ada korek ga bang?"
No no no no
Ni hao
Gue nggak merokok
As a shy person with no kind of social ability, I've learned two things to survive through small talks. First, talk about yourself. If you can just continue until you feel that it's too much. Because talking about yourself is one thing that you are sure to be confident talking about. Second, ask questions about the other person. Let them talk. Get that burden off you. If they were the one to start asking. Go into detail with your answers. After I've learned this, social interactions are way easier. I'm still a wreck with women though.
Start with the weather and then ask about what they're doing or where they live and then use something to connect with them, "Oh I used to do that also, I know that place too etc"
Is it a secret service duties or should i just stop asking?
Okay, I'll tell you but don't laugh at me. It's actually nothing that important. I just wanted to test the deepnude program I got on /t/. These low quality pictures aren't working that good though.
Oh yeah, you'll need a good pictures, I don't have any.
Really? Damn it. I thought any picture would work. Local girls wearing bikini's is really hard to find though. I already tried googling for it.
>ask about what they're doing or where they live
What if they replied with "mind your own business"?
By complaining about something, anything. Weather, smoke, crowd, poverty. Whatever. People will always agree with anything you complain
try these
That's why you start with the weather first.
"Lebatnya hujan"
"Wah panas betul hari ni"
If they replied to you and add even more to that the you can proceed. If they just smile or ignore you then don't proceed. People here won't say "mind your own business", at most they just say "oh nothing" which is a signal that they're not interested in having a conversation.
how can a filthy, unwashed, 23 yr old army vet with a biochem degree and ptsd access these females? is being a wh*toid and having bullet scars on my upper chest and shoulder going to spook them like it does to American females?
Sports, especially murican sports. Start in order with NFL -> NBA -> MLB. If none of above works you can finally talk about EPL.
Do you have money? Go to Bali and talk to the girls that wear bikini. Usually those are sluts are always looking for white guys to fuck.
how much do i need?
i have $168,000 saved up and dont want to waste it
how much would it cost to spend a year in bali being a sexpat BVLL and will the locals hate me for it
If it's more than a month better go to Thailand. Cheaper and the girls are almost as cute. There you are less likely to get the wrath of the locals as sexpats are one of their main source of income.
thank you
truly southeast asia has always been our greatest allies
>turning Singapore landlocked
Based and REDpilled
Thanks man. This deepnude stuff is actually pretty overrated. None of the stuff actually look real unless you have a really high quality photo which is kind of hard to get anyway. The media really overblown the stuff.
Not only does it need to be high quality, it also need to show the body in the right angle (front facing and also need to show lots of skin for it to work properly. Fuck, was this something that had the media in a frenzy? The thing they are so scared of?