If I were Germoney, I'd be first to leave this mess, and save my tax money along with it

If I were Germoney, I'd be first to leave this mess, and save my tax money along with it

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Its weird man. We have so many options if you look at a global perspective (good relations with Russia and China) but we are tied to this shithole with NATO and EU. We could flip the whole world order upside down if we wanted to, I dont know if people, even germans, really realize this



should rename denmark to that

The system is design to make Germany richer.

So you guys joined only in 1995 together with Fingols but a decade later Germretards started expanding on Balkans of all places

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Norwegians rejected this shithole and you were close enough though

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>We could flip the whole world order upside down if we wanted to
Yeah and then get gangraped from all sides again.
We couldn't beat the rest of the world when we were at the height of our power, and now we are far from that.

Germany is trapped in the EU, because the alternative is utter isolation in europe. Again. And we know how that story ends.

we dont have to start a war... I mean purely economically and who we are tied to. Whoever starts a war will have the rest of the world on their ass

>we dont have to start a war.
Its cute you think we get a choice. You thought we had a choice to just not go to war in 1914, and just let Russia steamroll Austria, so the french could pick us off even more isolated under some later pretense?
If anyone gets too big in europe, everyone else will dogpile them.
The mechanisms and dynamics of power in europe haven't changed. No one will allow hegemonial power to arise on the continent, so our only chance is to stay shackled in the EU to buffer the impact of our size and economic power. Or get cut down again. It'd be economic, diplomatic and at some point under some pretense military. Or we will find some baffling secessionism become unusually well-funded and supported by media propaganda.

The struggle for power hasn't magically stopped in europe. The french more than proved that when they used reunification to blackmail us into adopting the euro, for the express purpose of trying to diminish our strength by robbing us of our currency.

I feel like you lost your potential to future USA

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>We could flip the whole world order
We make other countries sell their independance for money. That's the best we can do without treading on Uncle Sam's feet. Otherwise, we would have to build up a respectable army.

>implying Germany would give away it's position of power over the EU

i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>No Fixit

One job

>Its cute you think we get a choice.
nukes exist and no one is ballsy enough to pull the trigger

Leave Denmark alone.

Nukes don't do shit in any conflict that matters.
We're not gonna use them in our own neighbourhood nor will anyone else. And the war will start long long before any troops move.

the FR"G" Ltd doesn't exist to serve it's staff, the staff is there to work and pay for the holocaust lie, eastern and southern eurooe gibs and non european gibs
here's the quick rundown on it
no free speech, you get arrested immediately for thinking wrongly or showing any sign of patriotism
rape and murder occuring daily
60% taxes
shitty infrastructure, public health and education, despite sky high taxes, because all money gets used on replacement of the native population so we can import 85 IQ cheap work force
jewish overlords run the government
muslim overlords run the streets
public transport NEVER arrives on time
worse internet than for example Albania
no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
no military or borders, so this "country" would be overrun by some savages within a week

>Nukes don't do shit in any conflict that matters.We're not gonna use them in our own neighbourhood nor will anyone else. And the war will start long long before any troops move.
thats the whole point. There will be no wars between major powers anymore, its only fought on an economic and diplomatic scale exactly because of nukes

>no guns so we can't even defend ourselves
The only one you can blame for that is yourself. Getting a permit and guns is easy as fuck if you don't have a criminal record.

There is still conventional wars even with nukes, don't kid yourself. People won't nuke eachother the moment troops start moving.

>designed to hold Germany down*

yeah but no one will attack you if you treathen to nuke them if they do.... its all about the threat, just look at North Korea

The Euro was invented by the french, to buffer down our ecconomical strength.


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I blame the rich

>If I were Germoney, I'd be first to leave this mess, and save my tax money along with it

... and spend this tax money on building Nord Stream 3 so the ruskie had more resources to spend on its militaristic and neoimperialist adventurism in europe. Great idea.

>Nord Stream 3
Really a great idea

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What does the article say? Not going to give them money.