propa slags edish
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i NEED to shag!
I vant to suck your blood. Bleh
feel violently ill at the thought of the toil night out next week
im just going to be sitting by myself not talking to anyone
thinking of just not turning up even if people will think im an arsehole
glad he's been blacklisted racist old cunt
ye but the bell curve literally shows there's einstein tier nigs out there
you are the cunt
hope i dont become stupid/racist when im old
wanna go space
hairberg keeps telling me about his retirement plans
What kind of pubes do girls like on guys?
you are the stupid cunt
not him
Had a good laugh at the new T1 video
The mans a natural entertainer
might make some cheese and crackers
Guy has more brains than your entire family line put together. Hush
yes yes you are the wise one and the nobel prize winner is the fool
bald style mate
hairberg is also doing a number on me
nice photoshopped image mate heh
>implying implications
post fash twinks
morning lad
look at her
Neck yourself bender
Farting up a storm lads and they're really loud. hope I don't disturb anybody.
who's this cunt?
Really? Wouldn't that look a bit weird
The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) is an image of a small region of space in the constellation Fornax, containing an estimated 10,000 galaxies.
Located southwest of Orion in the southern-hemisphere constellation Fornax, the rectangular image is 2.4 arcminutes to an edge,[3] or 3.4 arcminutes diagonally. This is approximately one tenth of the angular diameter of a full moon viewed from Earth (which is less than 34 arcminutes),[4] smaller than 1 sq. mm piece of paper held at 1 meter away, and equal to roughly one twenty-six-millionth of the total area of the sky.
youve just been HURT feelings and BUTT ranged, go drink ur moms bredt milk u fart commander
i bet u have a fetish
ur just so made all the time, its 2 easy 23 own u
"i lik to drinkj sperm from my sperm bottle while waring my sperm necklace" - u
only one way to find out
back when he didn't have alzheimers or whatever you'd be right
simply shan't be clicking
Wales has the slaggiest slags of any corner of the UK
You only have to go one night out in Cardiff and you'll know it's true
Who are your top three role models that you strive to emulate in your day to day life?
he was right then and is still right now
>sister drunk texting me mid wank
love you guys
good beer
Why would I go on a night out in Cardiff? Why? What's the point?
gagging for it
go on its good
Sargon of Akkad, Paul Joseph Watson, Ben Shapiro.
tastes like piss tbqh
Post more will you
funny that you've never had a gf
wonder why
the gf
remember lads
I go to uni there
Mistakes have been made
He made those comments 12 years ago and he doesn't have alzheimers
Guess what, lots of scientists know the truth about race and IQ but they won't risk their careers, when they've only got a few years left the truth that we all know comes out
im a deluded freak and i belong in an oven
wouldn't click it if you paid me
she done any hardcore stuff yet?
But James Watson was right
Destroy any libtards lately?
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Geobbles
Leon Degrelle
think i had this atlas when i was a young'un
Well you might but I divvent so shut the fuck up
that lass is actually holding together well. would love to see her with her kit off
*smooches you*
give it a click
leftypols god was a racist
What the fuck is a divvent?
hess > geobbles
god damn it. waiting on a few parcels as well.
Stfu you spacker divvent reply tom e
Every day.
giz a kiss!
DAAAAAAMN British girls look like that?
Brapping about in my room, nearly took off and went to Mars before
any pussy peaks of her?
Got Canadian citizenship. In a few years I think I'm gonna go to British Columbia, in anticipation for the Pacific North-West Cascadian white ethnostate.
stay mad rorkepol, im sure your fee fees about blacks being bad are just as important as the facts
Steven Wright
Albert Camus
Hou Hsiao Hsien
I want to wrap my tongue around your testes
Monty you blathering cunt!
>brapping about
might travel to Ontario, Canada
i have distant relatives that own a barn there and i
could help them on the barn with farming and such
leftypol loves science as long as it doesn't go against his pre conceived notions
Makes you think doesn't it
hello de lads
1) lei feng
2) lei feng
3) lei feng
yes but they age like milk
M8 do you really believe that say abos have the same IQ as the nips?
Want to shag the manageress at work so bad, she's always making it so I have to rub my body against her arse as I get past. Or constantly getting in my way so I have to barge past her or she has to touch me. Would pin her down and shag the fuck out of her but she's got a kid and a boyfriend
aha yeah it really does
Hi honey :)
Leftypol needs humans to be blank slates, entirely programmed by society or "culture", or else his evil social engineering theories can't possibly work
One! The parent is absolute. Their will must be obeyed.
Two! The master is absolute. You give your life to keep him safe. You bring him back at any cost.
Three! Fear is absolute. There is no shame in losing one battle. But you must take revenge by any means necessary!