You think racism will (almost) end in our lifetime?

you think racism will (almost) end in our lifetime?

Attached: 1564157959211.gif (500x263, 2.17M)

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not while I’m alive

are you on your death bed?

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I would say it's getting worse with this burger identity politics and how everyone now must feel special and entitled

Yes racism is dying, soon we will all make love to each others and race will disappears

Attached: ).png (1280x720, 648K)

No? People are about to genetically modify the shit out of each otehr and uplift animals.

If anything nonracism will become extinct as people come into contact with walking talking mental abortions created by some kind of mistake or to abuse politics, economy or for shits and giggles (imagine uplifted chimps that have all their instincts but human cognition, Tolkien's orks would be less annoying).

>one shot in life
>not born a black man in europe
wtf I hate god now

i think in 2100 there will be no more racism

It's always Germashit posters who make those threads.