Carthage should have won

Carthage should have won.

Attached: First_Punic_War_264_BC_v2.png (800x473, 39K)

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t. modern day carthage

May I ask you why ??

We're the modern Rome, Nigel, and don't forget it.

shartage was fundamentally a plutocratic shitshow that stabbed Hannibal in the back because he was doing too well.

Rome mobilized its everyman. Its why they built such a large empire to begin with. This and better heavy infantry. Shartage would never achieve that, elephants were a band aid for their deficiencies on land.

Wait, Chalmers is from Carthage?

Attached: steam clams.png (1474x768, 1.04M)

Rome didn't have a banking cartel own its central bank

Why should they have won?

>former colony
>naval power
>allies in the levant
>filled with iberians
>weird religious rituals with babies
Sure ok.

Rome was good in direct land wars. You're overwhelmingly navy reliant and I'm not sure if you could even beat Russia on their turf.

Your democracy is at this time also a complete facade, with plutocrats at the wheel. Even late republican Rome was more responsive to the electorate.

Big families were the central banks

True.. true... but they had something worse (and may Quirinus forgive me for saying their name): Gayreeks

There are more Poopoopeepeepoloulou's in the USA than Rome

There are no Hellenes in Rome, very few of us worship Hellenic gods.

Byblians or Arvadians should've colonized Africa instead of T*rians

>[this is what fatniks actually believe]
Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace our Christian Tsardom.

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Go back there then.

>chrukan caliphate of rum

I would've, but there's so many uninseminated German women remain lusting for Russian cock since their grandmothers told them about it.

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>Pope worshipper has spoken
Shut up, heretic.

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Based. Westerners should not forget who is Rome now

More like G A R B A G E

> our Christian Tsardom
Except you murdered your Tsar and then purged Christianity for over half a century.

A Russia allied with the west under a conditional monarchy would have been so beautiful. Sadly it was not meant to be.

China is Rome. Prepare your anus

*constitutional monarchy

>worship tsars, who yank your patriachs by the beard like dogs
>ivan the coward is an orthodox saint

>*nglo-s*xon "education"
Know your place under the Orthodox boot.

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Ivan is not the saint, it was only suggested by some activists, retarded pzsek

Shitskin behavior, I'm a bit disappointed, but fortunately I know you don't represent the glorious russian mindset thanks God.

>t. Strasbourg resident

Attached: german ecstasy.png (1225x908, 518K)

I'm wondering what's your actual ethnical background. Finally you're probably not even russian.

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Ah ok. I have a high opinion on siberian people, please, stop ternishing it.

Russia's so great there's a dozen Ruskies everywhere else for every Ruski in Russia

>Judging peoples by banter on Jow Forums/int/
Stop acting vulnerable, French are better than it.

The empire will grow larger. Meanwhile, the only area where the Polish is spoken fluently is German brothels and English lavatories.

Attached: Russian-Language-Map.png (1425x625, 54K)

Factually the opposite is true for Russians.
Unlike for Poles lol.