
This country has the highest GDP per capita in the entire world.

What goes on here? And have any of you ever seen a Liechtensteiner on Jow Forums? I think I may have done but their population is so tiny which probably explains why I normally never see them.

Attached: liechtenstein.png (1280x768, 38K)

you're welcome

Fun fact: edgy artist H.R. Giger is not from Liechtenstein, but he lived in Eastern Switzerland in the town of Chur, which is only like 15 miles away.

Thanks mate, I've asked him some questions because I'm curious.

Never even heard of the guy.

He designed the Alien from the Alien movies. That's his big claim to fame.

Along with this, he was a classic edgelord kind of guy, making artworks of skulls, inverted pentagrams, sex organs, things like that. He always wore black on top of it.

Liechtenstein = Jeffrery Epstein

It's how all of Germany would be if we still were a monarchy

Tax haven and bank stuff, it’s got a tiny population as well. Monarchy still has power unlike the rest of Europe from what I understand.


Greatest country in the world
One day I will live there

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Liechtenstein.svg.png (1200x720, 36K)

not Qatar or Monaco?


I am ready for anything, if only to obtain the citizenship of this country

I know a few in real life and I've seen one on Jow Forums

Very rarely they post in English and everybody Flagspergs over it. Somewhat more frequently they post in /deutsch/. Vaduz was and the people in it were very nice but a little boring. There.

How did this country come to existence?

They're a remnant from earlier times when many countries were split up like that, they never united with and of the other little ones

The family Liechtenstein was a minor noble family who’s land bound them to the Hapsburgs under feudal law. They tried to get around this by acquiring a small amount of land that didn’t technically belong to anyone except the holy Roman emperor himself and this enabled them more power within HRE. They then sucked the dick of the emperor until it was granted principality status in the 1700’s.

I know there was a Liechtensteiner on here earlier today.
I've been to Liechtenstein and it's a very comfy cunt. The people there are friendly, the scenery is beautiful, and it has a very nice atmosphere.
It's pretty much like a tiny Switzerland and I love it.

Why do you guys want to live there? It's boring as fuck.


Thanks, sounds like they got a bit lucky