45 percent of Americans admit they wear same underwear for 2 days or more in row

>45 percent of Americans admit they wear same underwear for 2 days or more in row
1. Your cunt
2. Do you do this?

I am wearing my undies for the 4th day in a row now. Feels gud man

Attached: Underwear.jpg (1540x1028, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>wearing the same underwear for 1 year, 3 months and 13 days

Attached: 99721476.jpg (500x500, 70K)

>wearing stolen panties

Attached: pepe bismol.jpg (737x737, 46K)

I don't wear underwear.

Do Americans leave skidmarks on their undies?



Unironically wish I had a bf who would let me huff them

Unfortunately the southeastern US is a horrible place to be if you want a bf (I'm not in Florida).

Attached: 1538178353160.gif (600x338, 2.16M)

I've had NEET streaks of not taking baths (although admittedly washing myself in the stink zones) for months but I always change my undies daily.

I wear my underwear for 72 hours then sell it to my homosexual neighbor for double the price

I only go outside once every two weeks and I wear fresh underwear every time
At home I don't wear clothes at all apart from wool socks

Do people really do this? Even if I run out of clean underwear, I'll wear clean gym shorts as underwear.

>At home I don't wear clothes at all apart from wool socks
>I'll wear clean gym shorts as underwear.
This is weirder than wearing undies for days, desu

Why would I wear clothes when I'm at home?

What, because of the homophobia from Baptists and Evangelicals?

Around 4 days now as well. It's about time I showered.

It's more the wool socks inside that's bizarre

I did this but bought entirely disposable outfits so I didn't need to do laundry

My feet get cold easily

Unironically yes
You won't get beaten up or anything, but your family will meet you with staunch disapproval and you'll hurt them if they find out

2. I don’t wear underwear.

Yeah I've read that those two denominations in particular are a bit backwards when it comes to gays.

No I don't do it. I think the only time I willingly wore underwear for more than 1 day was when I went to a music festival. Although come to think of it I might have changed my underwear while keeping the rest of my clothes the same. Can't remember. Actually I might have swapped my shirts on different days too. I don't think I showered but I think I might have changed clothes actually.

The only other times I think I wore underwear for a second day was when I was a teenager and sometimes I stayed over people's houses if we got drunk that night. Sometimes I didn't play to stay out so I didn't have a change of clothes. But then as soon as I got home the next day I had a shower and changed clothes.

So yeah, I don't do it. It's fucking disgusting. Wear some clean underwear for fuck's sake.

You mean based

I have a picture of my undies with a full blown thick shart, but last time I posted it I got banned

Link to it on imgur or something. I haven't fapped today.

It's vile..the are Hanes boxer briefs

Just post it or link it or something.

t. Cletus al-Muhammad

Enjoy burning in hell.

i change my undies everyday but i might wear t shrt for 2 days if im lazy


The link doesn't work.

samefag get over yourself nobody cares about your opinion

New link

Same thing. Try linking to the image directly.

>americans don't know what a bidet is
Imagine the smell

I wear my underwear for a couple days in a row, however I wash out my ass with soap and water after I shit, and rinse my dick after I pee.
I also don't sleep in that same pair, and shower every morning.

I don't wear underwear, but I do wear the same pair of pants 2 days consecutively
I hope no one notices

Attached: 1564073139554.jpg (391x348, 20K)

I only bathe after a take a shit, and I take a shit every two or three days. I only change my underwear after a bath. It's pointless to change your undies if your buttcrack is still sweaty and your dick still got cheese on it.

1. Flag
2. Yes, but only for 3 days maximum.

I never bathe without taking a shower afterwards, otherwise you don't rinse off the poo-water

Attached: 00561318fd79ecc9f601324f05c30e14-imagejpeg.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Yes but 2 days is my max.

I pretty much wear the same pair of undies until they feel/smell too disgusting then thrown then in the corner of the room to be eventually thrown away six months or so later. It could be a four days, it could be a week, it could be months at a time.