Imagine living in a country with the same GDP PPP per capita as Mississippi. How do you cope?

Imagine living in a country with the same GDP PPP per capita as Mississippi. How do you cope?

Attached: 1280px-European_countries_as_US_states_by_GDP_PPP_per_capita,_2018.jpg (1280x1343, 244K)

You seem VERY obsessed today fren

Jesus, is this pic real? I though Estonia would be higher than fucking Slovakia

>What is GDP
the post

no one knows what a "missishitti" is europoor, why would they care?

ITT dumb americans


*stomps foot on the ground, plays the 12-string*
Take me back to Slovenia, mama
Das the place dat I was born in
Well I been down on the farm so long
And I just can't take no more of it

All I see are buttmad europeans

wtf i thought italy was first world