
what could we in the west do to help Hong Kong regain harmony?

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Drag your dick through miles upon miles of broken glass. Then you have to kiss Chinas ass whilst on your knees, and beg them to spare Hong Kong and let them be free. It's the only way left


MAD will bring harmony to all

Disgusting propaganda.

>facts that disagree with my opinion are propaganda

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I pray they don't stay silent so they all get mowed down


>mongol defending his overlords
like pottery

>protesters did not throw rock
>protesters did not attack the police
>protesters did not impede traffic
>protesters did not torture a chinese reporter

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Nuke China and behead xi jing Ping on National Television, its the only way to save Hong kong

Based Hong Kong should take over it all

Chink Kong

there is nothing worse than farming sympathy from foreign countries when "fighting for independence".

care more for taiwanese independence

Pff sick of how this shit is being reported in the euro media
its literally no different from the catalonian issue, and there too the police just beat the violent rebels and everyone agreed they shouldnt be independant

the french police does far worse things to the gilets jaunets on a daily basis than some chinamen enforcers with a baton.

just sensationalism and westen imperialism

there is only one china and thats china, not hong kong or taiwan. just china!

Are you illiterate? That shit in OP is pro-china propaganda.
Good. The more rocks an authoritarian government gets thrown at it, the better.
Good. The more cops are attacked and killed, the fewer remain to trample on citizens' human rights.
Good. The more the situation worsens, the higher the chance that it spreads to rest of china.
Good. Pro-government shills should all get the same treatment.

spoken like a true terrorist
At least you admit those items are facts. That's an improvement I suppose

Opposing any government isn't terrorism, regardless of how many government officials you kill, and I dispute the final line.

>I suicide-bombed the market in opposition to American imperialism
>totally not terrorism at all
spoken like a true terrorist

When did I say anything about suicide bombing markets to oppose "american imperialism", or about it not being terrorism?

you said using violence to advance a political agenda was not terrorism if it were against any government.
Terrorists always suffer from cognitive dissonance

I have all the reason in the world to believe you're mentally retarded if you support the Hong Kong protests.

Imagine supporting liberal college students, but not just that, college students that think if they try hard enough they'll be the next Tiananmen

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Yes, it isn't terrorism if you're against a government, kill government officials, and not use indiscriminate attacks.

Ambushing a cop on a patrol and putting his head on a spike = not terrorism, because it's specific and targets an enemy combatant.

Suicide bombing a market full of civillians = terrorism, because it's indiscriminate and targets non-combatants.


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fuck the glow nigger orchestrated protests
based XI will dab on these treasonous libtards

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>a cop is on government payroll so he is therefore a combatant
>as are social workers, postmen, journalists, teachers
solid logic there.
> if civilians die during an attack, they are just collateral damages anyway.
>if we try and civilians still die, it's a shame
terrorism 101

>enemy combatant.

Give it back to the British.

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There's nothing we can do. They're just delaying the inevitable. A few years of random terror attacks from seething HKers then it's just normal apathetic china. HKers already left during the handover, and more are leaving again. The place will just be those who don't care and mainlanders left.

fuck these protests, they are fucking retarded. hong kong belongs to china

Everyone on government payroll is logistical support for the policemen, who are the primary combatants. Would it be against rules of engagement to kill enemy mechanics?

I have never advocated killing civillians.

War, by its definition, is use of force to accomplish political goals. Cops, by definition, actively use force to further the goals of their government. If you oppose the government, they are enemy combatants, and there is nothing wrong with killing them.

>what can we in the west do to help Hong Kong regain harmony
nuke beijing. the central chinese government is probably the most evil organization on the planet

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give it back to britain, there were obviously more happy under them than under china

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Kill the CIA niggers and kill Anglos

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>the teachers educated future combatants. Kil them too.
>the sons of the policemen will avenge their fathers and are therefore counter-revolutionary. Kill them too.
>their spouses provide emotional support and indirectly on the payroll of the governments. Kill them too.
>retirees on welfare will always vote to main the state. Kill them too.