Imagine living in a country with the same GDP PPP per capita as Mississippi. How do you cope?
Imagine living in a country with the same GDP PPP per capita as Mississippi. How do you cope?
Lucas Rivera
Carter Clark
You seem VERY obsessed today fren
Owen Mitchell
Jesus, is this pic real? I though Estonia would be higher than fucking Slovakia
David Bennett
>What is GDP
the post
Isaac Carter
no one knows what a "missishitti" is europoor, why would they care?
Alexander Richardson
ITT dumb americans
Hudson Robinson
Isaiah Garcia
*stomps foot on the ground, plays the 12-string*
Take me back to Slovenia, mama
Das the place dat I was born in
Well I been down on the farm so long
And I just can't take no more of it
Jace Sanders
All I see are buttmad europeans
Jacob Howard
wtf i thought italy was first world